tandfonline.com – Enacting school self-evaluation: the policy actors in Irish schools

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT School self-evaluation is a low-stakes policy recently mandated in Ireland and while schools are becoming more consistent in engaging in this internal mode of evaluation, their engagement has not been uniform. This paper provides new ways of thinking about, understanding, and explaining how school self-evaluation plays out in Irish schools. Subscribing to the view that policies are not simply implemented but enacted through the creative processes of interpretation and translation, this paper shows how school self-evaluation is performed in Irish schools in various ways by various people. We identify numerous policy actors in our qualitative data: narrators, entrepreneurs, outsiders, transactors, enthusiasts, translators, critics, and receivers. This assortment of actors helps to bring school self-evaluation to life but as… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – SHINE in Secondaries: Evaluation Report and Executive Summary

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This is a report of a pilot programme of the SHINE in Secondaries Saturday school transition intervention. The programme aims to improve attainment by focusing on literacy and numeracy and revisiting areas where pupils are struggling through a creative curriculum approach and enrichment opportunities. The Saturday programme is run by teachers from the school for 25 weeks throughout Year 7. Schools are responsible for developing their own curriculum of activities to suit the abilities and needs of their pupils following guiding principles specified by SHINE. The programme is designed to run for approximately 60 pupils staffed by four qualified teachers, three teaching assistants and three peer mentors all recruited and employed by the host secondary school. This evaluation was set up as a pilot study with four… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Profiles of readiness: Using a blended framework to explore what it takes for faculty to be ready to change instructional practice

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract In answer to calls for research about professional change, this study addressed the question: What is involved in college science faculty readiness for change in instructional practice? The setting was a professional development experience in oceanography/marine science and paleoclimatology among 32 faculty from 2- and 4-year colleges. Ten of the 32 participated in interviews, and all provided survey responses and documents used in the study. Cycles of inductive analysis generated three example case stories to illustrate a new model for exploring faculty readiness for change in teaching. The model blends results from the health sciences on readiness for behavioral change with research on the personal, external, professional, and consequence domains of a professional change environment. The blended model… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – National CrossTalk. Volume 18, Number 1

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “National CrossTalk” is a publication of the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education. The National Center promotes public policies that enhance opportunities for quality education and training beyond high school. The primary purpose of “National CrossTalk” is to stimulate informed discussion and debate of higher education issues. This issue of “National CrossTalk” includes the following articles: (1) Ohio’s Brain Drain: Reform of Public Higher Education Is Intended to Change Perceptions and Retain Graduates (Jon Marcus); (2) Redesigning the Basics: Tennessee’s Community Colleges Use Technology to Change Their Approach to Developmental Reading and Math (Kay Mills); (3) Investing the Stimulus: Metropolitan State College of Denver Uses Federal Funding to Reposition Itself for the Future (Kathy Witkowsky); and (4) New Teacher Education: Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Staff Development for Pedagogues in Bilingual Math and Science Programs, 1993-94. Final Evaluation Report. OER Report.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Staff Development for Pedagogues in Bilingual Math and Science provided two thematically-based workshops to 40 New York City science teachers who taught students of limited English proficiency (LEP) citywide. Workshops emphasized successful teaching strategies as well as psychological aspects involved in teaching LEP students. The project also provided research articles and monographs about the latest techniques in teaching science. Analysis of participants’ responses to a questionnaire found that almost all respondents were highly satisfied with all aspects of the workshops: content, mode of preservation, and materials used. In addition, although the required data were unavailable, it appeared that the students of participating teachers performed as well as similar students citywide on the Regents Competency Tests (RCTs) in science. The project met its objectives for staff satisfaction with… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – A mapping of graduate attributes: what can we expect from UK university students?

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The higher education market has prompted universities to justify their value and worth, especially to students. In Australia, New Zealand and the UK, it is increasingly common for universities to advertise their vision to prospective students, through Graduate Attributes, and showcase the sets of skills and competencies their graduates would develop throughout a degree. Whilst there are extensive studies in Australasia, research in the UK context is limited. This paper presents what we believe is the first national mapping of graduate attributes proposed by UK universities. Our analysis suggests four discourses that characterise the overarching qualities that UK students can expect to embody by graduation: self-awareness & lifelong learning, employability & professional development, global citizenship & engagement and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – 12th Annual Comparative Analysis of the Racine Unified School District: Demographics, Attendance, Finances, Student Engagement, and Achievement

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This is the 12th annual report on conditions affecting the Racine Unified School District (RUSD). This year, the analysis again focuses on the long-term historical trends in RUSD. The analysis compares RUSD data to data of nine peer school districts as well as statewide data. The peer districts are defined as those Wisconsin districts with enrollments most similar to the enrollment in Racine. In addition to enrollment trends, the findings pertain to three RUSD quality objective measures: operational efficiency, student engagement, and student achievement. Operational efficiency includes finance data, student engagement includes attendance and disciplinary data, while student achievement includes test scores and graduation rates. Major findings include: (1) RUSD enrollment declined for the second year in a row; (2) RUSD jumped up in the peer rankings,… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Development, validation and deployment of the EmployABILITY scale

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article presents the development, validation and deployment of a scale with which higher education students self-assess their perceived employability. Underpinned by social cognitive career theory and Yorke and Knight’s (2007) USEM model for students’ attainment of employability, a perceived employability questionnaire was developed and piloted with 1849 university students. The final questionnaire was administered with students from over 15 Australian universities, resulting in a sample of 10,193 students. The scale was validated using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, resulting in a 14-factor employability measure that met the acceptable validity thresholds. The multi-factor perceived employability scale validates the USEM model and has implications for theory and practice. Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – How can therapists and other healthcare practitioners best support and validate their queer menopausal clients?

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract How do queer people experience menopause? And what is the queer menopausal experience of therapy and the wider healthcare system? The existing literature examines lesbian lives, but there are no studies of the wider LGBTQ + population, particularly as clients in therapy. For this study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 LGBTQ + identified participants. While some participants had positive experiences, practitioners overall were frequently unable to meet their needs, both in terms of menopause knowledge and understanding queer identities. In summary, participants felt that therapists should: listen to queer menopausal clients and not make assumptions; understand that this client group is likely to have had previous negative experiences with healthcare practitioners; realise that both they and their clients are likely holding… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Alabama Education News. Volume 28, Number 9

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “Alabama Education News” is published monthly except for June, July, and December by the Alabama Department of Education. This publication, authorized by Section 16-2-4 of the “Code of Alabama”, as recompiled in 1975, is a public service of the Alabama Department of Education designed to inform citizens and educators about programs and goals of public education in Alabama. This issue contains the following articles: (1) Effective School Bus Maintenance Combats High Fuel Costs; (2) Torchbearer Schools Light Up Student Performance; (3) Alabama among First States to Administer New ELL Test; (4) School Systems Consistently Receive National Award; (5) School of Fine Arts Director Pens Drama Highlighting Birmingham’s Racial History; (6) $10,000 Recycling Rewards for 10 Alabama Public Schools; (7) Math Tournament Readies Students for State Tests; (8)… Continue Reading