har udgivet: Reading is one of the disciplines that can be meaningful in integrating mathematics and science. One way to consider the connection between children’s literature and mathematics is to consider how fictional literature might influence a child’s thinking about the issues that are involved in the scientific enterprises. This document presents resources related to that issue in three sections. The first section answers the question of how to find information on children’s literature and lists some resources. The second section presents and explains teacher resource materials for using children’s literature in mathematics and science separately. Finally, the third section lists and summarizes children’s literature books for mathematics and science. (ASK) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Sharing Success program, recognizes exemplary public school programs and practices in the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Each year, SERVE emphasizes a specific program area for recognition based on one of the national goals for education. This “Sharing Success” publication documents several dozen of the region’s most effective programs in the areas of mathematics, science, and technology (computer-assisted instruction). Programs are ranked for quality and innovation and are presented in three sections: (1) Programs of Excellence, highest rated programs (21) in the areas of Mathematics, Science, Math/Science, and Technology (e.g., science–tropical rain forest, summer science fun lab; math–elementary math lead teachers, problem-solving approach to algebra; math/science–Hayes Cooper Center [magnet school]; technology–writing to write); (2) Quality Programs (46) meeting a high… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Alaska’s sex equity law requires school districts to establish written procedures for: (1) the biennial training of certificated personnel in the recognition of sex bias in instructional materials and in instructional techniques which may be used to overcome the effects of sex bias; (2) the biennial training of guidance and counseling staff in the recognition of bias in counseling materials and in techniques which may be used to overcome the effects of sex bias; (3) the review of textbooks and instructional materials for evidence of sex bias; and (4) the replacement of materials found to exhibit bias. The Alaska Department of Education developed this module for use by local school districts with the intention that district personnel with a minimal amount of experience could conduct an equity… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This workbook is designed as an easy-to-read, slower-paced mathematics text for students who have learning, reading, and language problems. Helping students fulfill mathematics requirements for graduation is a goal; the book can be used as the core or supplement to the mathematics curriculum in mainstreamed or special education classrooms, in mathematics laboratories, or as part of sheltered workshop and vocational training programs. The eight units begin with a brief discussion of how fractions are used in real life. Each lesson focuses on only one major concept, and includes comprehension exercises with an answer key. Most lessons are reinforced with at least one worksheet, available in the teacher’s guide. The units are titled: Fractions All Around You, Naming Fractions, Different Names for the Same Amount, Renaming Fractions, Comparing… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This book lists and describes opportunities for teenagers to participate in organized science and math activities within and without the classroom. Students may participate at the local or school level by joining clubs and interest groups and by entering fairs; at the national level, by entering competitions of various sorts; and at the international level, by competing in olympiads and other kinds of contests. The experiences of teachers and students involved in these types of activities, information about the organization and functions of activities, and survey results are described. Lists of national and international science and mathematics activities are provided. (CW) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Last week President Barack Obama announced that the administration plans to waive some aspects of the No Child Left Behind law. But states have to develop solid plans to improve instruction to receive a waiver. Specifically, states must adopt college- and career-ready standards for all students, focus interventions on the bottom 15 percent of low-performing schools, and develop teacher evaluation systems using student performance. Commentators are fixated on waiving the high-profile pieces of the law such as the timeline for ensuring all students are proficient in reading and math and seeking flexibility for the highly qualified teacher targets. But a critical waiver option on expanded learning time is being overlooked in all the hoopla. Expanded learning time is a valuable tool for improving student achievement, as demonstrated… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This report describes the effect of integrating math and science and employing technology to bridge the gap. The targeted population consisted of primary and secondary students in a diverse, blue-collar, rural community located in northeast central Illinois. The problem of low-test scores and errors on assignments in mathematics was evident and documented through daily work, student portfolios, and teacher generated tests. Analysis of probable cause data revealed that low student achievement in math skills was evident in the daily work, portfolios of students, and tests by teachers. Students were not motivated to learn math and science skills in a traditional classroom setting. Teaching strategies utilized technology, thematic units, and an integrated math and science course in order to make learning relevant to the students. A review of… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: A conference sponsored by the National Institute of Education (NIE) examined some of the issues associated with the shortage of science and mathematics teachers. This report discusses problems related to the shortage and reviews strategies that have been undertaken to alleviate the shortage. Solutions are proposed and priorities are identified. These include: (1) curriculum improvement directed to make instruction more meaningful for the average student; (2) increased research on classroom learning and instruction; and (3) recruitment and retention of more competent teachers in the areas of science and mathematics. (ML) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Society’s perception of women in the field of mathematics is slowly changing, but strong social messages remain that technology, mathematics, and science are nontraditional arenas for girls, and girls self-select out of these areas. This booklet is directed to both families and educators, because the work of encouraging girls in math begins at birth and continues throughout the school years. The purposes of this booklet are to: (1) provide information about the harmful and lasting effects on girls and boys of gender-role stereotyping; (2) help administrators, teachers, and families as they develop ways to reduce gender-role stereotyping and encourage K-12 girls in math; and (3) offer educators and families the most current strategies that work to encourage both girls and boys in math. Section titles are: “Stereotyping… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Because the key agent in mathematics and science reform is the teacher, this issue of the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science Education (ENC) Focus highlights professional development. Whatever curriculum change is adopted in a school district, whatever new textbook series is chosen, it is through the teacher that the program will be adapted and translated into classroom activities and assignments. This issue lists 31 resources (books, videotapes, CD-Roms, the Internet) related to professional development in mathematics and science education. The resources featured in this issue were selected from the existing collection at ENC and can be used in a variety of settings from self-study to group study, in consultation with peers and supervisors, and as part of an inquiry into practice or an action research… Continue Reading →
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