tandfonline.com – Research on estimation model of the battery state of charge in a hybrid electric vehicle based on the classification and regression tree

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Research on estimation model of the battery state of charge in a hybrid electric vehicle based on the classification and regression tree Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Using Children’s Literature to Teach Mathematics: An Effective Vehicle in a STEM World

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Today it is critical to excite young people about mathematics in our high-tech STEM world we live in. Math teachers today need to embolden students to be confident in their ability to solve problems, to think and use their imaginations, to understand mathematical concepts, to be creative, and to see math as a human endeavor. The author feels that as students feel less anxious about, and more confident in their abilities to do math their performance will improve. The author has provided an in-depth literature review and offers background information on using children’s literature to teach mathematics; sharing the methods and materials possible to incorporate such literature into such math instruction in a wide range of mathematics strands. The results of using such literature in the teaching… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Engineering Design of Cars and Gadgets in K-5 as Vehicle for Integrating Math, Science and Literacy

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In spite of numerous calls for action, e.g., Executive Office of the President (2010), there have been few efforts nationally to promote engineering education in the elementary grades. Of these, hardly any have targeted underrepresented populations (National Academy of Engineering, 2009, p. 74). The collaboration described in this paper is a significant exception, which could provide important lessons for those seeking to broaden the reach and scope of K-5 engineering education. We will argue for an interdisciplinary approach, which integrates engineering, math, science, literacy and art, and that engages a school and a university as equal partners. Neither of these components has been prominent in the literature on K-12 engineering education. Link til kilde