har udgivet: American students are failing to demonstrate expected competency on basic skills taught in schools. The educational system needs a major overhaul to address declines in scholarly engagement. The State Board of Education (SBE) designed the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) to give some merit to the high school diploma. Minorities and economically disadvantaged students fail to attain minimal proficiency levels on standardized tests and to achieve gains comparable to those attained by students from affluent school districts, even when the most rudimentary skills are being tested. The purpose of this study is to compare existing differences in student achievement by viewing existing data and to gauge faculty perspectives on why some students fare better than others on the CAHSEE. Appended are: (1) Letter of Informed Consent;… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) provided Early Childhood Educator Preparation Program Innovation (EPPI) grants to 20 partnerships comprised of two- and four-year institutions to further develop models for early childhood educator preparation and build capacity in key areas of need. Recipients used grant funds to design and implement a wide range of seamless pathways for degree and credential attainment through innovative articulation initiatives, systems for aligning assessments to demonstrate candidate attainment of key competencies, and strategies for advising and supporting transfer students. Promising practices to improve early math learning, bilingual/English language learning, infant/toddler development, and quality field experience placements were also developed. This qualitative implementation study provides a systematic review of the innovations and strategies EPPI grant recipients utilized in addressing common barriers and practice-oriented… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) provided Early Childhood Educator Preparation Program Innovation (EPPI) grants to 20 partnerships comprised of two- and four-year institutions to further develop models for early childhood educator preparation and build capacity in key areas of need. Recipients used grant funds to design and implement a wide range of seamless pathways for degree and credential attainment through innovative articulation initiatives, systems for aligning assessments to demonstrate candidate attainment of key competencies, and strategies for advising and supporting transfer students. Promising practices to improve early math learning, bilingual/English language learning, infant/toddler development, and quality field experience placements were also developed. This qualitative implementation study provides a systematic review of the innovations and strategies EPPI grant recipients utilized in addressing common barriers and practice-oriented… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This volume contains three teacher-developed units for eleventh grade mathematics students. It serves as an introduction to logarithms, matrices, and functions. Units include statements of objectives, content discussions, worksheets, and exercises. In the logarithm unit the emphasis is on calculation, while in the matrices and functions units development and proof are considered as well. Related volumes in the series are SE 016 615, SE 016 617, and SE 016 618. (LS) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This guide is designed to provide teachers with materials they can use with young women to help them to achieve in mathematics and to encourage them to take as many math courses as possible in high school. During their early school years, students develop skills and attitudes toward learning that form the basis of future academic growth. This guide for elementary school teachers includes strategies, activities and resources that deal with five major topics. Part 1, “Attitudes and Math,” includes materials on mathematics confidence, math aspirations and expectations, and attribution patterns. Part 2, “Math Relevance,” contains materials related to interest in mathematics, making mathematics more relevant and useful, and positive role models for girls. Part 3, “The Learning Environment,” contains materials on teacher-student interaction patterns, cooperative learning,… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper presents a project description of efforts to improve preservice teacher education programs. The project focuses on two aspects. The first aspect probes Auburn Junior High School eighth-grade students and Auburn University preservice teachers, while the second probes Auburn Junior High School faculty and Auburn University faculty. The necessity of starting professional development before certification as a teacher is advocated. Two interdependent timelines of the project are provided. (YDS) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Mastering algebra is important for future math and postsecondary success. Educators will find practical recommendations for how to improve algebra instruction in the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) practice guide, “Teaching Strategies for Improving Algebra Knowledge in Middle and High School Students”. The methods and examples included in the guide focus on helping students analyze solved problems, recognize structure, and utilize alternative approaches to solving algebra problems. Each recommendation includes the level of supporting research evidence behind it, examples to use in class, and solutions to potential implementation roadblocks. Teachers can implement these strategies in conjunction with existing standards or curricula. In addition, these strategies can be utilized for all students learning algebra in grades 6-12 and in diverse contexts, including during both formative and summative assessment. Administrators… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Several avenues are open to students who wish to study advanced science or mathematics in high school, which include Advanced Placement courses and teacher-designed courses unaffiliated with organized programs. We employ a retrospective cohort study of 4,691 nationally representative college students at 34 randomly selected, colleges and universities to examine the relationship between taking advanced high school courses and students’ interest in pursuing a STEM career, while controlling for prior interests and experiences. We are able to distinguish between those students choosing to take an additional year in a science or math subject from those taking Advanced Placement (AP), which is most commonly taken as a second year course, but is increasingly taken as a first year course. We find that the number of years of a… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This article describes a school librarian’s experience with initiating an Hour of Code event for her school’s student body. Hadi Partovi of conceived the Hour of Code “to get ten million students to try one hour of computer science” (Partovi, 2013a), which is implemented during Computer Science Education Week with a goal of bringing awareness of the value of including computer science in school curricula, and increasing future job opportunities for students worldwide. The author organized the Hour of Code event for her school with the expectation that the event would increase awareness among administrators, teachers, students, and parents of the value of a computer science education and create a demand for more computer science education in her school district. Students should be exposed to computer… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to examine the Peer Buddy Program at a high school for students with disabilities (i.e., learning and behavior disabilities) in academic and social achievement. Two specific questions were addressed: Do students with learning and/or emotional/behavioral disabilities, who are participating in the Peer Buddy Program, show improvement in their use of social skills according to self-report, special and general curriculum teacher ratings on a standardized social skill rating scale? and 2) Do students with learning and/or emotional/behavioral disabilities, who are participating in the Peer Buddy Program, show improvement in academic skill use according to past to present year comparisons on grade point averages, and special education informal assessments (Fast Math, System 44, and Acuity)? Student, special and general education teachers’ ratings on… Continue Reading →
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