har udgivet: Rigorous evidence from around the world has shown that significant improvements in learning can be obtained at comparatively low cost by spending more, focused time ensuring that the bottom half of the class in the early grades does not get left behind. The authors present results from the Teacher Community Assistant Initiative (TCAI) that tests the provision of remedial education as one possible solution to low learning levels in school. The theory of change of this program is simple: primary schools across the developing world fail to equip pupils with basic literacy and numeracy skills, often because schools are not able to target teaching to the actual learning levels of pupils. TCAI data collection included a baseline, 6 rolling midlines and 2 endline surveys. Preliminary results from… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Schools in 47 high-poverty school districts located mostly along the Atlantic Coast of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia may have a head start on new requirements of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001, thanks to a $6 million grant from the National Science Foundation. Begun in April 2000, the five-year Coastal Rural Systemic Initiative (CRSI) is striving to stimulate sustainable systemic improvements in science and mathematics education in school districts with a long history of low student expectations, persistent poverty, low teacher pay, and high administrator turnover. The CRSI capacity-building model is designed to address issues in rural school districts that traditionally limit the capacity for creating sustainable improvements in math and science programs. A critical action step is that each school district… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: People do better when more is expected of them. In education circles, this is called the Pygmalion Effect. It has been demonstrated in study after study, and the results can sometimes be quite significant. In one research project, for instance, teacher expectations of a pre-schooler’s ability was a robust predictor of the child’s high school GPA. Raising student expectations has been in the news a lot recently as part of a larger conversation about improving learning outcomes. Most notably, a group of states have developed the Common Core State Standards, which go a long way toward establishing higher standards by setting out what students should know and be able to accomplish in reading and math. More than 40 states have adopted the standards so far. Recently, however,… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The purpose of this large-scale, national study is to determine whether some early elementary school math curricula are more effective than others at improving student math achievement, thereby providing educators with information that may be useful for making adequate yearly progress (AYP). This report presents results from the first cohort of first grade in 39 schools participating in the evaluation during the 2006-2007 school year, with the goal of determining the relative effects of different early elementary math curricula on student math achievement in disadvantaged schools. The report also examines whether curriculum effects differ for student subgroups in different instructional settings. A competitive process was used to select four curricula Investigations in Number, Data, and Space; Math Expressions; Saxon Math; and Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley Mathematics) that represent… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This study was conducted to examine the promising practice of using technology in teaching math and science in a charter high school in California. The research employed an in-depth qualitative case study method. The main participants were principals, lead teachers, teachers, and support staff. Interviews, observations, and archival documents were the main data collection tools. The study found that the practice of using technology in teaching by the school, Center for Advanced Research and Technology (CART), has lead to positive educational outcomes. These include increased student achievement in standardized test scores, increased motivation, growth in mean GPA, less behavior problems from students, and improved school attendance by students. Implications for policy and practice were discussed. Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The purpose of this large-scale, national study is to determine whether some early elementary school math curricula are more effective than others at improving student math achievement, thereby providing educators with information that may be useful for making adequate yearly progress (AYP). This report presents results from the first cohort of first grade in 39 schools participating in the evaluation during the 2006-2007 school year, with the goal of determining the relative effects of different early elementary math curricula on student math achievement in disadvantaged schools. The report also examines whether curriculum effects differ for student subgroups in different instructional settings. A competitive process was used to select four curricula Investigations in Number, Data, and Space; Math Expressions; Saxon Math; and Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley Mathematics) that represent… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The need exists for methods courses to address the pedagogy issues of using graphing calculators. There needs to be a teacher candidate forum to examine their pedagogical perspectives on using graphing calculators in teaching, to explore when and how to use graphing calculators in the classroom, and to provide opportunities to practice teaching with graphing calculators. A recent study by Lyublinskaya, Donoghue and Zhou (2006) tracked the effects of such training on elementary and secondary pre-service teachers in methods classes for math and science. All students were divided into two groups. The first group consisted of undergraduate and graduate students preparing to teach secondary science and math, and who were enrolled in math and science methods courses. The second group consisted of undergraduate students preparing to teach… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: (Purpose) The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of math teacher program on students’ performances in math teacher training programs in five selected colleges in North Carolina. (Methodology) This study collected 300 data (150 pre-tests and 150 post-tests) data of college students enrolled in the five selected colleges. The ANOVA and multiple comparison t-tests analyses showed that there were significant differences among students in the experimental group compared to those in the control group. (Results) Results indicate that there was a major role teaching pedagogy played in the performances of the students. (Conclusions) Results revealed that over a period of three years (2010-2013), there were more improvements in the performances of the students as they proceeded through the math teaching pedagogy at the experimental… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Created by teachers for teachers, the Math Academy tools and activities included in this booklet were designed to create hands-on activities and a fun learning environment for the teaching of mathematics to the students. This booklet contains the “Math Academy–Play Ball! Explorations in Data Analysis & Statistics,” which teachers can use to enhance their math instruction while staying true to the academic rigor required by the state standards framework. Included in this booklet are activities the author used for the sports Math Academy. This Math Academy is designed to help students understand the connection between sports, data collection, and statistical analysis. As the students play each “game,” they will collect, organize, display, and analyze the data from the game results. Teachers may choose to implement a grade-level… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In this article, the author relates how a math-assessment software has allowed his school to track the academic progress of its students. The author relates that in the first year that the software was deployed, schoolwide averages in terms of national standing on the math ITBS rose from the 42nd to 59th percentile. In addition, a significant number of students became grade jumpers after the software had been installed. Because of the positive effects brought about by the software, the author concludes that the computer, the massive accumulation of performance data, and the descriptive power of standardized testing are among his most powerful allies as a teacher. Link til kilde
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