har udgivet: This series of 12 teacher-prepared Learning Activity Packages (LAPs) for General Mathematics 2 covers the topics of numbers; descriptive statistics; calculations with whole numbers and percents; measurement; geometric concepts; formulas, areas, and volumes; introductory algebra; integers; indirect measurement; insurance, taxes, and savings; consumer mathematics; and different number bases. Each unit contains a rationale for the material being covered; lists of behavioral objectives; a list of reading assignments, problem sets to be completed, and tape recordings; and a student self-evaluation problem set. (DT) Link til kilde har udgivet: The interest-based curriculum materials are designed to correlate the subjects of English, math, science, and home economics in an effort to infuse academic skills into the world of work. The curriculum guide is designed for mathematics curriculum and is divided into 11 sections: orientation, whole numbers, common fractions, decimal fractions, percents, units of measure and measurement, the metric system, ratio and proportion, introduction to algebra and geometry, and personal business. The learning activities include: class work, inquiry team approach, discussion, displays, lectures, filmstrips, tests, and personal banking and tax procedures and forms. A bibliography completes the document. Each section is organized around objectives, activities, evaluative material (teacher and student), and instructional materials. (JB) Link til kilde har udgivet: This submission contains the Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group (CMESG), held at Laval University in Québec City, Québec. The CMESG is a group of mathematicians and mathematics educators who meet annually to discuss mathematics education issues at all levels of learning. The aims of the Study Group are: to advance education by organizing and coordinating national conferences and seminars to study and improve the theories of the study of mathematics or any other aspects of mathematics education in Canada at all levels; and to undertake research in mathematics education and to disseminate the results of this research. These proceedings include plenary lectures, a panel discussion, working group reports, topic session descriptions, new PhD reports, and summaries of ad hoc… Continue Reading → har udgivet: One central component of a great school system is a clear set of expectations, or standards, that educators help all students reach. In Iowa, that effort is known as the Iowa Core. The Iowa Core represents the statewide academic standards, which describe what students should know and be able to do in math, science, English language arts, and social studies. The Iowa Core also addresses 21st Century Skills such as financial and technology literacy. These state standards provide Iowa students, parents, teachers, and other stakeholders with a clear, common understanding of what students are expected to learn at every grade level, regardless of where they live. The standards establish what Iowa students need to learn, but not how to teach. Local schools and teachers continue to create… Continue Reading → har udgivet: Teachers increasingly use virtual manipulatives and other apps on touch-screen devices (e.g., “iPads”) in an effort to help students understand mathematics concepts. However, students experience these apps and their affordances in different ways. The purpose of this article is to inform teachers’ decisions about app implementation in the classroom through discussion of four case studies illustrating ways children interacted with the app “Motion Math: Zoom,” and how these interactions revealed, concealed, and developed children’s mathematical understanding. These results suggest that mathematics virtual manipulative apps on touch-screen devices can be useful tools when thoughtfully implemented. Teachers can balance technological distance by assisting students who need help as they learn the technology required to interact with the app. This may include explicitly using scaffolding provided by the app, leading… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The current study explored the effects of two teaching styles, authoritative and authoritarian, on students’ mathematics motivation. The two motivational constructs examined were intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Data were collected from 425 Omani 8th grade students (males = 202/females = 223, mean age = 13.44, SD = 0.79). Through two questionnaires, students reported their perceptions of their math teachers’ teaching styles, and their own motivational orientation towards mathematics. Multiple regression models were used to analyze the data. The findings suggest the two teaching styles play a role in predicting students’ mathematics motivation. An authoritative teaching style seems to be the better predictor of the two motivational constructs, when compared with an authoritarian style. Eighteen percent of the variance was accounted for in the intrinsic motivation model, compared… Continue Reading → har udgivet: “I CAN Learn”[R] is a computer software system that provides math instruction through a series of interactive lessons. These lessons are delivered with a one-to-one student-to-computer ratio. Students determine the pace of each lesson and must demonstrate mastery of the lesson before progressing to the next one. Teachers provide individualized instruction to students on the basis of their performance on the lessons. The available “I CAN Learn”[R] curricula include fifth- to sixth-grade math, pre-algebra, algebra, and geometry. These curricula are aligned to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics standards and can be customized to meet state- or district-specific standards. Studies included in this What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) review assess the effectiveness of the pre-algebra and algebra components of “I CAN Learn”[R]. One study (Barrow, Markman, &… Continue Reading → har udgivet: Recognizing the role numbers play in people’s everyday lives is crucial to students’ math understanding now and down the road. That’s why Bob Krech, a curriculum specialist in New Jersey’s West Windsor-Plainsboro district, likes to teach a lesson he calls “Numbers All Around Us.” This lesson uses real-world examples to show that numbers help people answer many questions, including “How much?” “How fast?” and “Where do I go?” Expert teacher Bob Krech shares strategies for teaching real-world math. Link til kilde har udgivet: This secondary unit of instruction on mathematics is one of sixteen Common Core Units in Business Education (CCUBE). The units were designed for implementing the sixteen common core competencies identified in the California Business Education Program Guide for Office and Distributive Education. Each competency-based unit is designed to facilitate personalized instruction and may include five types of materials: (1) a teacher’s guide, which provides specific strategies for the units as well as suggestions for the use of the materials; (2) a student manual, which directs the student through the unit’s activities and jobs and brings the student to the competency level for the unit; (3) working papers, which are consumable materials used in completing the jobs and activities described in the student manual; (4) pre/post tests and… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The opt-out movement, a grassroots coalition of opposition to high-stakes tests that are used to sort students, evaluate teachers, and rank schools, has the largest participation on Long Island, New York, where approximately 50% of the eligible students in grades three to eight opted out of the English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics tests in 2019 (“Projects: ELA and Math Opt-Outs 2016-2019,” 2019). Quantitative research has shown a racial disparity between parents who opted out and opted in with White, middle class parents participating in the opt-out movement at greater rates than Latinx, Black, and Asian parents (Au, 2017; Bennett, 2016; Hildebrand, 2017; Klein, 2016; Murphy, 2017; Phi Delta Kappa & Gallup Poll, 2017; Pizmony-Levy & Green Saraisky, 2016; Ryan, 2016; Tompson, Benz, & Agiesta, 2013). Parents… Continue Reading →