Eric.ed.gov – Redesigning Schools: To Reach Every Student with Excellent Teachers. Financial Planning for Secondary-Level Time-Technology Swap + Multi-Classroom Leadership

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This brief shows how middle and high school teachers in a Time-Technology Swap school model, with or without Multi-Classroom Leaders, may earn more while reaching more students, sustainably. In this model, students alternate between learning with teachers and working in a digital learning lab, where they learn online and engage in offline skill practice, homework, and project work. This frees the time of teachers to teach more students, plan, and collaborate with their peers in teaching teams. Teaching teams may also have Multi-Classroom Leaders, excellent teachers who are accountable for the outcomes of all the team’s students in a subject and for team members’ job-embedded development. Calculations are shown of when students learn online every other day in core subjects, spending a maximum average of two hours… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Secondary-Level Student Teachers’ Conceptions of Mathematical Proof

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Recent reforms in mathematics education have led to an increased emphasis on proof and reasoning in mathematics curricula. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics highlights the important role that teachers’ knowledge and beliefs play in shaping students’ understanding of mathematics, their confidence in and outlook on mathematics education, and their ability to use math to solve fundamental problems. It is crucial that teachers, especially the uninitiated, understand on a deep level the mathematical concepts that they are expected to teach to adolescents. Thus, it becomes critical for teacher educators to assess the understanding and abilities of student teachers in constructing mathematical proof. The analysis in this study is based on three factors: 1) meaning of proof, 2) ideas about teaching methods on proof, and 3) ideas… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Increasing secondary-level teachers’ knowledge in statistics and probability: Results from a randomized controlled trial of a professional development program

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. Abstract Reflecting growing emphasis on data analysis and statistical thinking in the information age, mathematics curriculum standards in the U.S. have recently increased expectations for student learning in the domain of statistics and probability. More than 180 teachers in 36 public school districts in Florida applied for a two-week summer institute designed to increase teachers’ content and pedagogical content knowledge in statistics and probability. Individual teachers were assigned at random to a treatment or business-as-usual comparison group. The two-week… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Education That Works: Preparing Secondary-Level Math and Science Teachers for Success with English Language Learners through Content-Based Instruction

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Little research exists on effective ways to prepare secondary mathematics and science teachers to work with English language learners (ELLs) in mainstream mathematics and science (subsequently referred to as STEM) classrooms. Given the achievement gap that exists between ELLs and their native-speaking counterparts in STEM subjects, as well as the growing numbers of ELLs in US schools, this becomes a critical issue, as academic success for these students depends on the effectiveness of instruction they receive not only in English as a second language classes (ESL), but in mainstream classrooms as well. This article reports on the effects of a program restructuring that implemented coursework specifically designed to prepare pre-service and in-service mathematics, science, and ESL teachers to work with ELLs in their content and ESL classrooms… Continue Reading