tandfonline.com – Teaching with learning analytics:how to connect computer-based assessment data with classroom instruction?

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Computer-based assessments can provide students with feedback to guide their learning as well as inform teachers who extract information to prepare their teaching. Five secondary school teachers were monitored during one school year to answer the following research questions: (1) What kind of student data do teachers use for their teaching practice? (2) How do teachers use student data for their instructional practice? and (3) How are these classroom instructions evaluated by students? To use data for their teaching practice, teachers preferred data with detailed information about each student, task and response. In class, teachers focused on providing low-performing students with feedback, either by themselves or by a high-performing peer student. Subsequently, low-performing students evaluated this formative assessment… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Training Teachers to Implement Classroom Pivotal Response Teaching during Small-group Instruction: A Pilot Study

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Training Teachers to Implement Classroom Pivotal Response Teaching during Small-group Instruction: A Pilot Study Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Instruction in Spanish and Outcomes for Pre-Kindergarten English Language Learners. Research Brief

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study examined associations between classroom quality, amount of instruction in Spanish, and academic learning of Spanish-speaking 4 years-olds. Findings suggest that gains in reading and math were larger when children received more instruction in Spanish in classrooms with more responsive and sensitive teachers. It is possible that instruction in Spanish in high-quality classrooms may enhance the academic skills for children with limited English. [This research brief is based on the following published study: Burchinal, M., Field, S., Lopez, M. L., Howes, C., & Pianta, R. (2012). Instruction in Spanish in pre-kindergarten classrooms and child outcomes for English language learners. “Early Childhood Research Quarterly,” 27, 188-197. (EJ958040)] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Waukegan Behavior Analysis Follow Through Individualized Math Instruction Program: A Curriculum Manual for Teachers and Teacher Aides.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document details aspects of the Waukegan Behavior Analysis Follow Through Program, designed for individualized instruction using Heath Elementary Mathematics textbooks. The guide contains five major sections. The first details the structure of the Heath series. Section two covers the process of student placement in the program. The third section contains: Preparing to Teach in a Behavior Analysis Classroom; Lesson Plans; Group Presentation of Concepts; Working in Books; and Recording Progress. Section four presents: How to Teach Math in a Behavior Analysis Classroom; Contacts; Concrete Materials for Instruction; Testing; Suggestions for Remediation; Red Line Procedures; Starred Words; and References. The final portion consists of eight appendices, titled: (A) Learning Objectives; (B) Trainee Checklist; (C) District Tests; (D) Page Correlations for Districts Tests; (E) General vs. Descriptive Praise;… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Improving STEM Curriculum and Instruction: Engaging Students and Raising Standards. STEM Smart Brief

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Many factors affect student learning, including school culture to teacher ability to parent support. U.S. schools are trying new ways to improve math and science education by focusing on a variety of these areas. At the core of the efforts are the age-old questions of what to teach and how to teach it–curriculum and instruction. Recent research funded by the National Science Foundation to identify best practices in STEM education shows that students in all types of schools, regardless of size or specialty, can and do engage in high-quality science, mathematics, and engineering. But the extent to which students actually do learn these subjects is a different issue. For effective K-12 STEM instruction to become the norm, schools and districts must be transformed. This brief is presented… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Tracing the moving ‘target’ in Didaktik of vocational classroom instruction

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Reconciling broad educational goals of job-readiness with specific work task-related qualifications or competences poses challenges for vocational teachers. To assist efforts to address these challenges, this article explores knowledge practices of project-based vocational instruction in Swedish upper secondary vocational education and training, particularly how the teacher´s intentionality (expressed through choice of a target) responds to needs to develop integrative knowledge. Two specific research questions are addressed, using a conceptual framework incorporating Didaktik and Legitimation Code Theory. First, how do vocational teachers in this setting repurpose vocational knowledge during project work? Second, what educational goals do they target during project work? Secondary analysis of participant observation data indicates that fragmentation of occupation-specific knowledge into disparate work processes and work… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Structural Equation Modeling of Knowledge Content Improvement Using Inquiry Based Instruction

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A key element in science education is establishing and maintaining linkages between teachers and researchers that can eventuate in enhanced student outcomes. Determining when and where a new educational program or intervention results in an enhanced outcome can be sensitive to many different forces that the researcher must carefully manage. The target of inquiry-based approach is to increase cognitive abilities such as critical thinking. However, students, teachers, and schools are evaluated based on content student knowledge. Statistical modeling choices affect the ability to determine the efficacy of the intervention and the ability to identify those students who receive the greatest and least benefit from the intervention. As it is imperative to determine how an increase in cognitive abilities corresponds to an increase in content across different demographics… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Adapting Classwide Instruction for Student Diversity in Math.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper reports the findings of a study that assessed the effect of two classwide instructional grouping adaptation strategies on the math performance of English-language Latino learners in an urban public school in the Southwestern United States. An ABAB within-case design was implemented over a 12-week period to contrast the effectiveness of these adaptation strategies on the math performance of 19 low-, average-, and high-achieving first grade Latino students (ages 6-8). All instruction was conducted in Spanish, with the exception of 35 minutes in which students received English-as-a-Second-Language instruction. In Phase A, students worked independently in small heterogeneous groups of 4-5 high-, average-, and low-achieving students. In Phase B, peer tutoring was used following a teacher-led instruction. Dyads included students with different performance levels; students in each… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Teacher-Directed Versus Inquiry-Based Science Instruction: Investigating Links to Adolescent Students’ Science Dispositions Across 66 Countries

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Teacher-directed and inquiry-based science instructional practices have been shown to influence students’ performance on science assessments. However, only a small body of research has examined the associations of teacher-directed and inquiry-based science instructional practices with science-related dispositions among adolescent students using nationally representative samples drawn from countries across the globe. Hence, the present study, employing multilevel path analyses as an analytic strategy, investigated the relations of teacher-directed and inquiry-based science instruction to students’ science-related dispositions, such as enjoyment of science, interest in broad science topics, instrumental motivation to learn science, science self-efficacy, and epistemological beliefs about science, among 428,197 adolescent students from 15,644 schools in 66 countries. Results of multilevel path analyses, after controlling for student-, school-, and… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – When assessment is a constant companion: students’ experiences of instruction in an era of intensified assessment focus

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The current study aims to deepen the knowledge of students’ experiences of teachers’ assessment related instructional actions, with particular focus on problematic consequences of an intensified assessment paradigm. Its empirical material consists of 20 focus-group interviews with a total of 102 sixteen- to eighteen-year-old students in ten Swedish municipalities. Through inductive qualitative content analysis on manifest data level, six categories of aspects emerge that together describe students’ experiences of assessment related instructional actions. Clearly, assessment, learning goals, knowledge requirements, tests, and grades are dominant elements in Swedish students’ classroom life. Consequently, they often feel strong pressure and great insecurity. For the students, it seems to make no difference whether assessment purposes are summative or formative. Rather, it appears… Continue Reading