tandfonline.com – Linguistic landscape of Finnish school textbooks

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article focuses on the visibility and position of different languages in semiotic space, namely the linguistic landscape provided by textbooks. The aim is to determine to what extent the linguistic landscape of textbooks supports the multilingual emphasis of the Finnish national core curriculum and the multilingualism of Finnish classrooms. The data include 34 textbooks on five of the mandatory subjects and covers the different grades of comprehensive schools in Finland. The presence of different languages was mapped quantitatively by coding all languages that were mentioned or made visible in the textbooks. Further, a qualitative analysis of the most representative parts of the data was carried out. The results of this study show that different contexts and categories… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Introductory classes for newcomer primary school students in Sweden. Pedagogical principles and emotional understanding

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Through the study of pedagogic discourse and practice in introductory classes (ICs) aimed at new migrant students at a linguistically diverse primary school in Sweden, we discuss pedagogic principles and power dynamics, drawing on Bernstein’s conceptual frame. Our ethnographic data consist of teacher interviews and observational fieldnotes. A compound set of pedagogic principles was found, where the acknowledgement of the students’ prior languages differs from previous research. Furthermore, the teachers’ accommodations to the students’ needs through a collaborative practice of care formed an important part of the inner logic of discourse and practice. We find this multilingual and emotional support to be contingent upon the IC teachers’ multilingual competencies and long-term experience with ICs, multilingualism and migration, and… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – From policy to practice: the illusion of Polishness in Polish immigrant community language and culture education

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Increasing mobility of people across nation-state borders leads to cultural and linguistic diversification and raises discussions about the inclusion of immigrant minority languages and cultures in education. This contribution investigates possible discrepancies between top-down curricular policies and bottom-up practices at a Polish complementary school in the Netherlands. It focuses on the implementation of the school’s curriculum in times of globalization and superdiversity and explores the maintenance of linguistic and cultural values in a multilingual setting. In doing so it uses the curriculum domains as introduced by Goodlad and colleagues, i.e. the ideological, formal, perceived, operational and experiential curriculum, as an interpretive framework to analyze possible discrepancies between curricular policies and educational practices. The results reveal discrepancies between top-down… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Integrating Syrian refugee teachers into Swedish educational labour market – reflections on a fast track design

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT In autumn 2016, Malmö University started two “fast track” trajectories for teachers with refugee backgrounds. The participants were offered an education of 26 weeks as an introduction to the Swedish school system, consisting of content courses, professional Swedish and workplace learning. The aim of this small explorative study was to get an impression of the participants’ views and understanding of the role of becoming a teacher in Swedish schools, realising the characteristics of pedagogy aimed for in the curriculum, specifically the interaction patterns and student participation in learning processes. Main research questions addressed participants’ expectations of differences and challenges in the Swedish school context as compared to their experiences in Syrian contexts. A combination was chosen of focus groups… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Pre-reform professionals: multilingual Northern German language teachers (ca. 1850-1875)

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The second half of the 19th century saw a shift in the professionalisation of German language teachers. This general tendency was visible in the northern German merchant cities as well. There, ‘national’ (i.e. native speaker) teachers were replaced by modern foreign language experts trained at Prussian universities. Between the autodidacts and the fully trained academics, there was a generation of English teachers who were exceptional in quite a few respects. They were multilinguals who, based on their oral competencies, were able to hold their lessons in the target language; this pre-reform ‘direct method’ forms an exception in the grammar-translation dominated German language education of the 19th century. Rather than drawing their teaching methodology from neo-humanist sources, they adapted… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Exploring the spread of English language learning in South Korea and reflections of the diversifying sociolinguistic context for future English language teaching practices

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The purpose of this article is to provide an understanding of why traditional English language teaching (ELT) which focuses on native speaker models has become obsolete in South Korea (henceforth Korea). Korea has been known as a linguistically and ethnically homogeneous nation throughout its history. However, the current sociolinguistic situation of Korea tells a different story. Various patterns of migration have emerged around the world and Korea has been no exception. This article explores the widespread passion for English language learning in Korea and the role of English on the individual and nationwide levels. Then, it argues that monolingual and standard language ideologies do not fit into this globalized era. Given the steadily diversifying demographics in Korea and… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Epistemological aspects of multilingualism in mathematics education: an inferentialist approach

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Recently the prevailing language-as-resource metaphor has been problematised and theorised. Using the philosophical theory of inferentialism, we trace an epistemological dimension of multilingualism in mathematics education and add it to the current language-as-resource discussions. With data from two different settings—a mathematics classroom in Sweden and a workshop in an indigenous settlement in Colombia—we show that in encounters between language practices and plural mathematics, the semantic and the epistemological are two sides of the same coin. Inferentialism captures such encounters without dichotomising either languages or mathematics. We contend that epistemological issues move beyond the scope of language-as-resource approaches, but they are not paths to improving school achievement. Neither are they matters of distinguishing between formal and informal language use.… Continue Reading