tandfonline.com – Internationalisation in teacher education: student teachers’ reflections on experiences from a field study in South Africa

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Internationalisation of higher education and teacher education has been a key issue since the 1990s and many universities still attempt to increase student mobility ever since. Much research has been done on the topic of internationalisation and higher education, including teacher education trying to show how a certain programme impacts on students’ learning, especially intercultural learning when it comes to programmes in teacher education. These studies are often directed towards programmes that last several months or a whole year. The focus of this study is rather to explore if and in what way experiences in a two-week field study can contribute to a student teacher’s intercultural learning and professional development. The findings of the research show that even… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – “My friends are there”: Constructions of schooling of children of Filipino immigrants in South Australia‡‡ The research reported in this paper relates to the broader issue of migrant schooling experiences of children in South Australia.View all notes

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract This article provides insights into children’s perspectives on schooling experiences following immigration. Albeit focusing on a small cohort of children, the theory and methodology in the article could well be applied to children of immigrants from other cultures. In exploring the primary school experiences of children of Filipino immigrants in South Australia, symbolic interactionism as frame of analysis and in-depth interviews as research method have been utilised. This study shows that children constructed perspectives on the school environment, academic work and interaction with peers and teachers. Symbolic interactionism asserts that children defined their situations, took perspectives and adjusted their behaviour in line with that of others. This paper argues that children’s perspectives were informed by socialisation to prior… Continue Reading