tandfonline.com – Multilingual socialisation in education (M-SOC): educator engagement and potential for collective action

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Multilingual socialisation in education (M-SOC): educator engagement and potential for collective action Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Seeking understanding of the textbook-based character of Finnish education

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article provides a critical exploration of the textbook-based character of Finnish educational culture. The opening section points to the need to recognize and better understand the role of textbooks in Finnish education. The next section outlines how and why textbooks have become a characterizing feature of Finnish educational culture before addressing different ways in which pupils and student-teachers are socialized into textbook-based practices of schooling. The later sections critically consider the importance of textbooks as part of Finnish education, as well as the implications for educational research, the ongoing development of Finnish education and in particular teacher education. This study suggests that a more clearly explicated understanding of text-based educational cultures is needed to better understand the… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Students’ experiences of using digital technologies to address their personal research needs during the COVID-19 lockdown

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Digital technologies have been developed for postgraduate students to help them to access data and published research, write their dissertations, and communicate with their supervisors. In South Africa, the COVID-19 pandemic has compelled masters students to make greater use of digital technologies to ensure continuity and productivity under government-imposed lockdown at home. In previous studies, students have been observed to use digital technologies to address professionalisation or socialisation experiences at the expense of personalisation experience. This qualitative case study of five master’s students explores their experiences of using digital technologies during the COVID-19 lockdown. The participants were purposively selected from a larger sample of 14 students who participated in the researcher’s doctoral study. Semi-structured interviews, focus group discussion… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Emergent premises in student experiences of a first-year electrical engineering course

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This study explores how project-based learning in combination with other pedagogical scaffolding approaches influences students’ experiences during their transition into the university. Based on the thematic analysis of interviews with students at the end of the first semester, we show how a project-based course in electronics can create opportunities within three themes: student socialisation, curriculum integration, and peer-learning. In the light of these findings, we discuss how students build relationships with other students, as well as with faculty members and practicing engineers, and how these relationships influence their start at the university. On a more general level, this case study exemplifies how an existing electrical engineering programme can be changed by targeted interventions without the need for programme… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – “My friends are there”: Constructions of schooling of children of Filipino immigrants in South Australia‡‡ The research reported in this paper relates to the broader issue of migrant schooling experiences of children in South Australia.View all notes

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract This article provides insights into children’s perspectives on schooling experiences following immigration. Albeit focusing on a small cohort of children, the theory and methodology in the article could well be applied to children of immigrants from other cultures. In exploring the primary school experiences of children of Filipino immigrants in South Australia, symbolic interactionism as frame of analysis and in-depth interviews as research method have been utilised. This study shows that children constructed perspectives on the school environment, academic work and interaction with peers and teachers. Symbolic interactionism asserts that children defined their situations, took perspectives and adjusted their behaviour in line with that of others. This paper argues that children’s perspectives were informed by socialisation to prior… Continue Reading