har udgivet: This survey of 316 Precalculus, Calculus AB, and Calculus BC students from markedly different socioeconomic levels in four district high schools in San Antonio, Texas, looked at factors that have traditionally caused women to avoid mathematics, and attempted to discover which of them continue to influence women’s decisions to reject the discipline. The questionnaire contained 25 questions based on assumptions drawn from literature on the subject. Reported and discussed are all differences in gender opinion above 9 percentage points, even though a difference of 11.4 percentage points would begin to indicate a statistically significant result. Findings where such differences occur showed that: (1) mathematics enrollment favored men, especially in BC Calculus; (2) female respondents more frequently perceived no bias in teacher expectations; (3) female students less frequently… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The purpose of this study is to compare the results achieved when a computer-managed learning program is used in high school mathematics classes with the results achieved when traditional teaching strategies are utilized. The control groups for Pre-algebra, Algebra 1, and Geometry received traditional classroom instruction. The intervention groups received individualized instruction as their progress through the predetermined objectives were assessed and managed using a computer software package. Following the pre-tests, 3 and a half months of treatment and post-tests, major differences were found. The intervention group showed significantly larger gains in achievement than the control group. Changes in student attitudes were also observed. Computer-managed learning systems appeared to be an effective method for teaching mathematics to high school students. Appended are: Student Surveys; Parent Surveys; Accelerated… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In response to the recession that began in 2007, the U.S. Congress passed, and President Barack Obama signed into law, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Pub. Law 111-5). At an estimated cost of $831 billion, this economic stimulus package sought to save and create jobs, provide temporary relief to those adversely affected by the recession, and invest in education, health, infrastructure, and renewable energy. States and school districts received $100 billion to secure teachers’ jobs and promote innovation in schools. This funding included $3 billion for School Improvement Grants (SIG), one of the Obama administration’s signature programs and one of the largest federal government investments in an education grant program. The SIG program awarded grants to states that agreed to implement one of four… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This booklet is designed to be used with a video of the classroom of second-grade teacher Victoria Bill. The 40-minute video shows the teacher using a variety of manipulations, facilitating both large- and small-group discussions, and applying a problem-solving approach to math. The text in the booklet is based on spoken comments made by observers as they watched the videotape, and provides added insight into the instructional methods used in the class. The video and the accompanying booklet are divided into 16 events, each representing a change in the activities in the classroom. The discussion of each event begins with an assessment and overall description of the event, followed by discussions of classroom management, problem solving, and teaching strategies used in each example. (ND) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Two topics are currently being greatly discussed in educational literature: (a) summer programs and (b) minority in mathematics and science. The Lincoln Foundation summer program provided participants with 4 weeks of instruction in math and science. The goal of the program was to enhance students’ ability to succeed in high-school level mathematics and science courses. The evaluation design called for the use of a pre- and post-test and parent and teacher surveys. The data indicated that the program is achieving its objective of increasing students’ content knowledge in the various subject areas. The results of the parent survey indicated the high levels of satisfaction with the program. Results from the teacher survey showed overall agreement with the professional development model and instructional support. Highlighted curricular methods include:… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Background: Children with disabilities are more likely to experience violence or injury at school and at home, but there is little evidence from Central Asia. Objective: To describe the prevalence of disability and associations with peer violence perpetration and victimization, depression, corporal punishment, school performance and school attendance, among middle school children in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Method: This is a secondary analysis of data gathered in the course of evaluations of interventions to prevent peer violence conducted in Pakistan and Afghanistan as part of the ‘What Works to Prevent Violence against Women and Girls Global Programme’. In Pakistan, the research was conducted in 40 schools, and disability was assessed at midline in 1516 interviews with Grade 7s. In… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: National professional organizations have increasingly emphasized the need for active involvement of elementary school children in thinking, decision making, and problem solving situations. Educators are calling for role playing, writing, reading, drawing, and use of manipulatives, to name but a few activities, to become part of an integrated curriculum. In an effort to determine the needs of teachers in making the change from a more traditional methodology, this paper identifies best practices as characterized by professional organizations, and describes the characteristics of math, science, and social studies programs in eight states in the South and Southeast. A 17-item survey instrument was sent to 1000 teachers in grades 1-6, with 402 teachers responding. In line with the study objective–to identify characteristics of math, science, and social studies programs… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This brochure, one in a series of four, is designed to assist people working in schools and in the community as they work together to encourage girls in mathematics, science, and engineering. Six sections discuss the reasons for and ways to work together to make changes. The first section describes what special programs can offer schools, and reciprocally, what schools offer special programs. The second section offers a rationale for making changes that will attract more women into mathematics and science related fields. The third section provides seven suggestions, based on evaluation and research, that help make collaboration work, and identifies five practices that, based on experience, should not be done. The fourth section presents a model that has enabled teachers to double the amount of hands-on… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article discusses the impact of a professional learning activity called the Principals as Literacy Leaders (PALL) program on the capacity of school leaders to engage, involve, and support teachers and their school communities to develop a shared moral purpose for making their school more effective in assisting students to become more able readers. It uses data collected from participants in the PALL program together with case study data collected from five Tasmanian schools to analyse the actions by school leaders to develop a shared moral purpose related to facilitating higher levels of student learning in reading. The study shows that school leaders felt more capable in their ability to lead their schools after completing the program and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Defining and implementing social integration: a case study of school leaders’ and practitioners’ work with newly arrived im/migrant and refugee students Link til kilde
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