Eric.ed.gov – Preschool Teachers Can Use a PBS KIDS Transmedia Curriculum Supplement to Support Young Children’s Mathematics Learning: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The current study, a randomized controlled trial, explores how technology and educational transmedia resources can enhance prekindergarten math teaching and learning in preschools, especially those serving children who may be at risk for academic difficulties due to economic and social disadvantages. This research is part of a multi-year summative evaluation of the CPBPBS Ready To Learn initiative, funded by the US Department of Education. A core aim of the initiative is delivering early math (and literacy) resources on new and emerging digital platforms such as tablet computers, interactive whiteboards, and smartphones, as well as better-established technologies such as computers, video displays, and gaming consoles, and to create learning experiences that leverage the unique capabilities of these various technology platforms. The study’s goal was to understand how the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Citywide Education Progress Report: Indianapolis

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Citywide Education Progress Report looks at how a city is doing across three goals: (1) The education system is continuously improving; (2) All students have access to a high-quality education; and (3) The education strategy is rooted in the community. Across each goal it presents indicators of what the city is doing and how it is doing. The reports focus on education strategies for the 2017-18 school year. The analyses reflect developments through June 2018. These are updates to the original reports from the 2016-17 school year. Indianapolis Public Schools, the largest of 11 school districts in the city, is undergoing rapid, systemwide changes to increase school autonomy and parent choice. While the city is slightly above the national average when it comes to how well… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math and Science Are America’s Future. National Math and Science Initiative Annual Report, 2008

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper presents the annual report of the National Math and Science Initiative (NMSI) for 2008. Eighteen months ago, the National Math and Science Initiative did not exist. Today NMSI is helping lead the country forward in math and science. In just 18 months, NMSI has rolled out the first round of grants and has implemented programs in 14 vanguard states. In 2007, NMSI awarded grants of $13.2 each to non-profits in six states to institute AP Training and Incentive programs and grants of $2.4 million to 13 institutions of higher learning for the replication of the UTeach training program for math and science teachers. These programs are essential to address two of the country’s most pressing challenges: (1) Getting more American students to master the math… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Increasing Student Engagement in Math: The Use of Khan Academy in Chilean Classrooms

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Khan Academy, an online platform offering educational videos and exercises in different content areas, has awakened intense interest among foundations, multilateral organizations, policy makers, and educators about how this tool can help meet the educational challenges facing countries around the world. With support from Intel, Education Development Center (EDC) researchers sought to understand how this technology fits into the complex realities of schools in a developing country. In August of 2013, researchers traveled to Santiago, Chile to conduct research in five schools where teachers are using Khan Academy. We found that the way Khan Academy functions as a digital learning environment changes the ways and the degree to which students engage with and are engaged by the math content; it also changes the way teachers and students… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Strengthening Children’s Math Skills with Enhanced Instruction: The Impacts of Making Pre-K Count and High 5s on Kindergarten Outcomes

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Early math skills are a strong predictor of later achievement for young children, not only in math, but in other domains as well. Exhibiting strong math skills in elementary school is predictive of later high school completion and college attendance. To that end, the Making Pre-K Count and High 5s studies set out to rigorously assess whether providing high-quality math instruction, aligned across prekindergarten (pre-K) and kindergarten, could lead to long-term gains across a variety of domains for students growing up in low-income communities in New York City. In Making Pre-K Count, pre-K programs were randomly assigned to receive an evidence-based early math curriculum (Building Blocks) and associated professional development or to a pre-K-as-usual control condition. Pre-K in New York City changed rapidly during the study, with… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Predicting Math Outcomes from a Reading Screening Assessment in Grades 3-8. REL 2016-180

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: District and state education leaders frequently use screening assessments to identify students who are at risk of performing poorly on end-of-year achievement tests. This study examines the use of a universal screening assessment of reading skills for early identification of students at risk of low achievement on nationally normed tests of reading and math and provides support for the interpretation of screening scores to inform instruction. Several members of the Regional Educational Laboratory Southeast Improving Literacy Alliance already use a reading screening assessment–the Florida Center for Reading Research Reading Assessment (FRA)–for all students in grades 3-8 to identify students who may be at risk of poor end-of-year reading outcomes. To gain more information to drive instruction without students having to spend more time taking tests, these alliance… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Anxiety: Can Teachers Help Students Reduce It? Ask the Cognitive Scientist

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: How does the mind work–and especially how does it learn? Teacher’s instructional decisions are based on a mix of theories learned in teacher education, trial and error, craft knowledge, and gut instinct. Such knowledge often serves teachers well, but is there anything sturdier to rely on? Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary field of researchers from psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, philosophy, computer science, and anthropology who seek to understand the mind. In this regular “American Educator” column, we consider findings from this field that are strong and clear enough to merit classroom application. This month’s issue discusses math anxiety. Math anxiety is not limited to a minority of individuals nor to one country. International comparisons of high school students show that some students in every country are anxious about… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Empowering Teachers with Low-Intensity Strategies to Support Instruction: Within-Activity Choices in Third-Grade Math with Null Effects

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Instructional choice is a low-intensity strategy that can improve academic engagement. In this study, we investigated the effects of within-activity choices offered during math by third-grade teachers to participating students with behavioral and academic needs. We utilized a professional development model to train teachers to implement instructional choice in the classroom while collecting direct observation data on student’s academic engagement. Teachers were able to implement practices with high levels of integrity and collect momentary time sampling data on one student with high levels of reliability. Using a withdrawal design, we found no clear functional relation between instructional choice and increases in student’s academic engagement. However, some students demonstrated an increase in level upon the introduction of the intervention. Both teachers and students rated the intervention goals, procedures,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Effects of a Multi-Component Intervention to Increase Math Performance for Students with EBD in Alternative Educational Settings

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Historically, secondary students with emotional behavioral disorders (EBD) have made poor progress in mathematics putting them at risk for school failure and placement in an alternative setting. Two under studied areas essential to success in mathematics are fractions and algebra. The purpose of this study was to test the effects of a multi-component intervention on the math performance for middle school students with EBD in an alternative educational setting. This study used a one-group nonequivalent dependent variables design (Shadish, Cook, & Campbell, 2002) with multiple measures in multiple waves to assess the effects. Repeated measures ANOVA indicated that students significantly improved their math performance on both fractions and algebra using researcher developed measures. Social validity results indicated that teacher and students found the intervention to be an… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Targeted School-Based Interventions Improve Achievement in Reading and Maths for At-Risk Students in Grades 7-12. Plain Language Summary. Education

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This Campbell systematic review examines the effects of targeted school-based interventions on standardised tests in reading and maths. The review analyses evidence from 71 studies, 52 of which are randomised controlled trials. School-based interventions targeting students with, or at risk of, academic difficulties in Grades 7-12 have on average positive effects on standardised tests in reading and maths. The most effective interventions have the potential to considerably decrease the gap between at-risk and not-at-risk students. Effects vary substantially between interventions, however, and the evidence for using certain instructional methods or targeting certain domains is weaker. This review examines the effects of a broad range of school-based interventions targeting students with, or at risk of, academic difficulties on standardised tests in reading and maths. Included interventions changed instructional… Continue Reading