Eric.ed.gov – Sustainability of Professional Development to Enhance Student Achievement: A Shift in the Professional Development Paradigm

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to describe the sustainability of professional development, specifically the teacher utilization of the Science-in-CTE pedagogical model and science-enhanced agricultural education lessons in curricula one year following the Science-in-CTE pilot study. This quasiexperimental study included 41 teachers (15 treatment agricultural education, 14 control agricultural education, and 12 science) who participated in seven days of professional development in the pilot study in 2009-2010. This study was a partial replication of the Math-in-CTE follow-up study and data were collected using a mixed methods approach. Quantitative data were obtained from online questionnaires and qualitative data were collected from personal and telephone interviews. Researchers found that a majority of the treatment agricultural education and science teachers voluntarily incorporated portions of the seven-element pedagogical model and 15… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – A First Examination of the Role of the International Child Development Programme in School Achievement

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to explore whether the classroom implementation of the International Child Development Programme (ICDP) for secondary school students (grade 9) was linked to better school achievement. The goal of the ICDP is to increase school achievement by promoting positive teacher-student relationships. The study, performed in Sweden, applied a pre–post design (four years) with matched intervention and control schools (N = 148). The post-intervention assessments showed that there were significant differences in school achievement in Grade 9 between the intervention school and the control school. Specifically, a greater proportion of students at the intervention school demonstrated improvement in school subjects and achieved the competency requirements to enter an upper secondary school programme. Based on the results,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Academically Gifted Co-Teaching in the Wake County Public School System: Implementation, Perceptions and Achievement. DRA Report No. 17.03

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Following the recommendations of a 2013 instructional audit, the Academically or Intellectually Gifted department implemented a co-teaching instructional strategy in 41 volunteer schools starting in the 2014-15 school year. Implementation data and discussions with central office staff suggest that while implementation fidelity was relatively strong in the first year, it declined in 2015-16. Still, the first year of implementation offered evidence to guide any future co-teaching implementation. First, the “one teach, one assist” method of co-teaching was most frequently observed, suggesting that co-teachers may have defaulted to one of the less optimal instructional strategies under the model. Second, AIG teachers and co-teachers perceived the initiative similarly but differed on a few particularly meaningful survey items pertaining to the perceptions and role of the specialist. Third, AIG students… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Arts for Academic Achievement. Changing Student Attitudes toward Math: Using Dance To Teach Math.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper presents results of a study that sought to answer the question, “How does integrating dance and math in an intense co-teaching model of integration affect student attitudes toward learning math?” The goal of the dance/math project was to engage students in math in ways that reached students’ multiple intelligences and encouraged them to make complex connections and try new problem solving techniques. The classroom teachers who designed and implemented the project hypothesized that students who worked with a dancer once a week to learn math concepts would become more engaged in mathematics and have more successful and positive experiences with mathematics than students who did not work with a dancer. Overall there was a significant difference between the dance/math students’ and the non-dance/math students’ attitudes… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Giving a Little Help to Girls? Evidence on Grade Discrimination and Its Effect on Students’ Achievement. CEP Discussion Paper No. 1341

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper tests if gender-discrimination in grading affects pupils’ achievements and course choices. I use a unique dataset containing grades given by teachers, scores obtained anonymously by pupils at different ages, and their course choice during high school. Based on double-differences, the identification of the gender bias in grades suggests that girls benefit from a substantive positive discrimination in math but not in French. This bias is not explained by girls’ better behavior and only marginally by their lower initial achievement. I then use the heterogeneity in teachers’ discriminatory behavior to show that classes in which teachers present a high degree of discrimination in favor of girls are also classes in which girls tend to progress significantly more than boys, during the school year but also during… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Effect of Charter Schools on Student Achievement: A Meta-Analysis of the Literature

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Charter schools are largely viewed as a major innovation in the public school landscape, as they receive more independence from state laws and regulations than do traditional public schools, and are therefore more able to experiment with alternative curricula, pedagogical methods, and different ways of hiring and training teachers. Unlike traditional public schools, charters may be shut down by their authorizers for poor performance. But how is charter school performance measured? What are the effects of charter schools on student achievement? Assessing literature that uses either experimental (lottery) or student-level growth-based methods, this analysis infers the causal impact of attending a charter school on student performance. Focusing on math and reading scores, the authors find compelling evidence that charters under-perform traditional public schools in some locations, grades,… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Investigating self-regulated learning and academic achievement in an eLearning environment: The case of K-12 flipped classroom

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract This study aimed to investigate the impact of a flipped classroom on the self-regulated learning (SRL) and academic achievement of seventh-grade junior high school students. A quantitative approach was used to compare the traditional and flipped classroom approaches. The data were obtained using the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) along with students achievement scores. Cognitive learning strategies and metacognitive self-regulation strategies were investigated as indicators of students SRL strategies. The results indicated that 64 seventh-grade participants demonstrated a good-to-high level of practicing SRL within the flipped classroom environment. Moreover, the student participants appeared to self-regulate their metacognitive learning strategies in the flipped classroom environment more than those in the traditional learning environment. In terms of their academic… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Reading promotion, behavior, and comprehension and its relationship to the educational achievement of Mexican high school students

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Reading is one of the aspects that help students achieve optimal performance in their education. There are several determining factors that can affect reading, particularly its promotion by teachers, and the students’ behavior and comprehension. This paper seeks to determine the relationship between reading promotion, behavior, and comprehension and educational achievement in Mexican high school students. Our sample consisted of 7,299 students, with an average age of 15.8 years. We analyzed their answers to a questionnaire as well as the database from the 2018 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) test. A theoretical model was built using the reading promotion, reading behavior, reading comprehension, and educational achievement factors; the model was evaluated using the structural equation modelling technique. We… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – “Who Leaves?” Teacher Attrition and Student Achievement. Working Paper 23

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper analyzes attrition patterns among teachers in New York City public elementary and middle schools and explores whether teachers who transfer among schools, or leave teaching entirely, are more or less effective than those who remain. We find that the first-year teachers who are less effective in improving student math scores have higher attrition rates than do more effective teachers. The first-year differences are meaningful in size; however, the pattern is not consistent for teachers in their second and third years. Attrition patterns differ between schools having disproportionate numbers of low- vs. high-scoring students. A relatively high percentage of the ineffective first-year teachers in low-scoring schools leave teaching altogether; whereas inefficient first-year teachers in higher-scoring schools disproportionately transfer within NYC. In general, first-year teachers who transfer,… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Classroom versus individual working memory assessment: predicting academic achievement and the role of attention and response inhibition

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Classroom versus individual working memory assessment: predicting academic achievement and the role of attention and response inhibition Link til kilde