tandfonline.com – Professor Arthur Philip Cracknell FRSE 1940-2021
tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Professor Arthur Philip Cracknell FRSE 1940-2021 Link til kilde
tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Professor Arthur Philip Cracknell FRSE 1940-2021 Link til kilde
eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A national survey examined the following: the extent of math-related activities in adult literacy programs, staff training in math, assessment frameworks being used, and the use of computers for teaching math. Of the 605 programs that received the questionnaire, 350 (57.9%) completed questionnaires. The 350 programs served more than 750,000 adult students in 1992-1993. Among the key findings of the study were the following: (1) although more than 80% of adult literacy students receive math-related instruction, less than 5% of their teachers are certified to teach math; (2) the math skills of adult literacy students are usually assessed by standardized tests that do not adequately cover many of the math skills required in new curricular frameworks or high-performance workplaces; and (3) although more than 75% of adult… Continue Reading
eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This instructional guide, one product of a large-scale research project on Jaime Escalante and his Mathematics and Science Program, describes the teaching and motivating strategies that he uses to bring about high academic achievement among poor minority urban youth in Los Angeles (California). The first part of five describes a pilot test in which a colleague and an administrator who have worked with and observed Escalante rated a list of successful techniques according to the degree to which they explained Escalante’s teaching success. Part 2 describes the responses of senior high school students who had been Escalante’s students for 3 or 4 years to a similar questionnaire. Part 3 shows the results of a similar rating process by several of Escalante’s colleagues, which found a 74 percent… Continue Reading
tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract This article reports on results from a design research project that implements a formative assessment practice with support from a classroom response system (CRS). Cumulatively building on earlier research and drawing on iteratively generated data from secondary schools in Sweden, the article elaborates on design principles and task types for constructing CRS tasks aimed at generating mathematical classroom discussions. The study generated three design principles, six task types and 31 empirically evaluated tasks useful for developing and using CRS tasks in classroom practices. The results are discussed in relation to earlier research, methodological considerations and the cultural context of Sweden. Link til kilde
eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science Education (ENC) helps teachers by offering a broad assortment of services to enable them to quickly locate educational resources. This document is designed to give educators information about curriculum resources available for teaching math and science in K-12 classrooms. Each issue of ENC Focus presents a selection from the Clearinghouse collection focused on a topic of particular interest to math and science teachers. In addition to meeting general requirements for inclusion in the ENC collection, curriculum materials listed in the Focus series are appropriate to the specific topic of the issue; support hands-on, active, inquiry-based methods of instruction; and are readily available. This issue offers a sampling of useful materials and other resources on family involvement in mathematics and… Continue Reading
tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article addresses a gap in research about primary school boys’ identification as ‘gamers.’ Drawing on a survey of 318 Year 3 (7–8 years old) students, the research identified boys’ self-reported enjoyment for gaming, their frequency using digital devices, and their self-rated digital skills. Interviews with four boys from the survey also explored the lifeworlds of self-professed ‘gamers.’ Findings point to the salience of games for many boys’ emerging identities and the inter-related nature of their experiences. We argue that teachers can capitalise on the strength of video games to create ‘in-group’ cultures and communities of practice in their classrooms to support learning. Link til kilde
eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Concerns about American competitiveness and innovation have led to increasing scrutiny of science, technical, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. Leaders in the higher education, business, and legislative communities have all issued calls for expanded opportunities and training in STEM fields to improve the skills of the U.S. workforce. Older arguments for change, including stronger alignment of K-12 and higher education curriculum and the overall reform of teacher preparation, are incorporated within these recent calls, and share similar policy and implementation challenges. This analysis identifies the National Science Foundation Math Science Partnerships program as an emblem of the challenges of engaging K-12 and higher education in major reform efforts within a dynamic policy environment. Link til kilde
tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper argues that Young and Muller’s ‘powerful knowledge’ requires a more extensive conceptualization of the relation between knowledge and practice. However, rather than focus on the ‘practice turn’ in social theory as Carlgren has suggested, it is argued that what Rouse terms a ‘normative practice’ can help explicate the specialized activities that make powerful knowledge possible. The idea of normative practice provides a basis for the systematic revisability and specialized communities that are said to underpin powerful knowledge, while also illuminating how teachers recontextualise knowledge and reconciling the role of experience with other types of knowledge in a curriculum. Normative practice provides a basis for specialized and ‘knowledgeable’ purposeful practice which suggests that knowledge is never ‘for… Continue Reading
eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study examined mathematical self-concept of college students and how it may develop differently between men and women. The study used data from a 1985 Cooperative Institutional Research Programs Survey and a follow-up survey in 1989 which included information from over 27,000 college freshmen and incorporates information acquired directly from institutions. The sample for the study was limited to 15,050 students attending 192 four-year colleges and universities. The data were analyzed in terms of characteristics at entry to college, intended choice of major, characteristics of the college environment, and college experiences. The dependent variable was students’ self-rating of their mathematical ability. Findings indicated that women are less confident than men about their mathematical abilities and that this disparity increases during the college years and is in large… Continue Reading
tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Group Career Coaching – A Critical Pedagogical Approach Link til kilde