tandfonline.com – Children, their world, their history education: the implications of the Cambridge review for primary history

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Children, their world, their history education: the implications of the Cambridge review for primary history Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Research and Issues in Gifted and Talented Education: Implications for Teacher Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The papers presented in this monograph address a number of concerns in developing a pedagogical approach for gifted and talented children. In the first paper, it is noted that routine intelligence tests cannot be relied upon to identify the gifted, and that a more stringent case study approach should be adopted to take into account the particular gifts and talents that students may have. In the second paper, educators are encouraged to recognize the inherently complex problem of developing a curriculum adapted to the unique cognitive styles of gifted children. The third paper explores the problem of math avoidance on the part of gifted girls. Research on a counseling program to meet the particular needs of gifted children is described in the fourth paper. The fifth paper… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Should Business Reform Public Education? A “Rainy Night” for Georgia Teachers and Implications for Science Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Into the “quality of public schools” issue step politicians with quick fixes–“proven” business practices variously rejected by experts Peter Drucker (Management by Objectives) and W. E. Deming (Quality Management). These include the following. Determine product quality by inspection–hence, compare school quality by testing teachers and students. Deming opposed maintaining quality by inspection, instead focusing on design Assume that the quality by product is not due to defective design, but due to incompetent personnel. Deming rejected making personnel the focus of problem solving. Make or perpetuate schools as authority oriented systems in which, paraphrasing Drucker (via Marc Tucker), teachers are treated as unskilled production line workers with little autonomy or pay. Apply a narrow focus on goals. In this case, they are economic. Public education has the long… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Narrowing Gap in New York City Teacher Qualifications and Its Implications for Student Achievement in High-Poverty Schools. Working Paper 10

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Studies have found substantial sorting of teachers across schools, with the schools with the highest proportions of poor, non-white, and low-scoring students having the least qualified teachers as measured by certification, exam performance, and inexperience (Lankford, Loeb and Wyckoff, 2002). Yet, there have been substantial changes in the educational policy landscape over the past five years. New laws, including the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), have changed requirements for teachers. Assessment-based accountability policies at the state-level have created standards and increased oversight of schools, especially those with low-achieving students. New routes into teaching, many with fewer requirements before teaching, have changed the cost for individuals to enter the teaching profession. These changes have affected teacher labor markets profoundly. In this paper the authors examine… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – From old school to open science: The implications of new research norms for educational psychology and beyond

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Recently, scholars have noted how several “old-school” practices—a host of long-standing scientific norms—in combination, sometimes compromise the credibility of research. In response, other scholarly fields have developed several “open-science” norms and practices to address these credibility issues. Against this backdrop, this special issue explores the extent to which and how these norms should be adopted and adapted for educational psychology and education more broadly. Our introductory article contextualizes the special issue’s goals by overviewing the historical context that led to open science norms (particularly in medicine and psychology); providing a conceptual map to illustrate the interrelationships between various old-school as well as open-science practices; and then describing educational psychologists’ opportunity to benefit from and contribute to the translation… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Balancing technology and outdoor learning: Implications for early childhood teacher educators

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The integration of technology in the classroom has become commonplace in early childhood education; however, promoting outdoor learning is not as emphasized. A wealth of research has documented how young children learn and develop while engaging with technology or outdoor play, but limited literature exists on balancing these learning experiences to support children’s developmental outcomes. The present paper seeks to review current literature on the effects of technology and outdoor learning on young children’s development. Building off of the relevant literature, this paper will provide recommendations for early childhood teacher educators to guide teachers in training on balancing appropriate technology use and outdoor learning. Given the COVID-19 global pandemic, teaching implications regarding balancing technology and outdoor learning are… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The theory of bifurcated educational system and its implications for school improvement

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Educational reforms fail again and again. One reason for the failure is that educational reform stops just outside the classroom door. During the last 25 years, the dominant educational reform initiatives in the US have operated under the misguided conventional wisdom that the educational system is loosely coupled. With this model in mind, decades of educational reform efforts have focused on tightening the system. Based on empirical results we argue that the educational system is neither loosely or tightly coupled, but bifurcated in that (to borrow a metaphor from geoscience) it is comprised of two tectonic plates. The first plate consists of the state, district and school levels, and the second is the classroom, with a fault line… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Families’ Experiences of a Universal Play-based Early Childhood Program in Nova Scotia: Implications for Policy and Practice

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This study examined families’ experiences of a publicly funded, play-based early learning program for children in the year before school entry. An online survey was conducted with parents and/or guardians (n = 291) to learn about their child’s outcomes in the program, their perception of play-based learning, attitudes toward the program, and how the program supported their family. Socio-demographic information was also collected (income, education). A concurrent triangulation mixed methods design was used in the analysis of quantitative and qualitative survey questions through descriptive and inferential statistics, followed by content analysis of open-ended responses. The majority of parents felt their child was supported by the program and would transition more easily to the first year of school as a result… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – ‘Richness in Ends, Simpleness in Means!’ on Arne Naess’s Version of Deep Ecological Friluftsliv and Its Implications for Outdoor Activities

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The increasing global warming and the loss of biodiversity should concern us all. Some feel that outdoor activities, which take place in natural surroundings, should have a special obligation to change. In this article I present an example of what an outdoor life practice that responds to the ecological crisis could look like. I use the simple Norwegian outdoor life called friluftsliv, and the deep ecological version suggested by philosopher and climber Arne Næss (1912–2009) as an example and case. Naessian friluftsliv is interesting and relevant in three ways. First, Naess gave a philosophical basis for friluftsliv, building on deep ecology and Spinozism. Second, he presented content, norms and guidelines for a deep ecological friluftsliv. And third, he… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The implications of the non-linguistic modes of meaning for language learners in science: a review

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT In response to the globally escalating number of language learners tasked with learning science through a foreign language, this review seeks to bring new perspectives by reframing research findings, still dominated by historical language assumptions, through a contemporary language lens. We aim to unearth, amalgamate and expose the potentials of non-linguistic modes described by the theory of multiliteracies that appear sporadic and fragmentary within studies due to their linguistic focus, as we surmise they offer language learners alternative avenues for meaning-making. 40 peer-reviewed empirical studies published between 1995 and 2019 were systematically found and examined using theoretical thematic analysis to expand our understandings. We conjectured findings that appeared contingent upon non-linguistic modes but did not prominently feature in… Continue Reading