tandfonline.com – Teaching English in a Mexican rural and an urban primary schools: General classroom teachers as an alternative to become language access facilitators in marginal and indigenous contexts

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract English language teaching (ELT) as a second or foreign language is a worldwide practice for Educational Systems in elementary schools. Educational reforms in Mexico have aimed at addressing English language learning within the elementary schools’ curricula, however, there have been shortcomings when implementing the teaching of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in all Mexican classrooms. This study was done to explore the possibility of general classroom teachers becoming EFL facilitators. The participants were 15 general classroom teachers with no specialization in ELT, from either a rural school in a Bilingual indigenous community or an urban school in the Mexican State of San Luis Potosí. A mixed-method research approach was employed, which included a socioeconomic questionnaire, an attitude… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Components of High-Quality Mathematics Classrooms: Attending to Learning Opportunities for English Language Learners

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In response to the call for research on integrating best general practices in teaching with those that promote equity and access, we present a two-part study focused on instructional strategies that may remove learning barriers for English Language Learners. We theoretical developed and empirically explored supplemental components for traditional quality of instruction measures (MQI, Hill, 2014, Math Habits Tool, Melhuish & Thanheiser, 2017). We share results from a quantitative study empirically verifying the effect of suggested ELL-focused instructional strategies (Chval & Chávez, 2011) on ELL learning via the creation of an additional MQI dimension. Based on these results, we then provide theoretical operationalizations of these strategies to integrate into the student-and-teacher interaction tool: the Math Habits Tool (Melhuish & Thanheiser, 2017) as means to concretize these strategies… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Foreign Language Anxiety in a New English Program in Thailand

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Thailand boasts a robust ESL system in both public and private schools, where students learn various subjects from native speakers in the English language. Foreign language classroom anxiety (FLCA) is a subject that is relevant to ESL instruction and learning. This study assesses associations between FLCA and academic performance in English and math subjects at a Thai government school which is in its second year of employing native English speaking teachers. 424 students were administered FLCA surveys, which were compared to English and math exams. Moderate-high FLCA levels were found in the sample, with no difference between an immersion group and non-immersion groups. A weak, negative correlation was found between FLCA and English performance (r = -0.163). Thai language math exam scores were significantly better than English… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Does Adding Mathematics to English Language Learners’ Timetables Improve Their Acquisition of English?

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This enquiry based project set out to find out if adult English language learners, known as ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) learners in the UK, might benefit, in terms of their acquisition of English, from studying maths. This research has been conducted at a medium sized FE college in the East Midlands where I teach. I evaluate this in two ways, firstly by analysing learners’ results, and secondly by asking experienced ESOL teachers to observe and reflect on an ESOL Maths session. This project found a correlation between attending a maths class and improved English language exam results over 5 cohorts of students. In addition, ESOL teachers noted many and varied opportunities for English language learning in an ESOL Maths class, with higher levels of… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The contribution of general language ability, reading comprehension and working memory to mathematics achievement among children with English as additional language (EAL): an exploratory study

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT An increasing number of high-stakes mathematics standardised tests around the world place an emphasis on using mathematical word problems to assess students’ mathematical understanding. Not only do these assessments require children to think mathematically, but making sense of these tests’ mathematical word problems also brings children’s language ability, reading comprehension and working memory into play. The nature of these test items places a great deal of cognitive demand on all mathematics learners, but particularly on children completing the assessments in a second language that is still developing. This paper reports findings from an exploratory study on the contribution of language to mathematics achievement among 35 children with English as an Additional Language (EAL) and 31 children with English… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – An English Version of the Mathematics Teaching Anxiety Scale

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study represents the implementation of an English version of the Mathematics Teaching Anxiety Scale (MTAS), originally published in Turkey (Sari, 2014). One hundred and twenty-seven primary school teachers from across the U.K. completed the survey, including 74 qualified teachers and 53 trainees. Following item-reduction and factor analysis, the 19-item MTAS was found to have excellent internal consistency ([alpha] = 0.94) and has a two-factor structure. Factor one, labelled Self-Directed Mathematics Teaching Anxiety, includes 12 items pertaining to a teacher’s own teaching practice and perceived ability, whereas factor two, labelled Pupil/Student-Directed Mathematics Teaching Anxiety, includes 7 items pertaining to anxiety concerning pupils/students failing assessments or not reaching curriculum/school targets. Pre-service teachers, compared to in-service teachers, self-reported significantly higher overall maths teaching anxiety. Among in-service teachers, there was… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Nurturing learning or encouraging dependency? Teacher constructions of students in lower attainment groups in English secondary schools

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract ‘Ability’ or attainment grouping can introduce an additional label that influences teachers’ expectations of students in specific attainment groups. This paper is based on a survey of 597 teachers across 82 schools and 34 teacher interviews in 10 schools undertaken as part of a large-scale mixed-methods study in England. The paper focuses on English and mathematics teachers’ expectations of secondary school students in lower attainment groups, and explores how low-attaining students are constructed as learners who benefit from specific approaches to learning justified through discourses of nurturing and protection. The authors argue that the adoption of different pedagogical approaches for groups of low-attaining learners to nurture them may in some cases be fostering dependency on teachers and cap… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Certification and Academic Growth among English Learner Students in the Houston Independent School District. REL 2018-284

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Aware of the challenges set before the Houston Independent school District by rapid growth in the numbers of English learner students, and a critical shortage of teachers with bilingual certification for more than a decade, members of Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest’s English Learners Research Alliance sought information that districts can use when recruiting teachers and assigning them to schools and classrooms that serve large numbers of English learner students. To respond to this need, this study examined the relationships between teacher certification and growth in math and reading achievement and English proficiency among English learner students using data from the Houston Independent School District and the Texas Education Agency. The study assessed whether a teacher’s certification type–bilingual or English as a second language–and certification route–additional exam (adding… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Co-editors’ introduction: Alternative paradigms for identifying evidence-based interventions for English Learners

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Codification of correctness: normative sources for Joseph Priestley’s grammar11 The research for this paper was conducted in the context of the project ‘The Codifiers and the English Language: Tracing the Norms of Standard English’ at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, directed by Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade, and funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).View all notes

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract In this paper, I will discuss possible sources for Priestley’s norm of correctness in his grammar book, The Rudiments of English Grammar, from a socio-historical perspective. I will show that Priestley’s norms of correctness were informed by the usage of the well-educated middle class, the language of science, Robert Lowth’s grammar and the discourse community of eighteenth-century grammarians, and a contemporary canon of good and bad usage. Link til kilde