tandfonline.com – Investigating the Use of Assessment Data by Primary School Teachers: Insights from a Large-scale Survey in Ireland

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Evidence suggests that the quality of teachers’ instructional practices can be improved when these are informed by relevant assessment data. Drawing on a sample of 1,300 primary school teachers in Ireland, this study examined the extent to which teachers use standardized test results for instructional purposes as well as the role of several factors in predicting this use. Specifically, the study analyzed data from a cross-sectional survey that gathered information about teachers’ use of, experiences with, and attitudes toward assessment data from standardized tests. After taking other teacher and school characteristics into consideration, the analysis revealed that teachers with more positive attitudes toward standardized tests and those who were often engaged in some form of professional development on… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The PISA calendar: Temporal governance and international large-scale assessments

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract This article analyses international large-scale assessments in education from a temporal perspective. The article discusses and compares the different conceptions of time in the early international assessments conducted in the 1960s and 1970s by the IEA with the PISA studies conducted by the OECD from the year 2000 onwards. The paper argues that there has been a shift in the ways that the assessments structure time. The early IEA surveys were characterized by a relative slowness, lack of synchronization and lack of trend analyses. PISA, by contrast, is characterized by high pace, simultaneous publication of results around the world and regular and recurrent studies making the analysis of trends possible. The emergence of this new time regime, it… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Persuasion and resistance. Large-scale collaborative professional development as a policy instrument

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This study examined collaborative professional development (PD) as a policy instrument for relating external ideas to present teaching practices. The study interprets the global emphasis policymakers place on collaborative PD as a response to the devolution of responsibility in many school systems, accompanied or followed by increased external guidance to local actors. In relation to these tendencies, collaborative PD may function either as a support for professional self-governance or enable increased top-down control. Thus, by analysing collaborative PD as a policy instrument, the study contributes to the understanding of the contemporary governing of public education. The analysed empirical material derived from a large-scale PD program organized by the Swedish National Agency for Education. The results show that the… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Lifewide learning in the city: novel big data approaches to exploring learning with large-scale surveys, GPS, and social media

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Despite UNESCO’s Learning Cities agenda, which argues for the mobilisation of resources to promote education across all sectors and environments, there is little evaluative research on Learning City engagement which is both naturalistic and empirically rigorous. The research on informal adult learning in urban contexts is particularly sparse. This paper provides a case study of informal learning and lifewide literacies amongst Glaswegian adults using three distinct approaches to data collection: a household survey capturing rich data on learning attitudes, behaviours, and literacies; GPS trails that track mobility around the city; and the capture of naturally occurring social media. The work operationalises Learning City indicators, and explores domains beyond education, some of which have not previously been considered in… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Technologies and infrastructure: costs and obstacles in developing large-scale computer–based testing

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper identifies important technological, financial, and equity challenges to the development and implementation of online or onscreen educational testing. The insights are based on the author’s experiences in New Zealand of being the senior project manager for the Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning (asTTle) computer-based standardised testing system. The system was funded by the government for formative educational purposes and is delivered to schools for free. The issues faced in the project that need to be considered in any new online testing system include: clarity about the purpose of the testing system, the importance of knowing the current technology conditions, the challenges of working within the dynamic and changing world of technology, the need to assure… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Justice and marketization of education in three Nordic countries: can existing large-scale datasets support comparisons?

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Traditionally emphasizing justice, equality and inclusion, education policies in the Nordic countries have incorporated neoliberal features during the last three decades, but to varying extents. These changes have important, multidimensional implications, but the variations have been addressed in few comparative Nordic studies. Thus, this article explores the potential to strengthen comparisons of education regimes in the Nordic countries generally, and social justice and marketization aspects more specifically, by using existing datasets and databases. It initially elaborates the concepts of justice and marketization of education. Using Iceland, Norway and Sweden as examples, it explores the relevance, accessibility and comparability of some of the larger international and national statistical databases, and hence their potential to enable such comparisons. These data… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Cluster Randomized Trial of a Large-Scale Education Initiative in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Pilot Year Impacts on Teacher Development

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A wealth of research, primarily in high income countries, has accumulated in recent years evaluating teacher effectiveness and the processes through which teachers’ performance and job satisfaction can be improved (e.g., Pianta, Mashburn, Downer, Hamre & Justice, 2008; Ross, 1992; 1995). Much less is known about how these processes operate for teachers in low-income countries, where schools may be located in high conflict areas with low resources that can pose strains on teachers, students and their interactions. In the past several years, there has been a growing interest in rigorous evaluation research in developing countries to help inform policy and practice. This paper applies rigorous methodology to consider the question of whether and how an intervention can improve teachers’ motivation, job satisfaction and professional development in the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Finding Rigor within a Large-Scale Expansion of Preschool to Test Impacts of a Professional Development Program

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Achieving high-quality preschool at scale is challenging; to do so likely entails a combination of program standards, teacher qualifications and compensation, on-site quality monitoring, and professional development (PD). This study aims to examine the impact of investments in PD within the context of an expansion of universal preschool in one of the nation’s largest school districts. We leverage the opportunity provided by a “natural experiment” to estimate PD’s effects that embeds an evidence-based math curriculum in interdisciplinary units of study with coaching support on teacher math practices. A total of 95 schools participated in this study (51 treatment and 44 comparison schools). Treatment sites implemented more teacher-led math activities for a longer period compared to control sites. The size and magnitude of the impacts of a curriculum… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – “I Fall Asleep in Class … But Physics Is Fascinating”: The Use of Large-Scale Longitudinal Data to Explore the Educational Experiences of Aspiring Girls in Mathematics and Physics

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article explores how students’ aspirations to study mathematics or physics in post-16 education are associated with their perceptions of their education, their motivations, and the support they feel they received. The analysis is based on the responses of around 10,000 students in England in Year 8 (age 12–13) and then in Year 10 (age 14–15). The students were first surveyed during 2008–2009 and then followed up in 2010–2011. t-tests revealed a decline in their perceptions of their mathematics and physics education. Factor analyses indicated subject-specific constructs that were associated with gender aspiration groups (i.e., high-aspiring girls, high-aspiring boys, low-aspiring girls, low-aspiring boys). High-aspiring girls were more likely than low-aspiring boys to be positive about mathematics/physics education, motivation… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Large-Scale Professional Development towards Emancipatory Mathematics: The Genesis of YuMi Deadly Maths

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper describes the genesis of YuMi Deadly Maths, a school change process that has been used in over 200 schools to develop mathematics teaching and learning to improve students’ employment and life chances. The paper discusses the YuMi Deadly Maths approach to mathematics content and pedagogy, implemented through a process of PD and school change, and looks at the strengths and weaknesses of the process and the challenges it faces. Link til kilde