har udgivet: This theme issue of a Texas journal on gifted education contains articles focusing on math and science instruction for gifted students. “Science Education for Gifted Students” (Joyce VanTassel-Baska) discusses what a science curriculum for gifted students should include, what teachers can do to make reform efforts successful, and how to teach mathematics to talented learners. “Young Math Whizzes: Can Their Needs Be Met in the Regular Classroom?” (Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik) provides options for educating mathematically talented students in the regular classroom and discusses issues that regular classroom teachers might encounter. “Nurturing Future Edisons: Teaching Invention to Gifted Students” (Johnathan Plucker and Michael Gorman) describes a project to develop gifted college students’ inventive skills. In “Raising Cattle: Gifted Education Comes Alive” (Elaine Gray, Scott Barton, and James Coffey), a… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Formative assessment is a process that engages teachers and students in gathering, interpreting, and using evidence about what and how students are learning in order to facilitate further student learning during a short period of time. The process offers the potential to guide educator decisions about midstream adjustments to instruction that address learner needs in a timely manner. Formative assessment can be implemented in classrooms in various ways. For example, formative assessment can be quick and informal, such as giving students “I learned…” prompts to reflect on and discuss their progress toward lesson objectives. Formative assessment can also be more formal and involve multiple components, such as curriculum-based measurement, to frequently track and analyze individual student learning for the purpose of modifying instruction as warranted (Black &… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This study was conducted to find out how well mathematics majors at the University of Northern Iowa were prepared in the foundations of effective teaching practices and how well they performed during the student teaching experience. Data were gathered from mathematics student teachers (N=22) who were observed, interviewed, and asked to keep daily journals. Results suggest that mathematics teacher education students: (1) be required to create practical problems for pupils for every mathematics course in grades 7-12; (2) be required to take a course that deals with writing across the curriculum so they can better incorporate English into their classroom instruction; (3) spend time working with and investigating the use of technology in classroom instruction; and (4) enroll in course work outside the department of mathematics that… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The purpose of this study is to investigate how students’ in senior grade of the high school participate in and interpret the transformational geometry activities integrated with cultural context. 5 students in senior grade participated in this study, all of whom live in Aydin district of Turkey. The main design of the study is qualitative. Participant students of the study involved in 9 different rotational geometry and culture integrated activities, 7 of which were performed as student activity sheets, 2 of which were performed as cultural games. 2 of the activities were constructed as a result of pilot study applied to 28 senior students by their math teacher. To collect data about how students participated in and made interpretations about the activities; various data collection tools such… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Improving college completion is a shared objective of higher education. It is the focus of colleges, foundations, state governments, and the White House. Students have gotten the message–their aspirations are on the rise. But the nation’s collective ambition far exceeds today’s outcomes. Many students are not attaining their goals. College readiness is at the heart of this disconnect between aspirations and results. If student outcomes are to equal student aspirations, colleges must be more effective in helping underprepared students move into–and successfully complete–college-level work. This 2016 National Report presents innovative strategies that are showing promise– multiple measures for assessing readiness, corequisite courses, redesigned math, accelerated developmental courses, computer-assisted developmental math, developmental education paired with workplace skills, high school partnerships, and improved preparation for placement tests. Examples of… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This package contains student and teacher handbooks and a report summarizing a project during which the handbooks were developed as part of a numeracy education course for adult basic and literacy education students. Discussed in the project report are the following: development of the course’s 7 numeracy education units, field testing of the units with 8 teachers and 110 students, subsequent revision of the units, and production of a math literacy curriculum and companion student and educator handbooks. Included in the student handbook are a 22-item bibliography, brief discussion of the curriculum’s purpose and scope, and instructional units containing background information and learning activities on the following topics: reading, writing, and thinking about numbers; looking at numbers; estimating and rounding numbers; using calculators; measurement and its uses;… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Experiential learning (EL) has great potential to prepare students to work on interdisciplinary and global challenges across traditional boundaries, as well as support them in the development of reflective skills. In this study, we explore reflection as a central element for EL in the university wide interdisciplinary course Experts in Teamwork (EiT). Based upon 17 years of experience with the development of EiT, perspectives from the literature, and critically analyzing current practices, we describe two key findings from this ongoing exploration: the need to develop a framework for such a course and the need for training of teaching staff. Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Louisiana mathematics standards were created by over one hundred Louisiana educators with input by thousands of parents and teachers from across the state. Educators envisioned what mathematically proficient students should know and be able to do to compete in society and focused their efforts on creating standards that would allow them to do so. The new standards provide appropriate content for all grades or courses, maintain high expectations, and create a logical connection of content across and within grades. The K-12 mathematics standards lay the foundation that allows students to become mathematically proficient by focusing on conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application. This report presents the Math Standards in Louisiana for Kindergarten through Eighth Grade for Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. Link til… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) was awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation to conduct a meta analysis study with the goal of providing state and local education leaders with scientifically-based evidence regarding the effects of teacher professional development on improving student learning. The analysis focused on completed studies of effects of professional development for K-12 teachers of science and mathematics. The meta analysis results show important cross-study evidence that teacher professional development in mathematics does have significant positive effects on student achievement. The analysis results also confirm the positive relationship to student outcomes of key characteristics of design of professional development programs. The following are appended: (1) Meta Analysis Coding Form Excerpt: Scaffolded Guide for Determining Inclusion of a Document; (2) Effects… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. ABSTRACT With the aid of longitudinal country-level data from five IEA TIMSS assessments (1995–2011), the current study addresses the issue of the globalisation of curricula and achievement. To explore the hypothesis of global convergence, we study performance in four subdomains of mathematics. Using regression with fixed effects for countries, we consider whether the variation of subdomain scores decreases globally over time. Additionally, we explore qualitative differences in performance profiles using latent class analysis. Our results provide little evidence for… Continue Reading →
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