Eric.ed.gov – Supporting Novice Teachers of the Arts

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper examines and reports on beginning generalist teacher self-efficacy, which Bandura (1997) suggests plays an important part in student outcomes. In 2008, 201 beginning generalist teachers throughout the state of Queensland, Australia, participated in a study that aimed to provide a snapshot of current perceptions towards support in schools for the arts. Beginning teachers were asked to rank their school support for a number of different subjects in the school curriculum and provide written justification for these rankings. Results suggest that beginning teachers perceived a general lack of support for the teaching of the arts in their classroom, compared to English and maths. They reported that schools provided greater financial support, assistance and professional development for the teaching of literacy and numeracy with a view to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Feasibility Study of Assessing the Supply and Demand for Educators in Maine

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Like most states, Maine is facing staffing shortages. Recent Maine Education Policy Research Institute (MEPRI) studies have documented–both quantitatively and qualitatively–some of the challenges that schools face in filling teacher positions. In this report the authors focus on the supply of educators and assess the feasibility of using administrative data from the certification system to identify shortage areas. Specifically, they combine certification and staff data to quantify the number of certificate holders who are working in their endorsement area, working in education outside of their endorsement area, or not working in Maine’s education sector (i.e. potentially available for hire) to get a rough sense of demand and supply. They give special attention to teacher shortage areas including math, science, special education, world languages and English language acquisition.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Learning That Lasts: Unpacking Variation in Teachers’ Effects on Students’ Long-Term Knowledge. Working Paper 104

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Measures of teachers’ “value added” to student achievement play an increasingly central role in k-12 teacher policy and practice, in part because they have been shown to predict teachers’ long-term impacts on students’ life outcomes. However, little research has examined variation in the long-term effects of teachers with similar value-added performance. In this study, we investigate variation in the persistence of teachers’ value-added effects on student achievement in New York City. We separate persistent effects into general effects that improve both the subject taught (math or English language arts (ELA)) and the other area of measured achievement and subject-specific effects which improve only the subject taught. Two findings emerge. First, a teacher’s value-added to ELA achievement has substantial crossover effects on long-term math performance. That is, having… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Adaptive Challenges of Curriculum Implementation: Insights for Educational Leaders Driving Standards-Based Reform

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The ambitious goals of standards-based reform call for both technical and adaptive leadership to address problems of practice involving the technical and adaptive alignment of teachers’ instruction to the standards. Thus, standards-aligned curriculum implementation necessitates both types of strategies; otherwise, adaptive challenges will persist. In this study, we analyze case studies of four districts where new English Language Arts and math curricula were recently adopted to help align teachers’ practice with their state’s English Language Arts and math standards. We draw from interviews with district leaders, principals, instructional coaches, and teachers to illustrate how mostly technical strategies for curriculum implementation do little to address the adaptive challenges that prevent teachers from fundamentally shifting their practice to be more aligned to the standards and to meet the needs… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Effectiveness Enhancement Programme: Evaluation Report and Executive Summary

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Teacher Effectiveness Enhancement Programme (TEEP) is a CPD programme that aims to improve teachers’ classroom practice. TEEP training is offered as a whole-school approach by the Schools, Students and Teachers Network (SSAT). All staff in a school received three days of training over a period of two terms. A smaller cohort of teachers, chosen by the school leadership team, receive two further days of training the following term to help embed and develop the TEEP strategies across the school. The training focuses on developing pedagogical knowledge (for example, assessment for learning or collaborative learning), understanding different phases of learning (such as preparing for learning and demonstrating understanding), and effective teacher behaviours (including classroom management and interactive teaching). The programme provides a comprehensive language and framework for… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Do More Effective Teachers Become More Effective Principals? Working Paper No. 215-0119-1

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Principals are widely seen as a key influence on the educational environment of schools, and nearly all principals have experience as teachers. Yet there is no evidence on whether we can predict the effectiveness of principals (as measured by their value added) based on their value added as teachers, an issue we explore using administrative data from Washington. Several descriptive features of the principal labor market stand out. First, teachers who become principals tend to have higher levels of educational attainment while teaching and are less likely to be female, but we find no significant differences in licensure test scores between those teachers who become principals and those we do not observe in the principalship. Second, principal labor markets appear to be quite localized: about 50 percent… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math and Science Are America’s Future. National Math and Science Initiative Annual Report, 2008

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper presents the annual report of the National Math and Science Initiative (NMSI) for 2008. Eighteen months ago, the National Math and Science Initiative did not exist. Today NMSI is helping lead the country forward in math and science. In just 18 months, NMSI has rolled out the first round of grants and has implemented programs in 14 vanguard states. In 2007, NMSI awarded grants of $13.2 each to non-profits in six states to institute AP Training and Incentive programs and grants of $2.4 million to 13 institutions of higher learning for the replication of the UTeach training program for math and science teachers. These programs are essential to address two of the country’s most pressing challenges: (1) Getting more American students to master the math… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – iLEAP Assessment Guide-Revised Grade 7: English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “Louisiana Believes” embraces the principle that all children can achieve at high levels, as evidenced in Louisiana’s recent adoption of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). “Louisiana Believes” also promotes the idea that Louisiana’s educators should be empowered to make decisions to support the success of their students. In keeping with these values, the Department has created transitional assessment guides to help prepare teachers and students as they transition to the new CCSS over the next two years. These guides reflect the State’s commitment to consistent and rigorous assessments and provide educators and families with clear information about expectations for student performance. The iLEAP Assessment Guide provides an overview of Louisiana assessments administered through the integrated Louisiana Educational Assessment Program (iLEAP). In addition to providing teachers with… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – iLEAP Assessment Guide-Revised. Grade 6: English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “Louisiana Believes” embraces the principle that all children can achieve at high levels, as evidenced in Louisiana’s recent adoption of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). “Louisiana Believes” also promotes the idea that Louisiana’s educators should be empowered to make decisions to support the success of their students. In keeping with these values, the Department has created transitional assessment guides to help prepare teachers and students as they transition to the new CCSS over the next two years. These guides reflect the State’s commitment to consistent and rigorous assessments and provide educators and families with clear information about expectations for student performance. The “iLEAP Assessment Guide” provides an overview of Louisiana assessments administered through the integrated Louisiana Educational Assessment Program (iLEAP). In addition to providing teachers with… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Observation: Evaluation Report and Executive Summary

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Teacher Observation intervention aimed to improve teacher effectiveness through structured peer observation. Teachers observe and are observed by their peers a number of times over the course of two years. It was delivered by the Centre for Market and Public Organisation (CMPO) at the University of Bristol. CMPO researchers trained lead teachers from both maths and English departments in participating secondary schools to use RANDA TOWER software (RANDA, 2012), and lead teachers then trained colleagues in their schools. Teachers used the software on a tablet computer to keep a record of classroom observations and to review and collate the data afterwards. Intervention schools were requested to involve all maths and English teachers in a series of 20 minute, structured peer observations over a two-year period. This… Continue Reading