Eric.ed.gov – Computer Anxiety: Relationship to Math Anxiety and Holland Types.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Although the number of computers in the school system is increasing, many schools are not using computers to their capacity. One reason for this may be computer anxiety on the part of the teacher. A review of the computer anxiety literature reveals little information on the subject, and findings from previous studies suggest that basic controlled research is needed. A study was undertaken to measure computer anxiety in a college population and to determine the relationship of computer anxiety to personality types and math anxiety. Undergraduates (N=59) completed Oetting’s Computer Anxiety Scale (COMPAS), A Questionnaire About Computers, the Math Anxiety Rating Scale (MARS), and the Vocational Preference Inventory to determine Holland types. Demographic data revealed that subjects had limited access to computers and only a minimal amount… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Unplugged Cybersecurity: An Approach for Bringing Computer Science into the Classroom

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The United States Naval Academy (USNA) STEM Center for Education and Outreach addresses an urgent Navy and national need for more young people to pursue careers in STEM fields through world-wide outreach to 17,000 students and 900 teachers per year. To achieve this mission, the STEM Center has developed a hands-on and inquiry-based methodology to be used with K-12 educators at professional development workshops and with students through camps, festivals and fairs, and STEM days. According to recent data, math and computer science (CS) are the fastest growing fields among STEM careers (US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). The Computer Science for All initiative (U.S. Office of the Press Secretary, 2016) urges communities to bring more computer science education into the classroom to meet the rapidly rising… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Sharing Success in the Southeast: Math, Science, and Computer Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Sharing Success program, recognizes exemplary public school programs and practices in the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Each year, SERVE emphasizes a specific program area for recognition based on one of the national goals for education. This “Sharing Success” publication documents several dozen of the region’s most effective programs in the areas of mathematics, science, and technology (computer-assisted instruction). Programs are ranked for quality and innovation and are presented in three sections: (1) Programs of Excellence, highest rated programs (21) in the areas of Mathematics, Science, Math/Science, and Technology (e.g., science–tropical rain forest, summer science fun lab; math–elementary math lead teachers, problem-solving approach to algebra; math/science–Hayes Cooper Center [magnet school]; technology–writing to write); (2) Quality Programs (46) meeting a high… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Evaluation of the Computer and Team Assisted Mathematical Acceleration (CATAMA) Lab for Urban, High-Poverty, High Minority Middle Grade Students. Final Report to the Institute of Education Sciences

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This project entailed a three-year efficacy evaluation of the Computer and Team Assisted Mathematical Acceleration (CATAMA) Lab developed by the Center for Social Organization of Schools at Johns Hopkins University. The CATAMA Lab was proposed as an immediate and practical approach to addressing the different types of math deficits held by students at urban high-poverty schools. The Lab required only 1 teacher per school reducing staff and professional development requirements. It used multiple instructional techniques (including individualized computer instruction, direct instruction, pair and team learning, and individual instruction) to teach math concepts and skills. By taking the place of an elective it allowed students to continue with their on-grade math class. For a more detailed description of the Lab see Appendix 2. The original goal of the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Effects of Computer Games on the Achievement of Basic Mathematical Skills

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study aims to analyze the relationship between playing computer games and learning basic mathematics skills. It shows the role computer games play in the learning and achievement of basic mathematical skills by students. Nowadays it is clear that individuals, especially young persons are very fond of computer and computer games. Since students are very interested in computers, they can be used to achieve education and instructional objectives. This study aims to search for evidences whether computer games can be used to obtain basic mathematical skills. The study was conducted in 2012, with grade 5 elementary school students (44 in number). 22 of the students made up the experimental group, and the other 22 students constituted the control group. The two groups studied basic mathematical skills in… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Will “The Way They Teach” Be “The Way They Have Learned”? Pre-Service Teachers’ Beliefs Concerning Computer Embedding in Math Teaching

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Embedding computers in math teaching is not a totally new issue, but the dilemmas related to it multiply more rapidly than the answers are being supplied. This study asks: What is the most appropriate way to prepare instrumentally and mentally the future math teachers to the reality demanding permanent competent adjustment to rapidly developing computerized environment in math teaching? In order to try to refer to this question at least partially, the authors designed a research project in which they studied the performances of several groups of students, studying several courses at different levels of mathematical knowledge and embedding a variety of computerized tools. Moreover, they induced all of the students to experience at least two-three different computerized tools in different courses during three years of their… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Algotaurus: an educational computer programming game for beginners

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT An educational computer game is presented, used for beginner students to introduce some basic concepts of code execution and code writing. In this mini-language microworld game, a code should be written with which a robot can escape from a procedurally generated labyrinth. The game uses a simple language and utilizes a virtual environment, where code execution could be tracked easily. One essential advantage of the software is that after a very short training, students can start experimenting, and they can understand many basic properties of code writing and execution. Based on several pilot teaching classes in both primary schools and universities, the game is an efficient tool to introduce the bases of computer programming, which bases might be… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Analysis of Students’ learning of computer programming in a computer laboratory context

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Previous research shows that many students find it difficult to learn computer programming. To learn computer programming includes both gaining theoretical understanding and learning to develop programmes in practice. To this end, teachers commonly design programming exercises for the students in the computer laboratory. To be able to improve the process of designing such exercises, there is a need of a more detailed understanding of the interaction between learning of theory and learning of practice in laboratory sessions. In this paper, an approach for investigating this interaction is proposed. Theoretically, the approach is based on phenomenography and variation theory. To illustrate the approach, it is demonstrated in detail how it was applied to a small but rich case… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Case for Improving U.S. Computer Science Education

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Despite the growing use of computers and software in every facet of our economy, not until recently has computer science education begun to gain traction in American school systems. The current focus on improving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education in the U.S. School system has disregarded differences within STEM fields. Indeed, the most important STEM field for a modern economy is not only one that is not represented by its own initial in “STEM” but also the field with the fewest number of high school students taking its classes. It is also by far the one that has the most room for improvement, and that is computer science. Among the key findings in this report: (1) Only a quarter of high schools offer computer science,… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Computer systems fit for the legal profession?

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This essay aims to contribute robust grounds to question the Susskinds’ influential, consequentialist logic when it comes to the legitimacy of automation within the legal profession. It does so by questioning their minimalist understanding of the professions. If it is our commitment to moral equality that is at stake every time lawyers (fail to) hail the specific vulnerability inherent in their professional relationship, the case for wholesale automation is turned on its head. One can no longer assume that, as a rule, wholesale automation is both legitimate and desirable, provided it improves the quality and accessibility of legal services (in an accountable and maximally transparent way). The assumption, instead, is firmly in favour of designing systems that better… Continue Reading