har udgivet: The purpose of this article is to describe Discourse Time (D.T.), a teaching practice that aims to integrate argumentative literacy, the third piece of the literacy puzzle, into math learning environments. Snapshots from a tenth grade classroom at Skyview Academy High School in Thornton, Colorado is used to paint a vivid picture of what D.T. looks and feels like in addition to the way it impacts student learning. Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The majority of early education programs promote children’s learning through a mix of experiences in child- and teacher-managed contexts. The current study examined time spent in child- and teacher-managed contexts and the nature of children’s experiences with teachers in these contexts as they relate to children’s skill development. Participants were preschool children (N = 283, M age = 52 months, 48% girls, 70% Mexican or Mexican American) from families of a lower socioeconomic status. Observations captured children’s time in child- and teacher-managed contexts and experiences with teachers in each context. School readiness was assessed directly and through teacher reports. Research Findings: Time spent in teacher-managed contexts was positively related to children’s academic and social skill development. Experiences in child-managed context predicted vocabulary, math, and social skills when… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The objective of this study is to understand how the perception of teachers might change after they participate in a training program on the use of non-formal educational places (NFEP). The design of the study is ethnographic and its methodology is qualitative. The study comprehends the analysis of three multiple cases according to the disciplinary area, including teachers of primary education, biology, and physics. The analysis was focused on the discourse of the participants, establishing eight categories which were previously validated through triangulation by time and by instruments. The study concludes that the participants were able to restructure their ideas about the use of NFEP for teaching, showing mainly ontological and epistemological changes, which are discussed in the paper. Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Using state-representative teacher surveys in three states–Texas, Ohio, and Kentucky–we examine teachers’ implementation of college- and career-readiness (CCR) standards. What do teachers report about the specificity, authority, consistency, power, and stability of their standards environment? How does their policy environment predict standards-emphasized instruction? Do these relationships differ for those who teach different subjects (math and English Language Arts [ELA]), different grades (elementary or high school), different populations (English Language Learners [ELLs], students with disabilities [SWDs]), and in different areas (rural, urban, or suburban)? We found elementary math teachers taught significantly more standards-emphasized content than elementary ELA teachers, whereas secondary ELA teachers taught significantly more standards-emphasized content than secondary math teachers. Teachers of SWDs and rural teachers taught significantly less of the emphasized content. In all three states,… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This document contains the appendixes for the full report, “Teacher Turnover and Access to Effective Teachers in the School District of Philadelphia”. The School District of Philadelphia (SDP) provided data on teacher employment, teacher characteristics, student-teacher linkages, and school characteristics. The district’s Office of Research and Evaluation provided data on the grades and subjects that teachers taught by school year and data that enabled the study team to identify each student’s teachers by subject for research question 1. Finally, the Office of Research and Evaluation provided data on school characteristics, including student demographic characteristics, student proficiency level on state math and English language arts assessments, and school-level results from districtwide teacher surveys. A list of all data sources and variables used in the study, along with the… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The main purposes of this one-year case study are to create learning environments for indigenous students through culture-based mathematics instructional modules, and what teachers’ responds are in two tribes. The researcher leads sixteen in-service teachers and seven pre-service teachers to enter two indigenous tribes- “Cado” and “Jayama,” and design culture-based math modules for indigenous students of tribal elementary schools. Through five stages of guidance, including “preparation and planning,” “exploration and understanding,” “reading and design,” “comment and revision,” and “practice and reflection,” the participants work together to develop seven sets of culture-based math modules in total. Based on observation, interview, and analysis of related documents, it is shown that the implementation through culture-based mathematics instructional modules could motivate students’ interest in learning math, and enhance their initiatives in… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Design of appropriate learning environment has a significant importance in creation of aims of the math teaching. In the design of learning environments, teachers play a significant role. The aim of this study is determination of opinions of the math teachers concerning the learning environment that they design. In accordance with this aim, an opinion form which is comprised of open-ended questions is applied on 30 math teachers who are in charge in Middle Anatolian Region in Turkey. The data which are obtained as result of the application have been analysed and presented by using frequencies and percentages. It is understood from the obtained results that teachers benefit from the textbooks and auxiliary test books for designing the teaching environment, and they don’t often give a place… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This study aimed to investigate the factors that influence student engagement in mathematics classes. It explored the relationship among emotional, organizational, and instructional support and the impacts of characteristics of teacher, such as years of experience, and sexual orientation, on student engagement. Data were taken from the Consortium for Political and Social Research. The study was involved mathematics teachers and encompassed three years of data collection and observation. Data were collected first hand through classroom observations and student–teacher surveys. In this study, ANOVA, t-test, and partial correlation were employed to evaluate the relationships among the study variables based on participants’ responses. The relationship between student engagement and instructional support weakened after controlling for emotional and organizational support. However, instructional support continued to significantly influence student engagement. In… Continue Reading →
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