Eric.ed.gov – Investigating the Relationship of Standards-Based Grades vs. Traditional-Based Grades to Results of the Scholastic Math Inventory at the Middle School Level

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Grading is one of teachers’ greatest challenges and most important professional responsibilities. Educators are unclear on whether standards-based grades or traditional-based grades do a better job of accurately reflecting what students have learned, so the purpose of this study was to understand the relationship between classroom grades and scores on the Scholastic Math Inventory (SMI) assessment. The individuals were sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade mathematics students from five different middle schools in the same district as they took the SMI assessment. There were about 500 students in the standards-based grading system and about 1,900 students in the traditional grading system. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Emporium Model: The Key to Content Retention in Secondary Math Courses

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The math emporium model was first developed by Virginia Tech in 1999. In the emporium model students use computer-based learning resources, engage in active learning, and work toward mastery of concepts. This approach to teaching and learning mathematics was piloted in a rural STEM high school. The purpose of this experimental study was to compare the impact of the emporium model and the traditional approach to instruction on student achievement and retention of algebra. The results indicated that both approaches to instruction were equally effective in improving student mathematics knowledge. However, the findings revealed that the students in the emporium section had significantly higher retention of the content knowledge. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Blueprint for Change in Hawaii: State Teacher Policy Yearbook, 2010

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The 2009 “State Teacher Policy Yearbook” provided a comprehensive review of states’ policies that impact the teaching profession. As a companion to last year’s comprehensive state-by-state analysis, the 2010 edition provides each state with an individualized “Blueprint for Change,” building off last year’s “Yearbook” goals and recommendations. State teacher policy addresses a great many areas, including teacher preparation, certification, evaluation and compensation. With so many moving parts, it may be difficult for states to find a starting point on the road to reform. To this end, this paper provides a state-specific roadmap, organized in three main sections. Section 1 identifies policy concerns that need critical attention, the areas of highest priority for state policymakers. Section 2 outlines “low-hanging fruit,” policy changes that can be implemented in relatively… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – “Double-Dosing” in Math in North Carolina Public Schools. REL 2016-140

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Double-dosing in math expands the time for students to learn by having them enroll in two (or occasionally more) math courses during the regular school day. Although the practice can take different forms and be used at different grade levels (Chait, Muller, Goldware, & Housman, 2007; Nomi & Allensworth, 2009), most research on double-dosing in math has focused on students who need preparation to make the transition to Algebra I or similar rigorous high school math courses–typically, grade 8 or grade 9 students. This study aims to provide a more complete picture of the prevalence of double-dosing in math in North Carolina in 2011/12, the most recent year that data were available. It also reports on the use of double-dosing for remediation, maintenance, and enrichment; compares schools… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Technology, Gender Attitude, and Software, among Middle School Math Instructors

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Technology has gained a firm stronghold in society as well as modern classroom. Students are assumed to have a natural aptitude for computers. Over the past decades, educational websites have appeared to be “interactive” and “to make learning fun”. This study employed quantitative method of research using 8th grade instructors from South East Dallas Texas school district. Data was collected via Microsoft Excel and SPSS computation. The survey instrument tested for internal consistency and reliability. The seven Likert scale items tested nine variables for Pearson correlation. A t-test detected non-significance at the p > 0.05 level of probability indicating that male teachers seldom use technology to teach math than their female colleagues. A second t-test showed a significant difference at p < 0.05 level for difference between… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Changing the Developmental Trajectory in Early Math through a Two-Year Preschool Math Intervention

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: There is a national need for effective interventions to improve school readiness and subsequent achievement in mathematics for students from low-income families. The purpose of this study was to implement and evaluate a 2-year preschool math intervention that began at preschool entry when children were 3 years of age and continued through the end of the pre-kindergarten (pre-K) year. Three principal objectives will be addressed in this presentation: (1) to evaluate the efficacy of a math curriculum for 3-year-olds implemented in the pre-pre-kindergarten (pre-pre-K) year of preschool; (2) to compare the impact of a 2-year math intervention (implemented during pre-pre-K and pre-K years) with a 1-year math intervention (PK) or a business-as-usual control condition on children’s mathematical knowledge at the end of preschool; and (3) to examine… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Role of Teacher Morale and Motivation on Students’ Science and Math Achievement: Findings from Singapore, Japan, Finland and Turkey

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Teacher motivation is one of the factors that affect the realization of the teaching objectives, motivation and academic achievement of student. This study aimed to answer to the question “How is the relation between the students’ academic (sciences and mathematics) achievement and teachers’ morale/motivation in Singapore, Japan, Finland and Turkey?” by using PISA 2012 data and TIMSS 2011 data. The researchers used descriptive statistics and hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) in order to study the effects of the morale and motivation qualities of the sciences and mathematics teachers on students’ academic achievement. Moreover, comparisons were made in this field according to the obtained results. The results showed that the teacher factor was more effective in countries with different income balance while the teacher morale and motivation generally has… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher-Led Math Inquiry in Belize: A Cluster Randomized Trial

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In Belize, the percentage of untrained teachers (i.e. teachers with the equivalent of a high school education or less) is one of the highest in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean. In response to growing student cohorts, the increased demand for more classroom teachers has led to significant decrease in the proportion of trained teachers at both the primary and secondary levels. Fewer than 45% of teachers at primary and secondary levels are trained, whereas some countries in the region report more than 80% are trained. Perhaps as a result of the lack of training, a content test that was applied to a representative sample of teachers nationwide as part of this study design revealed important gaps in teachers’ math content knowledge. The authors hypothesized… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Fostering Early Math Comprehension: Experimental Evidence from Paraguay

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Research indicates that preschool children need to learn pre-math skills to build a foundation for primary- and secondary-level mathematics. This paper presents the results from the early stages of a pilot mathematics program implemented in Cordillera, Paraguay. In a context of significant gaps in teacher preparation and pedagogy, the program uses interactive audio segments that cover the entire preschool math curriculum. Since Paraguayan classrooms tend to be bilingual, the audio and written materials use a combination of Spanish and Guaraní. Based on an experimental evaluation since the program’s implementation, we document positive and significant improvements of 0.16 standard deviations in standardized test scores. The program helped narrow learning gaps between low- and high-performing students, and between students with trained teachers and those whose teachers lack formal training… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Modularized, Computer-Assisted, Self-Paced Approach to Developmental Math

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Community colleges are a large sector of postsecondary education. In 2016-2017, the United States had nearly 1,000 public 2-year postsecondary institutions (community colleges), serving almost nine million students, representing 39% of all undergraduates. The majority of entering community college students require developmental (or remedial) math. Success rates in the developmental math course sequence and college more broadly are discouragingly low. Policymakers, practitioners, and researchers alike are eagerly searching for reforms to improve success rates, but there is a dearth of causal evidence on the effectiveness of most proposed reforms. We sought to answer the following question: what effect does a modularized, computer-assisted, self-paced approach to developmental math (compared with a more “traditional” direct-instruction course alternative) have on students’ likelihood of completing the developmental math course sequence? Findings… Continue Reading