Eric.ed.gov – World Class: The Massachusetts Agenda to Meet the International Challenge for Math- and Science-Educated Students

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report draws on the findings of nearly four dozen others: national and international studies that speak with a strong, collective voice about what it takes to improve math and science education. But the authors’ intent with “World Class” is not simply to synthesize those reports. It is to establish a statewide, working agenda for Massachusetts–a blueprint for how to enact the cumulative recommendations of the researchers and educators mentioned in this paper. This report is also a K-12 public education companion to the report issued last year by Mass Insight Education’s sister organization, Mass Insight Corporation. “Choosing To Lead: The Race for National R&D Leadership” and “New Economy Jobs” presented an action plan to help Massachusetts maintain its position as a sci-tech leader and to secure… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The schoolarization of the preschool class – policy discourses and educational restructuring in Sweden

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Our aim in this article is to examine policy discourses that promote positional changes for the preschool class in the Swedish educational system. The preschool class is currently going through a watershed period, which is characterized by uncertainty regarding its position in the education system. In this article, we explore changes in the Swedish education system by analysing policy documents from 1997 to 2017 with a specific focus on the positional shift of the preschool class. The departure point for our study is that policy relates to the concepts of subjectification, qualification and socialization. In addition, we examine how these goals in education are to be achieved and the educational restructuring required to do this. The findings show… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Voice, Identity, and Mathematics: Narratives of Working Class Students

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this paper, we present an analysis of student interview data focusing on students’ ideas about mathematics and their experiences learning mathematics. We draw on the idea of “personal identity” (Cobb, Gresalfi, & Hodge, 2009) to capture the differences and similarities in students’ views of math and themselves as math learners, although all student participants would be considered members of the same broad, identifiable community. The purpose of our analysis is to contribute to ongoing educational research efforts that challenge processes of essentializing and to use the construct of identity in informing how we design learning experiences and resources for working class students as they learn mathematics. Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – The Influence of Lecturers’ Expectations of Students’ Role in Meaning Making on the Nature of their Powerpoint slides and the Quality of Students’ Note-making: A First-year Biology Class Context

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Learning within first-year biology is about inquiry, but in this content-heavy science students can easily fall into the trap of parrot-fashion learning. This study investigates the influence of lecturers’ expectation of students in meaning making on the nature of their slides and the quality of students’ note-making. Data were collected by classroom observations, video-recordings, a questionnaire for students and interviews with lecturers and students. The quantity and quality of students’ notes were analysed for four lectures. The analysis of data resulted in three categories of lecturers: ‘student-centred’, ‘student-directed’ and ‘teacher-centred’. The student-centred lecturers provided key points on their slides, anticipated that students would build on their class notes and focused on the development of the students’ critical-thinking ability. The… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Exploring the Use of Class Blog for PBL in K-12 STEM Subject

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: As students in elementary schools through Secondary Schools (K-12) have difficulty Learning Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) discipline, their numbers enrolling in these disciplines in higher education are also decreasing. So Researchers are looking for news styles in education including the use of Internet and Communication tools (ICT) to motivate students and enhance learning. Blogs are one of the ICT tools that could be used along with the use of Project Based Learning (PBL) in STEM discipline for that matter. But there are certain aspects that need to be explored for a successful blending of class blogs along with PBL in a STEM discipline in order to give students more engagement and motivation. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – How Much Does the Pre-K CLASS Relate to Children’s Readiness for School Skills? Early Childhood Literature Scan Brief

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: One widely used tool that captures the process quality of preschool classrooms, including interactions between teachers and children, is the Classroom Assessment Scoring System-Preschool (Pre-K CLASS; Pianta et al. 2008). The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded Mathematica to conduct a literature scan to search for recent studies analyzing how well widely used classroom quality measures–including the Pre-K CLASS–perform (see box at the end of the brief for more details about methods). This brief focuses on what is known about how the Pre-K CLASS relates to children’s outcomes in general, and whether its relationships with outcomes differs for key subgroups of children. The authors include outcomes that reveal a child’s readiness for school, categorized as language; literacy; math; and social-emotional, executive function, and physical skills (coordination of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Early Education Gaps by Social Class and Race Start U.S. Children Out on Unequal Footing: A Summary of the Major Findings in “Inequalities at the Starting Gate”

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Understanding disparities in school readiness among America’s children when they begin kindergarten is critically important, now more than ever. In today’s 21st century global economy, it is expected that the great majority of children will complete high school ready to enter college or begin a career, and assume their civic responsibilities. This requires strong math, reading, science, and other cognitive skills, as well as the abilities to work well and communicate eeffectively with others, solve problems creatively, and see tasks to completion. Unfortunately, the weak early starts that many children are getting make it hard to attain these societal goals. Knowing which groups of children tend to start school behind, how far behind they are, and what factors contribute to their lag, can help in developing policies… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Agents and subjects: schooling and conceptions of citizenship in early nineteenth-century Sweden

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article aims to analyse how the emerging Swedish school system in the early nineteenth century can be understood within the context of a gradual break-up of the estate society and its replacement with a class society in which citizenship was an important foundation. This is done through the discussion of the conceptions of citizenship on two levels. The first is the national level, focusing the national debate on education, and the second is the local level, investigating the local schools and the school setting. The main result is that the conceptions of citizenship in the school context were formed along two major lines: an inclusive social and civil citizenship and an exclusive, active and political citizenship. Consequently,… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Psychiatry, Sex, and Science: The Making of “Adolescent” Motherhood in Southern Brazil

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Research linking teen motherhood to psychoneurodevelopmental causes and pathologies has proliferated in the past two decades. In Brazil, a psychodevelopmental project of teen motherhood has gained traction despite many experts’ long-standing commitment to psychodynamic psychiatry and social epidemiology, generating epistemic tension rather than substitution. Drawing on historical ethnography conducted in Southern Brazil, I explore how this project materialized through the co-production of epistemic struggles, remedial interventions, and ontological politics. In showing how this co-production became interwoven with incremental changes in young women’s emotions, sexualities, relationships, and bodies, I describe how one particular “kind” of teen motherhood emerged and became entangled with both psychiatric knowledge-production and the angst of working-class political agency. In giving women a contested psychiatric language… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The academic–vocational divide in three Nordic countries: implications for social class and gender

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT In this study we examine how the academic–vocational divide is manifested today in Finland, Iceland and Sweden in the division between vocationally (VET) and academicallyoriented programmes at the upper-secondary school level. The paper is based on a critical re-analysis of results from previous studies; in it we investigate the implications of this divide for class and gender inequalities. The theoretical lens used for the synthesis is based on Bernstein´s theory of pedagogic codes. In the re-analysis we draw on previous studies of policy, curriculum and educational praxis as well as official statistics. The main conclusions are that contemporary policy and curriculum trends in all three countries are dominated by a neo-liberal discourse stressing principles such as “market relevance”… Continue Reading