har udgivet: Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD) has been nationally recognized as a consistently high-functioning district for more than 2 decades. The district educates approximately 72,200 students, from preschool to high school, in its 86 schools. Almost 90% are students of color, with 57% Latino/a and 12% African American, while 65% are from economically disadvantaged families and 15% are English learners. LBUSD is one of seven districts studied by researchers at the Learning Policy Institute in a mixed-methods study that sought to learn from positive outlier districts in which African American, Latino/a, and White students did better than predicted on California’s math and English language arts tests from 2015 through 2017, after accounting for differences in socioeconomic status. This in-depth case study describes the critical practices and policies… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This guide is designed to provide teachers with materials they can use with young women to help them to attain higher levels of mathematics achievement and to encourage them to take as many math courses as possible in high school. During their early school years, students develop skills and attitudes toward learning that form the basis of future academic growth. This guide for elementary school teachers includes strategies, activities and resources that deal with five major topics. Part 1, “Attitudes and Math,” includes materials on mathematics confidence, math aspirations and expectations, and attribution patterns. Part 2, “Math Relevance,” contains materials related to interest in mathematics, making mathematics more relevant and useful, and positive role models for girls. Part 3, “The Learning Environment,” contains materials on teacher-student interaction… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This guide was developed for two purposes: to enrich science and mathematics programs in schools and to encourage the professional growth of teachers of science and mathematics. A basic premise behind the development of this guide is that all students should have a variety of learning experiences, especially students in categorical programs such as Chapter 1, bilingual, migrant, and other compensatory education programs. These students should see that the study of science is not confined to the classroom but offers a way to investigate and understand the curious phenomena to be found in the every-day world. Similarly, mathematics is not only the scientist’s primary tool but also a world of its own full of curious phenomena. This publication lists contests and fairs for individuals and teams; extracurricular… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper explains the investigative attempts of The New York City Math Exchange Group (MEG) on elementary mathematics teachers’ content knowledge in Adult Basic Education (ABE). The study is comparative in nature and took place in a workshop at the Adults Learning Maths Conference in Boston. The new members of the MEG professional development group were compared to the veteran members. It is observed that among the experienced MEG members, the ability to compute a division problem, create story problems, and reason mathematically and abstractly were higher than in other studies of U.S. teachers and the sample of new MEG members. It is concluded that it is only through comprehensive and ongoing staff development that all teachers can better understand, apply, and teach mathematics to their students.… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper presents a project description of efforts to improve preservice teacher education programs. The project focuses on two aspects. The first aspect probes Auburn Junior High School eighth-grade students and Auburn University preservice teachers, while the second probes Auburn Junior High School faculty and Auburn University faculty. The necessity of starting professional development before certification as a teacher is advocated. Two interdependent timelines of the project are provided. (YDS) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This book reports on a study of the implementation of the 1995 Mathematics Curriculum Framework conducted by the Massachusetts Teachers Association’s Center for Educational Quality and Professional Development (CEQ). It examines whether schools and districts provide students with the curriculum and instruction necessary to succeed on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) Mathematics Test. This study concludes that in the process of implementing elements of education reform, teachers and principals have been marginalized by the state agency. (KHR) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: One central component of a great school system is a clear set of expectations, or standards, that educators help all students reach. In Iowa, that effort is known as the Iowa Core. The Iowa Core represents the statewide academic standards, which describe what students should know and be able to do in math, science, English language arts, and social studies. The Iowa Core also addresses 21st Century Skills such as financial and technology literacy. These state standards provide Iowa students, parents, teachers, and other stakeholders with a clear, common understanding of what students are expected to learn at every grade level, regardless of where they live. The standards establish what Iowa students need to learn, but not how to teach. Local schools and teachers continue to create… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper describes Project SMART (Science and Math Access: Resources & Technology), a multi-year professional development effort that includes components for all adults who regularly have contact with children with disabilities. The common goal of each of the components is the development of both efficacy and capacity to inspire children with disabilities to overcome challenges in the pursuit of excellence in math and science education. While the emphasis of the program has been on inservice teacher education, components have been developed for the following groups that support the efforts of children: general education teachers, special education teachers, parents of children with disabilities, and guidance counselors. The model program is intended to promote positive and permanent changes in the academic climate of classrooms and to provide teachers and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: A multi-State, quasi-experimental study was conducted as a longitudinal, two-year follow-up of participation in an online, on-demand professional development (PD) program. The purpose was to ascertain whether student gains were sustained in a second year of PD participation. Data verified gains in Year 1 versus Pre-PD baseline, with continued gains in Year 2 atop those achieved in year 1 of PD participation, reflecting a positive trend and continued advantage over non-PD schools in the same districts. Results showed that student in PD schools gained 7.7% (p<0.01) more in Math in year 2 atop 18.9% (p<0.001) gains from year 1, versus gains of 0.5% (ns) and 4.2% (p<0.01) for non-PD schools in the same districts. Similarly, students in the PD schools gained 10.2% (p<0.01) more in Reading in… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Many states have adopted the Common Core Standards for literacy and math and have begun enacting these standards in school curriculum. In states where these standards have been adopted, professional educators working in K-12 contexts have been working to create transition plans from existing state-based standards to the Common Core standards. A part of this process has included re-aligning professional development models to support implementation of these new standards. While K-12 professional educators have been hard at work in this changeover, little attention has been paid to early childhood contexts and the need of pre-school curriculum to support learners in moving toward new kindergarten goals in the Common Core. This study examines the alignment between an existent professional development model for preschool literacy widely employed in one… Continue Reading →
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