tandfonline.com – Boys’ gaming identities and opportunities for learning

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article addresses a gap in research about primary school boys’ identification as ‘gamers.’ Drawing on a survey of 318 Year 3 (7–8 years old) students, the research identified boys’ self-reported enjoyment for gaming, their frequency using digital devices, and their self-rated digital skills. Interviews with four boys from the survey also explored the lifeworlds of self-professed ‘gamers.’ Findings point to the salience of games for many boys’ emerging identities and the inter-related nature of their experiences. We argue that teachers can capitalise on the strength of video games to create ‘in-group’ cultures and communities of practice in their classrooms to support learning. Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – The video game as agencement and the image of new gaming experiences: the work of indie video game developers

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The growth of the global video game industry has resulted in an inflow of new entrants who aspire to create novel video games and preferably new video game genres. From an empiricist perspective presented by Gilles Deleuze, a video game is an agencement that materialize on the basis of the relations between the elements included in the game (e.g. computer code, game design ideas, the narrative structure of the game, interface design, etc.). A study of indie video game developers examines how the video game as agencement is composed of technical and narrative elements, and how the subject-formation process of the developer is bound up with the creation of video games. That is, indie video game developers are… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – ALTEC Learning Games: Successful Integration of Learning and Gaming

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Of the 53 million K-12 students in the United States, 93%, or 51 million, of them play video games (Etuk, 2008). ALTEC Learning Games utilize the excitement of video games to engage students and provide teachers authentic online resources that reinforce skills in math and language arts. Our recent work was partially supported by a partnership with the Ohio Board of Regents through the federally funded Star Schools Program. This work demonstrates the use of online games, including single player and competitive and collaborative multiplayer formats, on both computers and emerging mobile technologies (EMTs). (Contains 3 figures.) Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Improving the decision-making qualities of gaming simulations

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. ABSTRACT Gaming simulations (games) for policy and decision making have been the neglected “sibling” of educational and training games. The latter have experienced a widespread usage by practitioners and researchers, while the former have had limited, yet slowly increasing, adoption by organisations. As a result, various issues developing and using these games remain unaddressed. This includes the design of games, their validation, the actual game sessions, and applying the resulting knowledge from games in organisations. In this paper, solutions… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Considerations for Realizing the Promise of Educational Gaming Technology

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Hope Elementary School recently purchased tablets for all of its students to facilitate the use of technology in the classroom. The principal at Hope Elementary understands that technology can be an efficient and effective way for teachers to access materials and differentiate instruction to support the achievement of all learners. However, some teachers are struggling to determine how to best use the tablets in the classroom. Ms. Williams is a special education teacher at Hope Elementary School. She is excited about the tablet initiative and has a number of ideas about ways she can effectively and meaningfully integrate technology into instruction. The principal at Hope Elementary has asked Ms. Williams to serve as an example for other teachers at the school to help alleviate their concerns about… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Gaming the system: building an online management game to spread and gather insights into the dynamics of performance management systems*View all notes

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Extensive research has produced many insights into the dynamics of performance management systems. Spreading these complex insights among students and practitioners can be a daunting task. Gathering new insights can be equally challenging. This article introduces a novel tool for teaching and researching performance management, reporting on the design and first use of a free online management game. Players take the role of a hospital manager trying to satisfy multiple stakeholders through applying different performance management instruments. While students learn about the complexities of performance management, researchers gather data about the pathways individuals pursue while navigating performance management systems. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Digital Gaming for Evolutionary Biology Learning: The Case Study of Parasite Race, an Augmented Reality Location-Based Game

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Games have been used for a long time in teaching and learning. The increasing use of mobile phones makes it possible to link learning outside the classroom with augmented reality (AR). We tested how well the learning of conceptual models can be facilitated by AR games. We present a game designed for the in-service teacher-training workshop to model evolutionary and ecological relationships explicitly. The game, Parasite Race, models the life cycles of three different parasites and allows player to choose between two evolutionary strategies. We tested the game with experienced teachers and revealed a wide range of different gaming strategies: some of the teachers were able to reflect their game strategy and choose appropriate actions right away whereas some of the teachers did not and lost their… Continue Reading