tandfonline.com – Teachers’ Perspectives on Promoting Reading and Writing for Pupils with Various Linguistic Backgrounds in Grade 1 of Primary School

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of teachers’ perspectives on promoting reading and writing for pupils with various linguistic backgrounds in grade 1. Focus group interviews were conducted with 17 teachers who work in preschool classes and in grade 1. The teachers’ perspectives on reading and writing can be characterised as balanced, in the sense that the teachers describe how they work with both the technical and the learning-oriented dimension. The number of different languages spoken in their classes is regarded in a positive manner, but it also leads to major challenges, such as not having enough time for all of the pupils and not having sufficient knowledge of multilingualism. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – The Effect of Reading Comprehension on the Performance in Science and Mathematics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Mathematics and Science classes in schools have become a focus to be considered in terms of educational systems and administration around the world in the last decade. Related to the mentioned classes, there are many benefits that lead students to academic success. In the recent years, educators have found that there are so many different factors that effect students’ performance in science and math classes. Especially reading comprehension has changed so many traditional procedures in teaching math and science. It also shows remarkable benefits. This research focuses on the effects of reading comprehension on mathematics and science achievement. Students’ academic performance on the mentioned classes and their motivation towards those courses will also be the focus of the research. The research is based on the data gathered… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – What Works? Common Practices in High Functioning Afterschool Programs across the Nation in Math, Reading, Science, Arts, Technology, and Homework–A Study by the National Partnership. The Afterschool Program Assessment Guide. CRESST Report 768

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In an effort to identify and incorporate exemplary practices into existing and future afterschool programs, the U.S. Department of Education commissioned a large-scale evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) program. The purpose of this evaluation project was to develop resources and professional development that addresses issues relating to the establishment and sustainability of afterschool programs. Fifty-three high functioning programs representative across eight regional divisions of the nation, including rural and urban programs, community-based and school district related programs, were identified using rigorous methods. Exemplary practices in program organization, program structure, and especially in content delivery were studied. The findings were synthesized into the Afterschool Toolkit that was made available to programs nationwide via the world-wide-web. Professional development was conducted consistently and extensively throughout the… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – A Validation Study of a Middle Grades Reading Comprehension Assessment

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract A student’s reading skill is essential to learning. Assessing reading skills, specifically comprehension, is difficult. In the middle grades, students read to learn; and their teachers need a quick, easy assessment that provides immediate data on reading comprehension skill. This study explores the holistic validation approach of one eighth-grade informational text with comprehension questions currently included in the Adolescent Comprehension Evaluation (ACE). Thirty-three eighth-grade students from four different schools participated in the study. Multiple forms of validity evidence were used including test content, response process, internal structure, relationship to other variables, and consequences of testing. These multiple forms of validity evidence provided the researchers with insights into comprehension questions that would not have been uncovered using psychometric means… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – TEDS-M and the Study of Teacher Preparation in Early Reading Instruction: Implications for Teacher Education Policy and Practice. Working Paper #25

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The 2010 report from the National Research Council on teacher education programs in the United States, “Preparing Teachers: Building Evidence for Sound Policy,” reported that “the empirical evidence on effective teacher preparation [is] nearly nonexistent” (p. 99). The publication later that year of two major studies, one on the preparation of mathematics teachers and the other on teacher preparation in early literacy, marked the first use of nationally representative data to begin to answer important questions concerning teacher preparation in the U.S. In June 2011, the Education Policy Center (EPC) at Michigan State University convened an audience of scholars and policymakers from across the country to discuss the results of the two studies, “Breaking the Cycle: An International Comparison of U.S. Mathematics Teacher Preparation, Initial Findings from… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The contribution of general language ability, reading comprehension and working memory to mathematics achievement among children with English as additional language (EAL): an exploratory study

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT An increasing number of high-stakes mathematics standardised tests around the world place an emphasis on using mathematical word problems to assess students’ mathematical understanding. Not only do these assessments require children to think mathematically, but making sense of these tests’ mathematical word problems also brings children’s language ability, reading comprehension and working memory into play. The nature of these test items places a great deal of cognitive demand on all mathematics learners, but particularly on children completing the assessments in a second language that is still developing. This paper reports findings from an exploratory study on the contribution of language to mathematics achievement among 35 children with English as an Additional Language (EAL) and 31 children with English… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – CTE Teachers as Content Area Reading Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Career and technical education (CTE) is emerging as a reading content area similar to other academic areas such as social studies, math and science. The primary reason for this is that CTE is more integrated with academic subjects. This trend is prompting CTE teachers to become more active in supporting their students’ reading through their CTE subject area. CTE teachers are perfectly positioned to motivate their students to read because they offer learning that is interesting and practical, and this contextual learning can serve as a vehicle for bolstering students’ understanding of academic subjects. In this article, the author aims to explain the emerging role of CTE in reading, and to offer direction for CTE teachers to support their students’ reading interest and ability. Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Pygmalion and the gender gap: do teacher expectations contribute to differences in achievement between boys and girls at the beginning of schooling?

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This study examined the role of teacher expectations in the emerging gender gaps in reading and mathematics in the first year of schooling. Therefore, we first investigated whether boys and girls differ in their vulnerability to teacher expectancy effects. Second, we analysed whether gender-specific effects of teacher expectations contribute to gender achievement gaps. Our analyses were based on 1,025 first-grade students in Germany. Among the majority of the students, boys and girls did not differ in their vulnerability to teacher expectancy effects. Further analyses examined a subgroup of students who were targets of relatively strong teacher expectation bias and who showed unexpectedly high or low achievement gains. In this specific subgroup, girls’ mathematics achievement was more adversely affected… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Validation of sub-constructs in reading comprehension tests using teachers’ classification of cognitive targets

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Reading comprehension is often treated as a multidimensional construct. In many reading tests, items are distributed over reading process categories to represent the subskills expected to constitute comprehension. This study explores (a) the extent to which specified subskills of reading comprehension tests are conceptually conceivable to teachers, who score and use national reading test results and (b) the extent to which teachers agree on how to locate and define item difficulty in terms of expected text comprehension. Eleven teachers of Swedish were asked to classify items from a national reading test in Sweden by process categories similar to the categories used in the PIRLS reading test. They were also asked to describe the type of comprehension necessary for… Continue Reading