tandfonline.com – Making sense of evidence-based governance reforms: an exploratory analysis of teachers coping with the Austrian performance standard policy.

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT During recent years many European countries have modernized the governance of their education systems according to an ‘evidence-based model’ which, e.g., materialized in new school inspections and comparative performance assessment. Qualitative case study data of six primary and secondary schools is used to explore in-school processes of sensemaking and constructing consequences of the Austrian performance standard policy (which is taken as an exemplar for evidence-based reforms). Teachers’ understandings and actions are compared with the normative claims underlying this policy. Results show that only two of the five processes claimed to be effective for school improvement through performance standards are found in the data. Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Towards a didactic model for multidisciplinary teaching – a didactic analysis of multidisciplinary cases in Finnish primary schools

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article investigates multidisciplinary teaching practices through models of General Didactics. Multidisciplinary education is gaining interest on international and national levels through policy reforms. Research on multidisciplinary teaching practices is often descriptive and there is a lack of theories to support teachers. General Didactics on the other hand builds on a long tradition of models and concepts (e.g., content, aims, and methods) relevant for the autonomous teacher who reflects on how to structure and execute the teaching practice. The didactic models of Wolfgang Klafki and Wolfgang Schulz were used when analysing two cases of multidisciplinary teaching in two Finnish primary schools. The question addressed is in what ways General Didactic principles, as defined by Klafki and Schulz, can… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – An Analysis of the High Attrition Rates among First Year College Science, Math and Engineering Majors.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Increases in attrition rates among science, mathematics, and engineering (SME) majors have produced a variety of deleterious effects for society. This paper attempts to clarify and interpret the interaction of those characteristics of the structure and culture of undergraduate SME programs that perpetuate high loss rates among their first-year college majors by looking at a number of studies of SME programs and undergraduate attrition. The interaction of instructional factors, differing high school and faculty expectations for entering SME undergraduates, and epistemological considerations was found to contribute to a higher dissatisfaction among SME majors as compared with non-SME major and to resulting student attrition. Significant support was not seen for the contribution of commonly cited explanations of SME attrition such as cognitive factors and large class sizes. (Contains… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Effective Remediation Strategies in Mathematics: Characteristics of an Effective Remedial Mathematics Teacher; Effective Remedial Math Teacher Checklist; Math Remediation Methods Questionnaire. Occasional Papers in Educational Policy Analysis No. 417.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This manual describes the process used in determining the objectives of a project to develop effective remediation strategies for use by teachers of mathematics. It presents two tools developed for use in assessing remedial mathematics teaching: (1) the “Effective Remedial Mathematics Checklist,” for use in supervising teachers of remedial math, and (2) the “Math Remediation Methods Questionnaire (MRMQ),” designed to assess what teachers, as a group, know about effective remediation in mathematics. Information is presented on the theoretical background, test development, test administration, scoring, and analysis. Appended are (1) the checklist; (2) the questionnaire, Form A (K-6); (3) the questionnaire, Form B (7-12); and (4) an extensive bibliography. (TE) Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Who’s modeling STEM for kids? A character analysis of children’s STEM-focused television in the U.S.

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Character portrayals are important to consider when investigating the effects of educational television on young viewers. When it comes to academic interests and career aspirations, children take cues from the media representations around them. This study is a content analysis of STEM-focused children’s television shows, with attention to gender and race representation amongst the characters in those programs. Across 90 episodes of programs that claim to teach STEM to young children, 1,086 unique speaking characters were coded on demographics, physical attributes, centrality to the plot, and modeling of STEM behaviors and occupations. Following traditional industry trends, female and minority characters were underrepresented in these programs compared to population statistics. However, when it came to the centrality of their… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Content Analysis of the Studies in Turkey on the Ability of Critical Thinking

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Critical thinking, along with other skills, is included as a basic skill in the constructive education program that has been in use in Turkey since 2005. Therefore, a large increase has been observed in studies on critical thinking skills since 2005. In this frame, the present study was conducted in order to systematically examine research papers on critical thinking skills in terms of several variables published between the years 2005 and 2014 in national journals which are indexed by SSCI and the ULAKBIM social sciences database. In this context, a total of 93 articles from 29 different journals were analyzed using the NVivo 10, SPSS 18, and Microsoft Excel programs and performing content analysis which is widely used in qualitative studies. According to the findings, a large… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Waukegan Behavior Analysis Follow Through Individualized Math Instruction Program: A Curriculum Manual for Teachers and Teacher Aides.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document details aspects of the Waukegan Behavior Analysis Follow Through Program, designed for individualized instruction using Heath Elementary Mathematics textbooks. The guide contains five major sections. The first details the structure of the Heath series. Section two covers the process of student placement in the program. The third section contains: Preparing to Teach in a Behavior Analysis Classroom; Lesson Plans; Group Presentation of Concepts; Working in Books; and Recording Progress. Section four presents: How to Teach Math in a Behavior Analysis Classroom; Contacts; Concrete Materials for Instruction; Testing; Suggestions for Remediation; Red Line Procedures; Starred Words; and References. The final portion consists of eight appendices, titled: (A) Learning Objectives; (B) Trainee Checklist; (C) District Tests; (D) Page Correlations for Districts Tests; (E) General vs. Descriptive Praise;… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – An Analysis of the Effects of an Academic Summer Program for Middle School Students

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report examines the implementation and effects of the academic summer program for middle school students offered by Building Educated Leaders for Life (BELL). BELL’s middle school program serves rising sixth- through eighth-grade students who are performing one to two years below grade level. The goals of the program are to increase students’ literacy and math skills and to enhance their social development. Overall, the findings from this study indicate that BELL mounted a fairly well-run and well-staffed five-week summer program in summer 2012 and that students attended at a high rate even though the program was voluntary. The pattern of impact estimates suggests that, on returning to school in fall 2012, BELL students may have had stronger math skills than they would have had otherwise, equivalent… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Is the mathematics classroom a suitable learning space for making workplace mathematics visible? – An analysis of a subject integrated team-teaching approach applied in different learning spaces

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article presents an analysis of a team-teaching approach, applied in two learning spaces: a regular mathematics classroom; and a hairdressing salon at an upper secondary vocational education and training (VET) school. A mathematics teacher and a VET teacher jointly developed, planned and carried out the teaching activities in these two learning spaces. The overall goal was to prepare their 15 students for professional life. Observations made from the two lessons were analysed with the aim of identifying the extent to which the outcome of the team-teaching approach is dependent on the choice of the learning space. Drawing on Engeström’s activity theory and research literature on learning spaces, our results indicate that tools, norms, division of labour and… Continue Reading