Eric.ed.gov – Selected Effects of a Curriculum Integration Intervention on the Mathematics Performance of Secondary Students Enrolled in an Agricultural Power and Technology Course: An Experimental Study

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to empirically test the posit that students who participated in a contextualized, mathematics-enhanced high school agricultural power and technology (APT) curriculum and aligned instructional approach would develop a deeper and more sustained understanding of selected mathematics concepts than those students who participated in the traditional curriculum and instruction. This study included teachers and students from 38 high schools in Oklahoma (18 experimental classrooms; 20 control classrooms). Students were enrolled in an APT course in the spring of 2004. The experimental design used was a posttest only control group; unit of analysis was the classroom. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the study’s null hypotheses. The math-enhanced curriculum and aligned instructional approach did not significantly affect (p greater than… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Relevant or interesting according to upper secondary students? Affective aspects of context-based chemistry problems

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Background: To make students more interested and engaged in science, new teaching approaches have been developed aiming at higher order thinking. Context-based learning approaches emanate from an idea that science content knowledge should be presented in a relevant context for students to improve their learning outcomes as well as making them more engaged in science. Previous research on context-based learning approaches has shown positive results; however, researchers and teachers need to explicitly consider which aspects of the contextual settings young students perceive as interesting and relevant to improve chemistry education. Purpose: In this paper, the constructs of ‘interest’ and ‘relevance’ are explored to analyse which aspects of open-ended chemistry problems engage students. Sample and Design: Both qualitative interview… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Good friend or good student? An interview study of perceived conflicts between personal and academic integrity among students in three European countries

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Good friend or good student? An interview study of perceived conflicts between personal and academic integrity among students in three European countries Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Discourse-directed framing as communication strategy alters students’ concept of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance formation

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT One of the most urgent matters in current medicine is the preservation of antibiotic treatment options due to an increasing threat of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, increasing awareness by adapted science education and communication regarding this topic is of the utmost importance. This article shows that an out-of-school laboratory course using active learning techniques is a valuable contribution to traditional teaching inciting personal and social responsibility. Attitude toward science (BRAINS), value of science to society (MATS), situational interest and emotions were tested. The participants’ conception of antibiotics was evaluated by analysing follow-up mind maps. Generally, the laboratory course created positive feelings and situational interest. Compared to an instructor-directed frame, communication within an individually adapting discourse-directed frame… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Creating a response space in multiparty classroom settings for students using eye-gaze accessed speech-generating devices

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Conversation Analysis was used to explore how teachers, personal care assistants, and students organized inclusive multiparty classroom interaction when one of the students in the classroom used an eye-gaze accessed speech-generating device (SGD). Scaffolding and collaborative practices that created a response space for the construction of the eye-gaze accessed SGD-mediated turn were identified and analyzed. The participants were two adolescent students with severe cerebral palsy and intellectual disability who relied on eye-gaze accessed SGDs, and their teachers, personal care assistants, and classmates with intellectual disabilities. The data consisted of 2 hr and 40 min of video recordings collected in the participants’ classrooms. Three practices were identified (a) the practice of explicit turn allocation organization and the use of display questions,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Assist Students in Improving Their Math Skills. Module M-5 of Category M–Assisting Students in Improving Their Basic Skills. Professional Teacher Education Module Series.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This module, one in a series of performance-based teacher education learning packages, focuses on a specific skill that vocational educators need in order to integrate the teaching and reinforcement of basic skills into their regular vocational instruction. The purpose of the module is to give educators competency in assisting students in improving their math skills. It provides techniques for (1) assessing students’ math skills in relation to the math requirements for the occupational area, (2) assessing one’s own readiness to assist students with these skills, and (3) working with students to improve math skills. The teacher also gains skill in identifying specific kinds of errors students commonly make and in helping students to improve skills in these specific areas. Introductory material provides terminal and enabling objectives, a… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – ‘They often have AHA-moments’: how training teachers to philosophize the Dialogos Way with their students can promote life skills and democratic citizenship in education

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper is an account of a developmental action inquiry research project in which teachers from 13 secondary schools were trained to philosophize the Dialogos way with their 8th-grade students, as part of ongoing curriculum reforms in Norway. In the reforms, and in this paper, the themes of life skills and democratic citizenship are in the focus. The project’s guiding question reads: What are the challenges and developmental benefits – with regards to life skills and democratic citizenship – when training teachers to philosophize the Dialogos Way with their students? One of the main challenges was that teachers were assigned to the project by their employer; this made it difficult to unleash the full potential of the Dialogos… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – How Students Communicate Mathematical Ideas: An Examination of Multimodal Writing Using Digital Technologies

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article reports the findings of a study designed to examine the influence of multimodal writing on the communication of mathematical ideas. Elementary school students (ages 8-13) were required to write mathematics notes using two digital writing technologies, a personal digital notepad and a social mathematics blog, in the context of a formal intervention. Forty-two students participated, across three schools. The study showed that when students wrote notes that could be assessed for correctness, their answers were predominately right, indicating that mathematical sense-making was taking place. It also showed that the digital notepad and blog were used differently and that the type of technology influences the writing content. Moreover, students’ mathematical writing were understandable by their peers and students collaboratively explored solutions. Younger students were more likely… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Effects of games on students’ emotions of learning science and achievement in chemistry

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This study investigated the time effect of cooperative games on students’ emotions of learning science and the treatment effect on their chemistry achievement. This quasi-experimental study compared the use of cards, board games, and riddles, and the use of conventional paper-and-pencil exercises to learn the basics of chemical elements and compounds, for a duration of 4 weeks. One hundred and fourteen ninth graders at an urban public high school in Taipei were involved. The results revealed that the experimental group had significantly higher positive emotion and lower negative emotion throughout the intervention period. While no time effect was observed for the experimental group, a significant time effect on positive and negative emotions in the comparison group using exercises… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Students’ experiences of using digital technologies to address their personal research needs during the COVID-19 lockdown

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Digital technologies have been developed for postgraduate students to help them to access data and published research, write their dissertations, and communicate with their supervisors. In South Africa, the COVID-19 pandemic has compelled masters students to make greater use of digital technologies to ensure continuity and productivity under government-imposed lockdown at home. In previous studies, students have been observed to use digital technologies to address professionalisation or socialisation experiences at the expense of personalisation experience. This qualitative case study of five master’s students explores their experiences of using digital technologies during the COVID-19 lockdown. The participants were purposively selected from a larger sample of 14 students who participated in the researcher’s doctoral study. Semi-structured interviews, focus group discussion… Continue Reading