Eric.ed.gov – Alabama Education News. Volume 27, Number 9

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “Alabama Education News” is published monthly except for June, July, and December by the Alabama Department of Education. This publication, authorized by Section 16-2-4 of the “Code of Alabama”, as recompiled in 1975, is a public service of the Alabama Department of Education designed to inform citizens and educators about programs and goals of public education in Alabama. This issue contains the following articles: (1) Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative Plays a Starring Role in Boosting Student Achievement; (2) 2004-2005 Teacher of the Year Named; (3) Power the Classroom with APTPLUS: Free Online Media-Rich Resources to Enhance Teaching!; and (4) What’s Juicy and Sweet and Fun to Eat? Alabama’s New Official State Fruit, The Blackberry. Regular features include: (1) Good News in Alabama Schools; (2) Awards,… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Seeking understanding of the textbook-based character of Finnish education

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article provides a critical exploration of the textbook-based character of Finnish educational culture. The opening section points to the need to recognize and better understand the role of textbooks in Finnish education. The next section outlines how and why textbooks have become a characterizing feature of Finnish educational culture before addressing different ways in which pupils and student-teachers are socialized into textbook-based practices of schooling. The later sections critically consider the importance of textbooks as part of Finnish education, as well as the implications for educational research, the ongoing development of Finnish education and in particular teacher education. This study suggests that a more clearly explicated understanding of text-based educational cultures is needed to better understand the… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The impact of specialised content courses on student teaching in a Norwegian teacher education programme

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT In recent decades, most Nordic countries have seen reforms in their teacher education programme, giving rise to an ongoing debate on these programmes’ content, structure, and quality. As part of a recent reform of teacher education in Norway, new Master’s-level programme have been introduced to educate teachers for grades 5–10, whereby pre-service teachers (PSTs) take specialised content courses and undergo field placements twice a year. The purpose of this paper is to determine the effects of the specialised content courses on student teaching. In this study, we used a survey design to collect quantitative data from PSTs and qualitative data from mentor teachers. PSTs teaching subjects they specialised in had a more positive teaching experience related to perceived… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Talking with U.S. Secretary of Education: Margaret Spellings

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This summer, “Instructor’s” Editor in Chief, Bernadette Grey, traveled to Washington, D.C., for an exclusive one-on-one meeting with the U.S. Department of Education’s high-profile leader, Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings. Appointed by President Bush, Spellings is responsible for the overall direction, supervision, and coordination of activities and functions as the Chief Operating Officer for the entire Department. Spellings, who replaced the controversial Rod Paige earlier this year, has been focused thus far on implementing No Child Left Behind and on sharing the stories of improved test scores in many American school districts. Charming and tenacious, she also made it clear that she feels a special bond with teachers and wants and needs them on her side. This article presents the conversation between Grey and Spellings wherein they… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Mapping the Road to College: First-Generation Students’ Math Track, Planning Strategies, and Context of Support. Statistical Analysis Report. Postsecondary Education Descriptive Analysis Reports.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This publication compares first-generation students (i.e., those whose parents have no more than a high school education) with their peers whose parent or parents attended college. It focuses on mathematics course taking–the effectiveness of taking algebra in 8th grade and advanced math courses in high school for subsequent college enrollment–and planning strategies students used to prepare for college. The report also examines the involvement of students’ parents, teachers, and other “institutional agents” capable of helping them prepare for college. The results of the study offer both negative and positive findings concerning the experiences of first-generation students. On the negative side, even after controlling for measures of academic achievement, family income, family structure (single versus two parents), and other related characteristics, first-generation students were less likely than their… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Improving Math and Science Assessment. Report on the Secretary’s Third Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (Washington, DC, September 20-21, 1993).

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The third conference on improving mathematics and science assessment brought together more than 550 educators, researchers, and policymakers. Recommendations and information from the conference are incorporated into this report. Conference consensus was that students must recognize that there is more to assessment than grades and scores and begin to see assessment as a crucial and integral part of education. They should assume increasing responsibility for documenting and reflecting on their own progress as they move through school. Parents and the public must hold high expectations for instruction and for student participation. Teachers will hold all students, regardless of their backgrounds, to high standards and will recognize that assessment cannot be separated from learning. Principals and other administrators must oversee the reform of mathematics and science assessment and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teaching and Learning Conditions Are Critical to the Success of Students and the Retention of Teachers. Final Report on the 2006 Teaching and Learning Conditions Survey to the Clark County School District and Clark County Education Association

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Emerging research from across the nation demonstrates that school working conditions–time, teacher empowerment, school leadership, professional development, and facilities and resources–are critical to increasing student achievement and retaining teachers. The existing national data regarding working conditions impact on student achievement and teacher turnover provided a meaningful impetus for the Clark County School District of Nevada (CCSD) and its schools to conduct a survey to gather data with which to inform local working condition reform strategies. By placing the perceptions of Clark County educators at the center of school and district efforts to better recruit and retain teachers, the goal is to create a stable teaching force that allows for a high quality teacher in every classroom across the district. Analysis of the approximately 8,500 survey responses (representing… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Perspectives as a Framework for Strengthening Teacher Education. Draft.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This presentation reports on the third phase of research associated with the Teacher as Decision Maker Program (TADMP), a graduate-level program for middle/secondary school certification at Indiana University. Seven teacher perspectives have emerged from the study of 86 individuals from the fields of science, English, foreign language, math, and social studies: (1) Scholar Psychologist; (2) Friendly Scholar; (3) Inculcator; (4) Facilitator of Thinking; (5) Friendly Pedagogue; (6) Empowerer, and (7) Nurturer. The latest research explores the utility of these teacher perspectives as a tool for strengthening self-reflection on teaching among TADMP students. The paper describes and analyzes the impact of four interventions based on the perspectives: (1) initial reflections; (2) choosing a center and gaining confidence; (3) reflecting back on perspectives and teaching; and (4) confirming and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Where Teacher Education Students Agree: Beliefs Widely Shared before Teacher Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A survey of prospective teachers’ beliefs about teaching mathematics and writing to diverse learners was conducted for the purpose of improving teacher education programs. Respondents were 319 elementary education students, 71 prospective secondary math teachers, 52 prospective teachers of secondary English, 23 noneducation math majors, and 19 noneducation English majors. Although there is much diversity between and among the subjects, there were some areas of consensus. In answering questions about student diversity, the respondents did not endorse stereotypes about gender differences or differences in content appropriate for students from different family backgrounds. In responding to questions about what would be helpful in learning to teach, they gave the expected endorsement of experience, as well as high ratings for classes of questions about generic and subject-specific teaching methods.… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Is worldview education achieved in schools? A study of Finnish teachers’ perceptions of worldview education as a component of basic education

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT In recent years, the concept of ‘worldview’ has resurfaced into the forefront of the international debate among scholars of religious education. With this study, we aim to contribute to the discussion with empirical material having a focus on worldview education in whole school education. The study deals with the Finnish teachers’ perceptions of worldview education in basic education. Teachers (N = 110) responded to a questionnaire concerning their experiences on how they feel about worldview education, how they deal with it and where does worldview education take place in schools according to teachers. The questionnaire included both quantitative and qualitative sections. According to the results, it appears that teachers consider worldview education to be relatively important in schools and… Continue Reading