Eric.ed.gov – Changing the “Ecosystem” of Preservice Math and Science Methods Classes To Enhance Students’ Social, Cognitive, and Emotional Development.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This research examines the critical factors in a science/math methods course and its effect on the dispositions of preservice elementary education majors. In order to break the cyclical axiom that “teachers teach as they were taught,” this study used a paired-t test design to indicate any significance. The preservice education majors indicated that they felt more prepared to teach developmentally-appropriate lessons in Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, and Astronomy. There was a development of a positive self-efficacy, which will have a great impact on the effectiveness of the new teachers. Constructivism as a theory of learning and teaching and as a significant factor in developing a heightened sense of self-efficacy was the theory used in the classes. In order to learn math and science, the learner… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – In the National Interest: The Federal Government in the Reform of K-12 Math and Science Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report is about the serious shortcomings in U.S. math and science education, and what the federal government can and should do in order to play a much more effective role in the national effort to remedy those shortcomings. The task force responsible for this document believes that math and science education should receive priority attention as a specific focus area in federal pre-college education reform initiatives. However, math and science educational improvement must be undertaken in the context of systemic reform of K-12 education as a whole: teacher capability and diversity, school structure and management, and student motivation. Federal programs in general school reform and in math and science education should be concurrent, coordinated efforts. Sections include the following: (1) “The Social Context for a Federal… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Why Potential Science and Math Teachers Are Choosing Not to Teach–And What We Can Do about It.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The factors which discourage prospective teachers from pursuing teaching careers are examined in this study. College freshmen from a medium-sized engineering university in the Midwest were selected to participate in the investigation. Based on responses to a questionnaire, these students were grouped as “teaching oriented” and “non-teaching oriented.” Reasons for not teaching given by the “teaching oriented” students (N=20) included, in order of priority: (1) low salary; (2) not wanting to do the typical things that teachers do each day; (3) concern for job security; (4) low maximum salaries after years of work; and (5) poor job availability. The findings of this study confirm concerns about the level of teaching salaries as a major deterrent to prospective teachers. It was also stated that increased guidance counselor encouragement… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Peace Corps Nepal 1988 Preservice Technical Training Manual for Math and Science Teacher Trainers N/166a.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Peace Corps (PC) has provided teachers for Nepal’s schools for 25 years. The increasing population and especially the increased demand for educational opportunities is exceeding the supply of available trained teachers. In response to this need, PC/Nepal has shifted its emphasis in the education sector from providing teachers to providing teacher trainers. The purpose of this task analysis is to define this new PC role and to provide systematic information for preservice and inservice training activities. This document contains four sections: (1) task analysis; (2) job description; (3) technical training sessions; and (4) technical readings. The task analysis was developed through interviews and review of program materials and documentation. The other sections were developed based upon the task analysis. The job description, technical training sessions, and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Avoidance: A Barrier to American Indian Science Education and Science Careers.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: For American Indian students, math anxiety and math avoidance are the most serious obstacles to general education and to the choice of scientific careers. Indian students interviewed generally exhibited fear and loathing of mathematics and a major lack of basic skills which were caused by a missing or negative impression of the mathematics capabilities of Native Americans, a generally negative image of mathematicians and scientists, dislike and fear of math forms without visible application to daily life and which require abstraction as a major tool, a perception of math courses and requirements as rigid, and a self-perception, often fostered by school couselors, of hopeless inadequacy in math skills. Because most of the students interviewed had attended public schools the implication is that public school math and science… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Active Learning Institute: Energizing Science and Math Education. A Compilation of Lesson Plans.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The middle school and high school lessons featured in this collection were crafted by science and math teachers who participated in a week-long seminar sponsored by the Eisenhower Professional Development Program administered by the Ohio Board of Regents. The lessons showcase a variety of active learning strategies from using hands-on, low-tech approaches to integrating high-tech, cutting-edge resources. Lesson topics include: (1) Investigating Energy Sources; (2) Probing the World of Energy and Its Conservation; (3) Fish Out of Water–Man Out of Land; (4) Are You Listening? (Noise Pollution); (5) Countdown to Population Explosion; (6) Hazardous Chemicals in Your Home!; (7) Water, Water Everywhere–How Much Is There to Drink?; (8) Water, Water Everywhere–But Not a Drop to Drink; (9) A Multi-Level Water Study; (10) Futuristic Fuel from Water; and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Preparing Our Children: Math and Science Education in the National Interest.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The National Science Board (NSB), charged with advising the President and Congress on national science policy, urges a nationwide consensus on a core of knowledge and competency in mathematics and science. The Board believes it is both possible and imperative to develop national strategies that serve the national interest while respecting local responsibility for K-12 teaching and learning. This report draws on research and analysis that shows how stakeholders working in their home communities can converge on what matters most in promoting student achievement. It is further suggested that the science and engineering communities–both individually and through their institutions–represent a special resource for local schools, teachers, and students. The NSB centers its recommendations on instructional materials, teacher preparation, college admissions, and research. (WRM) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Structural Equation Modeling of Knowledge Content Improvement Using Inquiry Based Instruction

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A key element in science education is establishing and maintaining linkages between teachers and researchers that can eventuate in enhanced student outcomes. Determining when and where a new educational program or intervention results in an enhanced outcome can be sensitive to many different forces that the researcher must carefully manage. The target of inquiry-based approach is to increase cognitive abilities such as critical thinking. However, students, teachers, and schools are evaluated based on content student knowledge. Statistical modeling choices affect the ability to determine the efficacy of the intervention and the ability to identify those students who receive the greatest and least benefit from the intervention. As it is imperative to determine how an increase in cognitive abilities corresponds to an increase in content across different demographics… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Developing the STEM Education Pipeline

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: For almost 50 years, ACT has played a pivotal role in promoting student access into and success in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers. Through academic and career assessments, career development tools, and extensive research, they have helped inform students, parents, teachers, career counselors, employers, and policymakers about the skills that are needed to perform effectively in STEM fields. ACT’s EPAS[TM] (Educational Planning and Assessment System) is the only longitudinal assessment system that begins measuring students’ college readiness in middle school and follows students into high school and college to evaluate their persistence and success. What ACT’s research shows is clear: The students most likely to major in STEM fields in college and persist to earn their degrees are those who develop interests in STEM careers… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Strategies for Improving Math and Science Achievement in Rural Appalachia.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper overviews strategies employed by the Appalachian Rural Systemic Initiative (ARSI) to implement systemic reform in math, science, and technology education in rural Appalachia. ARSI is one of four Rural Systemic Initiative projects funded by the National Science Foundation to target regions characterized by low population density and high levels of poverty. The initiative targeted 66 counties encompassing 89 school districts in Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. The ARSI project is based on two fundamental strategies: school and community-based action and technology as a tool for access. Specifically, the initiative involved the creation of six regional resource collaboratives made up of key organizations such as universities and community colleges, business and industry, federal and state agencies, teacher enhancement projects, exemplary schools, and… Continue Reading