tandfonline.com – Can digital badges strengthen religious ethnic-cultural identity in a religious education setting?

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Through interviews with student participants and evidence submitted to earn digital badges, a number of indicators suggest that a religious school’s digital badges can provide opportunity to strengthen religious identity. In particular, student interviews and evidence supplied for the completion of learning objectives for digital badges indicate increases of religious salience (compared to secular practices), religious commitment within a community, and self-esteem based on religious identity. Recommendations are made for ongoing and future religious badge implementations on how to strengthen religious identity while meeting the requirements of authentic, quality assessments. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Using Competency-Based Evaluation to Drive Teacher Excellence: Lessons from Singapore. Building an Opportunity Culture for America’s Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The United States’ education system needs to take its critical next step: fairly and accurately measuring teacher performance. Successful reforms to teacher pay, career advancement, professional development, retention, and other human capital systems that lead to better student outcomes depend on it. Where can the U.S. find the best-practice know-how for this? To start, it should look to nations that have revamped teacher performance measurement to sustain teaching excellence, and Singapore offers a remarkable example. In the early 2000s, the small but racially and economically diverse nation of Singapore designed and implemented a new, performance-linked method of measuring teacher effectiveness that enables measurement of teachers in all subjects and grades. Singapore had already developed a high-performing education system. But as global economic opportunities for its citizens increased,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Reaching Further and Learning More? Evaluating Public Impact’s “Opportunity Culture” Initiative. Working Paper 181

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Public Impact’s “Opportunity Culture” (OC) initiative provides a suite of models aimed at extending the reach of highly effective teachers and has partnered with school districts to implement these interventions in schools. Using administrative data from three partner school districts that collectively include 44 OC schools, we estimate the relationship between OC staffing models and student achievement in math and reading. We find that the bulk of exposed students received treatment under OC’s multiclassroom leadership model, in which a master teacher with demonstrated effectiveness intensively leads and coaches a team of teachers, and that these students scored higher in math in all specifications. In reading, while most specifications find positive and significant learning gains for students taught by team teachers, the specification that performs best in our… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Rocketship Education: Pioneering Charter Network Innovates Again, Bringing Tech Closer to Teachers. An Opportunity Culture Case Study

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: When Rocketship Education, a pioneering, rapidly expanding charter school network, looked at its results, it could have rested on its laurels. With seven schools in California together ranking as the top public school system for low-income elementary students, Rocketship had proof that its blended-learning model–combining online learning with face-to-face instruction–works. But next year, Rocketship leaders will fix a disconnect they see between what happens in the online learning lab and the classroom, to give teachers more control over the students’ digital learning and further individualize the teaching. Instead of reporting to a separate computer lab, fourth- and fifth-graders will move within an open, flexible classroom between digital learning and in-person instruction, with those moves based on their individual needs and the roles that specific teachers are best… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Charlotte, N.C.’s Project L.I.F.T.: One Teacher’s View of Becoming a Paid Teacher-Leader. An Opportunity Culture Case Study

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Romain Bertrand is a middle school math teacher and Opportunity Culture enthusiast. As the 2012-13 school year wound down, he was already thoroughly looking forward to the next–when he will become a multi-classroom leader at Ranson IB Middle School, taking accountability for the learning results of 700 students. At Ranson, a Project L.I.F.T. school in Charlotte, N.C., Bertrand sees the opportunities of its new Opportunity Culture–to extend the reach of excellent teachers to more students, for more pay, and develop other teachers–giving him and others exactly the sort of recognition and respect he says teachers now sorely lack. Bertrand grew up in Avignon, in the south of France, the son of teachers who both went on to become principals. After teaching middle school math in France for… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Speaking of tradition: how the Ngoni talk about value maintenance and change

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper presents results from an ethnographically informed study based on focus group discussions where rural Ngoni farmers in the southern highlands of Tanzania voice their ideas about their cultural heritage, with a special focus on attitudes towards Ngoni culture and cultural changes. With a model based on Ehala [2009. “Connecting the Individual and Cultural Level Value Analysis: The Case of Utilitarianism vs. Traditionalism.” Journal of Human Values 15 (2): 107–118; Ehala, Martin. 2010. “Refining the Notion of Ethnolinguistic Vitality.” International Journal of Multilingualism 7 (4): 363–378. doi:10.1080/14790711003637094] this study investigates the relationship between the ideological system of a community and the social system of this community. This in-group perspective contributes to insight into values systems of rituals,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Experiment Check of the Efficiency of the Historical Component Formation in Teacher’s Mathematical Methodological Culture

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: When teachers do not know the history of science well, when they misunderstand and underestimate its educational importance, it becomes a serious obstacle for the improvement of their methodological skills. This paper has a goal to describe author’s method how to teach the history of mathematics. This method is aimed at training math teacher’s profession-oriented qualities. These qualities form a historical component of teacher’s culture of mathematics and methodology. Besides, the paper describes the techniques and results of experimental tests for the efficiency of this method. These materials can be useful for teachers who create a cultural and historical atmosphere on math lessons at school and for university teachers who use historical mathematical ideas in their work. Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Implementing Active Learning Department Wide: A Course Community for a Culture Change

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT A course community (CC) was formed to facilitate the implementation of active-learning materials in the Introductory Statistics course at a large southeastern U.S. university. Instructors met every two weeks for the semester before and the semester of the implementation. The CC helped instructors improve their content knowledge and pedagogical skills. Results show improvement in teacher attitudes and in student scores. Link til kilde