Eric.ed.gov – Road…Maps. Curriculum Activities Guide. Migrant Students Grades 7-12 Infused Career Education Plans in Language Arts, Social Studies, Math.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This curriculum activities guide presents a series of instructional plans for practicing teachers who desire to infuse career education into curricular areas, grades 7 through 12. Introductory materials discuss the guide’s purpose and instructional thrust of Project MECCA (Migrant Education Counseling and Career Awareness). They also provide teacher’s materials such as hints for use of activities, suggestions for field trips, information on and forms for shadowing, and information on group processing tools, such as brainstorming, fishbowl technique, stop action, and role playing. The activity plans are organized by grade levels into language arts, social studies, and mathematics or science. Within these sections are placed activities at differing career or occupational knowledge levels. These activities are to be considered as examples, and teachers are encouraged to use them… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Road…Maps. Curriculum Activities Guide. Migrant Students Grades K-6. Infused Career Education Plans in Language Arts, Social Studies, Math.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This curriculum activities guide presents a series of instructional plans for practicing teachers who desire to infuse career education into curricular areas, grades K through 6. Introductory materials discuss the guide’s purpose and the instructional thrust of Project MECCA (Migrant Education Counseling and Career Awareness). They also provide teacher’s materials such as hints for use of activities, suggestions for field trips, information on and forms for shadowing, and information on group processing tools, such as brainstorming, fishbowl technique, stop action, and role playing. The activity plans are organized by grade levels into language arts, social studies, and mathematics or science. Within these sections are placed activities at differing career or occupational knowledge levels. These activities are to be considered as examples, and teachers are encouraged to use… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Included Students with Autism and Access to General Curriculum: What Is Being Provided?

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Public education has worked to address the needs of all students with disabilities, although it has been a gradual process. The most pivotal change in public education for students with disabilities in general education classrooms dates to the implementation of the federal law, Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975, which is now known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The law itself has undergone several revisions over the years from 1975 to 2004, including but not limited to: (1) disability category changes; (2) age group modifications; (3) a name change; and (4) expansion of services. One of the most significant revisions of IDEA pertinent to autism was in 1990 when it was added as a disability category, having not been included in the… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Introduction contextualising global flows of competency-based education: polysemy, hybridity and silences

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This essay introduces the special issue on competencies or ‘twenty-first century skills’ as learning goals promoted by the OECD and other international organisations. The studies in this issue trace pathways through which competency-based approaches have been incorporated into national reforms, and explore how reform advocates, policy makers, educators, and experts have imagined ‘key competencies’ for compulsory education. Cases examine reforms in particular countries – Sweden, France, Russia, Kosovo, the United States, Uruguay, and China – as well as conceptualisations of competencies, ‘civic competencies’ and ‘global competence’ shaped by international experts. Based on these studies, this essay argues that the concept of competencies, central to the development of the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), is a polysemous… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Experimental Evaluation of the Tools of the Mind Preschool Curriculum

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The aim of the “Tools of the Mind” prekindergarten curriculum is to enhance children’s executive function skills within an instructional context that promotes the basic academic and social skills that prepare them for kindergarten and beyond. To investigate the effectiveness of “Tools” in achieving this aim, the authors are conducting a longitudinal randomized experiment to answer the following questions: (1) Do children in “Tools of the Mind” classrooms improve more in literacy, math, social skills, and behavior problems during the preschool year than children in “business as usual” control classrooms? Are those gains sustained through kindergarten and first grade?; (2) Do children in “Tools of the Mind” classrooms show greater gains in executive function than children in the control classrooms? Do those gains mediate the curriculum effects… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Perception, Curriculum, and Subject Matter: Reforming Instruction

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this study is to illuminate the reciprocal relation between teacher leaders’ perception and practice to subject matter. The researcher conducted interviews and observations of 30 teachers from 8 urban elementary schools. The data and results evidently identify those teachers’ views of subject matter both shaped and were shaped by their teaching strategies. Teachers’ strategies for improving math instruction focused on external supports such as professional training in mathematics and building skills through sequenced instruction and curriculum. In improving literacy instruction, teachers emphasized the school community as the locus for development of literacy programs and materials that applied to a variety of academic subjects. (Contains 2 tables.) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Workplace Literacy Curriculum: A Competency-Based Approach for ESL, Math, & Reading.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document provides a curriculum that is comprised of workplace-specific literacy methods, materials, and assessment techniques that are customized yet broadly applicable. A process section introduces the curriculum by describing its development process. It discusses staff development, needs assessment, competency development, materials selection, and instruction. The section concludes with an evaluation of the curriculum development process. The product section consists of the curriculum itself, with a statement of philosophy and goals, student profiles, the scope of instruction, assessment and evaluation strategies, instructional techniques, course outlines, and sample lesson plans. Six course outlines (two in each area) are provided: English as a second language, general math, and reading/writing. Lists of subject area competencies are provided. Each course outline states the competency and then lists basic skills it encompassed,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Transforming the “Underachieving” Math Curriculum. ASCD Curriculum Update.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report discusses the change in mathematics curriculum influenced by researchers, society, and the mathematics field. Many research results suggest that students should learn mathematics by experience. Students’ misconceptions may be formed because of the sudden shift from arithmetic to algebra. Up to the eighth grade, mathematical content has been heavily repeated. For more of the active doing of mathematics, four common activities (abstracting, inventing, proving, and applying) and four processes (generalizing, conjecturing, convincing, and specializing) are recommended. The curriculum standards developed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the curriculum framework developed by the National Academy of Sciences, some projects sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project, and other projects are described. Constraints against curricular change are listed and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Using a Scientific Process for Curriculum Development and Formative Evaluation: Project FUSION

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Given the vital importance of using a scientific approach for curriculum development, the authors employed a design experiment methodology (Brown, 1992; Shavelson et al., 2003) to develop and evaluate, FUSION, a first grade mathematics intervention intended for students with or at-risk for mathematics disabilities. FUSION, funded through IES (Baker, Clarke, & Fien, 2008), targets students’ understanding of whole number concepts and skills and is being designed as a Tier 2 intervention for schools that use a multi-tiered service delivery model, such as Response to Intervention (RtI). In developing this intervention, the authors have drawn extensively from the converging knowledge base of effective math instruction (Gersten et al., 2009; National Math Advisory Panel, [NMAP] 2008) and the critical content areas of first grade mathematics recognized by national bodies… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Notes. The Clipboard Connection. Chapter I Resource Center Curriculum and Instruction.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The “Clipboard Connection” is a methodology to facilitate the rapid circulation of relevant pre-existing materials from Chapter 1 Technical Assistance Centers of relevant materials from Chapter 1 Technical Assistance Centers (TACs) to their clients, teachers of educationally disadvantaged children in resource centers. Each “Clipboard Connection” consists of a lead sheet summarizing the contents of the materials (reprints of journal articles, brochures, etc.) to be distributed, and the materials themselves. This compilation focuses on techniques for effective mathematics instruction. The following reprints are included: (1) “Teaching Mathematics and Thinking,” prepared by Edward A. Silver and Margaret S. Smith (Arithmetic Teacher, volume 37, number 8, April 1990); (2) “Using Writing Activities to Reinforce Mathematics Instruction,” by David M. Davison and Daniel L. Pearce (Arithmetic Teacher, volume 35, number 8,… Continue Reading