tandfonline.com – Teaching as a new mission: Swedish preschool teachers’ collegial discussions

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article explores how preschool teachers, over time, collectively manage teaching as a new part of their mission. The study’s empirical data consist of two related but temporally separated sets of data containing collegial discussions among preschool teachers; talks during a development process and group interviews with the same preschool teachers six months later. Through a theory-driven analysis, using the theoretical concept of teacher agency, different ways of achieving teacher agency are brought into light. When tensions appear, the preschool teachers achieve teacher agency by using professional core values in order to make adjustments, additions or changes to school policy. These professional core values consist of for example, sensitivity to the interests and needs of children, the ambition… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Stability and Change in Early Social Skills Development in Relation to Early School Performance: A Longitudinal Study of A Swedish Cohort

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Research Findings: This study aimed to investigate the developmental path of social skills in early childhood, the associated predictors, and its impact on later school performance. This prospective longitudinal study included 2,121 children, ages 3–5 at baseline, from the general population in a mid-sized Swedish municipality. Results show both stability and change in social skills. Stable low social skills increased the risk for poor school performance, while stable high social skills increased the chance for good school performance in primary school. With some notable gender differences, both individual and family factors were significant predictors of stable low and stable high paths of social skills during early childhood. Practice or Policy: Whether the goal is to improve children’s social… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The Decrease of School Related Reading in Swedish Compulsory School – Trends Between 2007 and 2017

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Even though the importance of extensive reading practice is well documented, as are students’ changing leisure-time reading habits, knowledge of how much students read at school is still limited. Therefore, this study investigates how many pages of continuous text, nonfiction as well as fiction, students in middle (Grades 4–6) and lower secondary (Grades 7–9) school read during an ordinary school day. Comparing data from two large-scale surveys, in 2007 and 2017, our analyses indicate that the proportion of students who read one full page or more has decreased significantly. More students in middle school compared to lower secondary still read nonfiction, whereas the reading of fiction is now equally low. We conclude that the growing achievement gap among… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Decision-making factors for group organising in Swedish preschools

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This study explores preschool teachers’ considerations when organising children into subgroups in Swedish preschools. Grounded on interactionist perspectives and Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory, the study hypothesises that preschool teachers’ practice of organising children into subgroups is embedded in and shaped through dynamic interactions with all actors and levels of the entire preschool system. Based on this theoretical framework, a hypothetical model has been specified that brings together variables related to children’s characteristics, preschool teachers’ interpersonal relationships and working conditions as well as preschools’ organisational aspects. The sample consists of 698 preschool teachers from different preschools in 46 municipalities in Sweden who completed an online questionnaire. By applying Confirmatory Factor Analysis technique in evaluating the hypothesised model, the study’s… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Making a fictitious animal: 6-7 year-old Swedish children’s meaning making about evolution during a modelling task

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Whereas previous studies show that children are able to make meaning about evolutionary concepts within read-aloud contexts, little is known about how semiotic resources and interaction influence children’s meaning making about evolution. This study investigates children’s meaning making about evolutionary concepts during a modelling activity conducted after an interactive storybook read-aloud describing the evolution of a foraging trait of a fictitious mammal (the pilose). Forty children (13 groups) were videotaped as they produced a clay pilose model, while explaining how they thought their pilose would appear after inhabiting a ‘future’ environment (mountainous, snowy or forest). A multimodal analysis focused on how children demonstrated their meanings of seven evolutionary concepts described in the book. An eighth concept, ‘adaptation to… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Integrating digital technology in mathematics education: a Swedish case study

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Integrating digital technology in education is challenging. This study reports on three high school mathematics classes where teachers attempted to improve their teaching and student learning by using a digital tool. For analysis we use the Information System Artifact model Lee et al. (2015) which distinguishes between three integrated sub-artifacts, the technological, the informational and the social and the Structurational Practice Lens to educational technology Halperin (2017). Using interviews and observations we find the major obstacle for student learning is a less developed social artifact. Students have difficulties using the tool effectively when teachers do not work to develop shared practices in technology use. When teachers do not themselves use the tool actively, they do not fully understand… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Swedish students in the process of transition to upper secondary education – factors of importance for educational choice and for their future

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The paper explores factors of importance for young people’s choice of upper secondary education and for their future life, from a student perspective. The paper builds on data from a questionnaire study, answered by 1,414 students in grade 9 (age 15–16) in Sweden, prior to their choice of upper secondary school. In addition, data from earlier studies, have been included. Results show that the majority plan to transit to further levels of education. There is, however, a group of students who opt to move directly into work. In relation to making an educational choice, the factors that dominate the decision-making processes of students are related to; interest and ability, wellbeing and fun, but also plans after upper secondary… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – A preschool for all children? – Swedish preschool teachers’ perspective on inclusion

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Building on the Salamanca Statement from 1994, the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals 2030 embraces inclusion for children in early childhood education. The European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education in 2015–2017 completed a project on inclusive early childhood education, focusing on structures, processes, and outcomes that ensure a systemic approach to high-quality Inclusive Early Childhood Education (IECE). An ecosystem model of IECE was developed with a self-reflection tool for improving inclusion. This study’s aim was to investigate practitioners’ perspective on the inclusive processes and supportive structures defined in the ecosystem model, to contribute to a deeper understanding of how inclusive practice might be enabled and how barriers for inclusion can be removed. The self-reflection tool was… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Negotiating science – building thematic patterns of the scientific concept sound in a Swedish multilingual lower secondary classroom

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract In this article we examine a teacher’s and multilingual students’ use of multiple resources and their potential for students’ meaning-making of sound and sound transmission. Students were 14–15 years old, Swedish grade 8, speaking Swedish as a second language. We examine how different strategies and multiple resources interact in creating thematic patterns in a multilingual science classroom. Data comprise 64 hours of video- and audio recordings, digital photos, field-notes, textbooks, worksheets and student notebooks. As analytical tools we use thematic development strategies, control and social interaction strategies as well as strategies of bridging multiple resources. In co-constructing the content using various resources, thematic patterns were developed through a continuous shift between everyday and scientific language due to the teacher’s awareness… Continue Reading