Eric.ed.gov – Quincy Market. [A Product of] the Regional Math Network: A Teacher Invigoration and Curriculum Development Project.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this middle school mathematics unit two imaginary characters, Horatio and Portia, decide to make their fortune in Quincy Market (Boston, Massachusetts) running a Bull Market cart. In order to solve the problems that they encounter, they need to learn ratio and proportion, map reading, estimation, area and perimeter, population sampling, problem solving, and the collecting and processing of data. Teacher notes at the beginning of each section indicate the math objectives, materials, and whether the activity is a reinforcement or an extension of a math skill. The unit is divided into seven modules that can be used either independently or sequentially. These are: (1) an introduction to Quincy Market; (2) the use of the ruler; (3) map exploration; (4) ratio and proportion; (5) scale drawing; (6)… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Recapturing the Lead in Math and Science. Focus 14.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document examines various topics and issues related to the quality of science and mathematics education in the United States. They include: (1) competition from Japan and the Soviet Union; (2) federal programs and legislation designed to improve the quality of science and mathematics education; (3) scientific literacy; (4) the basics in mathematics education, outlining those recommended in the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics report, “An Agenda for Action” and discussing the importance of problem-solving skills and real-world mathematical applications; (5) science and pseudoscience, examining the scientific method and the Creationist threat; (6) National Assessment of Educational Progress science and mathematics achievement data; (7) exemplary mathematics programs and the criteria for excellence in these programs (including the development of thinking skills); (8) exemplary science programs; (9)… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Implementing the Massachusetts Adult Basic Education Math Standards: Our Research Stories. The ABE Math Standards Project. Volume 2.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The product of a project conducted in Massachusetts to apply the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ (NCTM) “Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics” to adult basic education (ABE) learning environments, this volume is a collection of teacher-researchers’ essays on field-based application of the adapted standards. The following essays are included: “Can the Fear of Manipulatives Be Overcome?” (Debra Richard); “Making Connections in Math and Science” (Karen DeCoster); “‘It’s Not through the Book’” (Leonora E. Thomas); “Exploring the Metric System in a Workplace Education Class” (Judith Sulzbach); “Non-Traditional Problems in the Forefront” (Marilyn Moses); “Learning to Learn. How Long Does It Take?” (Leslie Arriola); “Manipulatives vs. Rote Memory” (Margaret Fallon); “When You Have a Problem, Use Your Head (…and Your Instinct)” (Thomson Macdonald); “‘They Never Asked… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Space Mission. [A Product of] the Regional Math Network: A Teacher Invigoration and Curriculum Development Project.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This unit is intended to teach estimation skills in such a way as to be relevant and useful to students as they apply them in various problem-solving activities. The teaching activities feature the earth, exploration into space, and the other worlds in the solar system. The teacher’s guide contains four modules. Module I suggests the use of several multi-media experiences to set the stage for the activities that follow. Module II, “The Solar System,” incorporates teaching activities dealing with rounding numbers, estimation of sums, differences, products and quotients, graphing, and the application of these skills in problem solving. Module III, “The Space Shuttle,” addresses the use of the space shuttle and stresses the mathematical concepts of ratio and proportion. Module IV,”The Space Colony,” uses geometric concepts as… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math for Industry. Computation + Comprehension + Application.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document contains the efforts of a group of teachers to develop curricular materials designed to correlate the subject matter of mathematics with that of a shop course in power mechanics. It is not an adaptation of traditional courses in mathematics, but an attempt to integrate the subject matter of mathematics into the concepts utilized in power mechanics classes. Content is presented under the following chapter headings: Fractions, Decimals, Per Cent, Ratio and Proportion, Directed Numbers, Formulas, Metric System, Geometry, Powers and Roots, and Shop Business. These sections of study are designed to be as inclusive as possible. Included are all activities with which a student will be involved in a teaching situation, along with evaluation materials, worksheets, guides, and other materials that will be used. Each… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – General Math 9-12, Environmental Education Guide.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This general mathematics guide, for use in grades 9-12, is one of a series of guides, K-12, that were developed by teachers to help introduce environmental education into the total curriculum. Since the nature of mathematics is abstract, students do not learn mathematics from ecology, nor ecology from mathematics. But, by observation and manipulation of environmental data, the student may inductively discover a principle in mathematics which can be reached deductively. The purpose of this booklet is to make an attempt to bridge mathematics and ecology. The guide is a supplementary handbook of ecologically-oriented mathematics exercises, designed to be self-contained and complete with answers. The exercises are built around 12 major environmental concepts that form a framework for each grade or subject area, as well as for… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Linking Life Experiences To Classroom Math.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Despite suggestions for incorporating students’ experiences into school math lessons, mathematics education seems to be the last bastion of formalism. This paper reports on a sociocultural study of the use of students’ personal experiences in early childhood elementary mathematics lessons. This study documents the use of students’ personal out-of-school experiences in classroom math and other subjects and investigates barriers that may prevent such linking. The following questions are addressed: (1) To what extent do teachers currently link school math and students’ personal out-of-school experiences? and (2) What influences the use of such linking? The study included observations of lessons in mathematics, language arts, and social studies in public, private, and homeschool settings. Despite recommendations in the literature, results showed that teachers rarely link students’ personal experiences to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Student Teachers: How Well Prepared Are They?

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study was conducted to find out how well mathematics majors at the University of Northern Iowa were prepared in the foundations of effective teaching practices and how well they performed during the student teaching experience. Data were gathered from mathematics student teachers (N=22) who were observed, interviewed, and asked to keep daily journals. Results suggest that mathematics teacher education students: (1) be required to create practical problems for pupils for every mathematics course in grades 7-12; (2) be required to take a course that deals with writing across the curriculum so they can better incorporate English into their classroom instruction; (3) spend time working with and investigating the use of technology in classroom instruction; and (4) enroll in course work outside the department of mathematics that… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Close Encounters with Everyday Math (Math and Practical Arts/Life). Module 4. MATHCO Teacher’s Guide.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: MATHCO is a motivating series of audiovisual and print materials designed to overcome the negative effects of sex bias and stereotyping on the attitudes, interests, and aspirations of girls toward mathematics and mathematics-related careers. The materials teach mathematics skills, demonstrate relationships between mathematics and other subjects, and provide exposure to mathematics-related careers. They are useful for boys as well as girls at the pre- and early-adolescent stage; they are both multiethnic and nonsexist in text and illustrations. Module 4 focuses on practical applications of mathematics, including making change, adjusting recipes, unit pricing, ordering from catalogs, building a doghouse, and calling long distance. Activities and activity worksheets are included, in addition to the audiovisual script. (MNS) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – The Massachusetts Adult Basic Education Math Standards. The ABE Math Standards Project. Volume 1.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document is the outcome of a project conducted in Massachusetts to apply the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ (NCTM) “Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics” to adult basic education (ABE) learning environments. The first chapter describes the work of the Math Team, a committee of 22 adult basic education teachers who conducted the project. Four goals are discussed: review the NCTM standards and study their applicability to ABE; develop NCTM-based standards for four environments–ABE/basic literacy, adult secondary/General Educational Development, English as a Second Language, and workplace education; implement draft standards in field-based teacher research situations; and produce final standards and a report recording the teacher research process. Chapter 2 explores the characteristics of adult learners in each of these environments. Chapter 3 lists the… Continue Reading