Eric.ed.gov – Participatory Task Science: The reSolve Story

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this paper we introduce the term “task science” to encompass the range of activities involved in designing tasks for school mathematics. We argue that task science is enriched by the participation of teachers, but more particularly that participating in task science is a powerful form of professional learning. We describe the role and design of task science in the reSolve: Maths by Inquiry project, and give examples of how teachers’ involvement in each phase of the process was both critical in developing the resources and promoted rich professional learning. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Getting Ready for the Common Core State Standards: Experiences of CPS Teachers and Administrators Preparing for the New Standards. Research Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The success of any education reform depends on many factors. A critical component is whether school staff are supportive of the initiative and view it as likely to improve educational outcomes. Equally important is whether school staff have the professional development opportunities they need to ensure their practice is aligned with the goals of the initiative. Chicago Public Schools (CPS) has been preparing to implement the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) since 2011-12. Teachers were expected to teach the new English and Language Arts (ELA) standards by 2013-14 and the new math standards one year later, in 2014-15. This report describes teachers’ and administrators’ experiences preparing for this transition, using survey responses from the spring of 2014 and the spring of 2015. Survey questions focused on four… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Year 3 of Implementing the Common Core State Standards: Professional Development for Teachers and Principals

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Timely, ongoing, and effective professional development for teachers and principals will be critical to the successful implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). These voluntary state-developed standards in mathematics and English language arts (ELA) outline the knowledge and skills that students in grades kindergarten through 12 are expected to learn to be prepared for college and careers. As of July 2013, the CCSS have been adopted in math and ELA by 45 states and the District of Columbia and by one additional state in ELA only. If teachers and principals are going to be prepared to help their students master the Common Core and pass the aligned assessments that will be ready in school year 2014-15, they will need professional development on various issues related to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Strategies to Improve All Students’ Mathematics Learning and Achievement

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This collection of six essays shares insights and strategies from the Education Development Center’s (EDC) work to close opportunity gaps in mathematics education and support teachers in improving instruction. This report includes the following essays: (1) Adam’s World: Reflections on the Achievement Gap; (2) Five Key Characteristics of Effective Diversity Training for Teachers; (3) Ella in Kindergarten: Building on Strengths; (4) Math for All: High-Quality Mathematics Instruction for Students with Disabilities; (5) Supporting English Learners in the Mathematics Classroom; and (6) Helping Children from Low-Income Communities Become Young Mathematicians. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – What Makes Special Education Teachers Special? Teacher Training and Achievement of Students with Disabilities. Working Paper 49

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper contributes importantly to the growing literature on the training of special education teachers and how it translates into classroom practice and student achievement. The authors examine the impact of pre-service preparation and in-service formal and informal training on the ability of teachers to promote academic achievement among students with disabilities. Using student-level longitudinal data from Florida over a five-year span the authors estimate “value-added” models of student achievement. There is little support for the efficacy of in-service professional development courses focusing on special education. However, teachers with advanced degrees are more effective in boosting the math achievement of students with disabilities than are those with only a baccalaureate degree. Also pre-service preparation in special education has statistically significant and quantitatively substantial effects on the ability… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Implementation and Impacts of Pay-for-Performance: The 2010 Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) Grantees after Three Years. NCEE Study Snapshot. NCEE 2016-2006

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) provides grants to support performance-based compensation systems for teachers and principals in high-need schools. The goal of the grants is to increase the number of high-performing teachers in high-need schools by rewarding educators for improving students’ achievement. The report on which this snapshot is based describes TIF implementation in all 2010 TIF districts and analyzes, in greater detail, the implementation and impacts of pay-for-performance in 10 evaluation districts that implemented the TIF program for three years. Using information from the first (2011-2012), second (2012-2013), and third (2013-2014) years of TIF implementation, the report addresses the following four questions: (1) What are the characteristics of all 2010 TIF districts and their performance-based compensation systems? What implementation experiences and challenges have TIF districts encountered?;… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Developing Teacher Leadership in Iowa: Saydel and Central Decatur Schools

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Iowa is working to provide teachers with more effective and relevant professional development that measurably increases their instructional skills and their students’ learning growth. This is particularly important as new Iowa Core Standards with higher expectations for student learning are put in place. While the Iowa Core focuses on what students need to learn, an equally important question is: how do teachers adjust their instruction to support new, more challenging standards for learning? One important district initiative to support strong classroom instruction is TAP: The System for Teacher and Student Advancement (TAP) which is being implemented with the support of a federal Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) grant. The TIF project in Iowa has an emphasis on the development of teacher leadership and effectiveness across all subjects, with… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Provoking Mathematical Thinking: Experiences of Doing Realistic Mathematics Tasks with Adult Numeracy Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This action research project looks at what happened when a small group of adult numeracy teachers with widely different experiences of learning and teaching mathematics explored their own informal numeracy practices and undertook a series of collaborative mathematical tasks. Evidence from qualitative data collected during the enquiry suggests that “realistic” tasks can provoke a range of mathematical thinking and learning responses which allow us to identify ways in which “procedural” and “conceptual” thinking is being used, and to track learning journeys through different stages of problem-solving. Although more experienced numeracy teachers could move between and within their “real worlds” and “maths worlds” with intent and ease, others had less integrated experiences, often valuing perceived mathematical powers over their own intuitive powers, with mixed success. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Impact of a Checklist on Principal-Teacher Feedback Conferences Following Classroom Observations. REL 2018-285

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Most states’ teacher evaluation systems have changed substantially in the past decade. New evaluation systems typically require school leaders to observe teachers’ classrooms two to three times a school year instead of once (Doherty & Jacobs, 2015). The feedback that school leaders provide to teachers after these observations is a key but understudied step in the teacher evaluation cycle. The feedback and subsequent professional development are intended to help teachers change their instructional practices and improve student achievement (Correnti & Rowan, 2007; DeNisi & Sonesh, 2011; Taylor & Tyler, 2012). However, little is known about the feedback that school leaders provide to teachers following classroom observations or about how to train leaders to make that feedback more effective. This study examined the impact of disseminating a detailed… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Tracking Growth: Studying First-Year Teacher Development under a High-Stakes Evaluation System

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Students who have more effective teachers are more likely to attend college, earn a higher salary, and live in higher socioeconomic neighborhoods (Chetty, Friedman, & Rockoff, 2012). As such, teacher effectiveness is critically important, and identifying teachers who demonstrate high potential for growth in their first year of teaching could be a real asset to the districts in which they teach. The purpose of this project is to determine which teachers seem to measurably improve their instructional practice over the course of their first-year, measured via a series of observations conducted by normed observers using a common rubric. Data came from 965 first-year teachers recruited and trained by alternative certification programs in 15 geographic regions: Delaware; Baltimore; Washington, DC; Chicago; Charlotte; Nashville; Memphis; Texas (Fort Worth, Dallas,… Continue Reading