tandfonline.com – Promoting critical thinking through mathematics and science teacher education: the case of argumentation and graphs interpretation about climate change

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Promoting critical thinking through mathematics and science teacher education: the case of argumentation and graphs interpretation about climate change Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Promoting progression in higher education teacher training: how does cognitive support enhance student physics teachers’ content knowledge development?

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Promoting progression in higher education teacher training: how does cognitive support enhance student physics teachers’ content knowledge development? Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – A narrative approach to university instructors’ stories about promoting student engagement during COVID-19 emergency remote teaching in Saudi Arabia

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic affected all aspects of human life, with significant impacts on education, as higher education institutions across the world were forced to make rapid transition to a fully online education format with no time to prepare. This qualitative study applied the narrative approach to examine the stories of six university instructors regarding their experiences with promoting student engagement during the COVID-19 emergency remote teaching. The study findings present the instructors’ feelings during the transition to distance education, the challenges they faced, and their efforts to promote their students’ engagement by using various strategies and assessments and by providing the students with emotional support. The findings also present the effect of local culture and millennial generation student… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Strategies for Promoting Gatekeeper Course Success among Students Needing Remediation: Research Report for the Virginia Community College System

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Virginia Community College System (VCCS) is engaged in a strategic planning process to improve performance beyond the goals in “Dateline 2009,” the system’s current vision and plan. A key objective is to encourage colleges to improve retention and academic success for students, particularly the substantial numbers who arrive unprepared for college-level work. Specifically, the VCCS seeks to improve the rates at which underprepared students complete developmental coursework and advance to take and pass college courses, particularly the initial college-level, or “gatekeeper,” math and English offerings. The VCCS asked the Community College Research Center (CCRC) at Teachers College, Columbia University, to conduct analyses to inform its efforts to improve student outcomes. In response, CCRC designed a study to address the following question: What student characteristics, course-taking patterns,… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Promoting Coherent Science Instruction through Coherent Science Teacher Education: A Model Framework for Program Design

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Recent research and reform efforts in science education have consistently stressed the importance of coherent science instruction, in which learning opportunities are connected and contextualized by meaningful phenomena, focus on a small set of core ideas over time, and generate a need-to-know about new ideas through a set of connected lessons. Yet, this type of instruction remains uncommon in schools. We argue that science teacher education has the potential to play a powerful role in promoting coherent science instruction in schools, but to reach this potential, science teacher education programs themselves must be coherent. Based on existing literature and our work in an international collaboration focused on effective practices in science teacher education, we identify key features of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Promoting Effective Early Learning: What Every Policymaker and Educator Should Know

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Language and literacy skills are critical to success in school. For low-income preschoolers, increasing early literacy and math skills is vital to closing the achievement gap between them and their more advantaged peers. New research shows that an intentional curriculum and professional development and supports for teachers are important components of effective preschool classrooms and programs. A special focus on these strategies is important because many low-income children in early learning settings fall behind early and remain very much behind their peers in reading and math. This brief provides a blueprint for state and local policymakers, early learning administrators, teachers, families, community leaders, and researchers to use effective preschool curricula and teaching strategies to help low-income young children close the achievement gap in early literacy and math… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS): Evaluation Report and Executive Summary

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS) is a school-based social and emotional learning (SEL) curriculum that aims to help children in primary school manage their behaviour, understand their emotions, and work well with others. PATHS consists of a series of lessons that cover topics such as identifying and labelling feelings, controlling impulses, reducing stress, and understanding other people’s perspectives. It is delivered twice weekly in 30-40 minute lessons by teachers to all children in a given class, typically in the slots allocated for Personal, Social and Health Education. This curriculum is supplemented by activities that support the application of new skills during the school day and activities that are sent home to parents that cover the topics taught in class. In this trial, 45 participating schools from Greater… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Promoting practical wisdom in teacher education: a qualitative descriptive study

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Teaching is a highly complex profession, one in which teachers have to make continuous pedagogical decisions. In this study, we argue that practical wisdom is needed in order to act thoughtfully and effectively. The prerequisite for using practical wisdom is teachers’ awareness of the pedagogical beliefs behind the decision-making. In this study, this has been described as personal practical theories: PPTs. In other words, practical wisdom is possible if PPTs are consistent with pedagogical decision-making and furthermore teaching practice. The aim of this study is to seek the ways teacher education may support the cultivation of practical wisdom in student teachers. For that purpose, we carried out a qualitative descriptive study by interviewing 15 primary school student teachers… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – National Science Foundation PMSA Program: Promoting Systemic Change in Racially Isolated Schools via Math and Science.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Project for Minority Student Achievement (PMSA), a 5-year program funded in part by the National Science Foundation, is a program designed to engender systemic change within a segment of a large urban school district in the Los Angeles (California) Basin. Approximately 40% of the student participants were African American and approximately 60% were Hispanic/Latino-American. The program sought to serve 58% of the 90,793 students, 41% of the 6,573 teachers, and all of the principals of the 40 targeted schools. The School of Education of a major urban university, also in the Los Angeles Basin, provided a total of nine long-term activities for students, educators, and school administrators. Students in grades 4 through 10 participated in activities such as the Summer Science/Math Camp and college preparatory survival… Continue Reading