Eric.ed.gov – Constructivists Online: Reimagining Progressive Practice. Occasional Paper Series 34

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this issue of the Occasional Paper Series, the authors reimagine progressive pedagogy within the framework of digital pedagogy and online practice. The issue begins with “Notes from the Special Issue Editors,” Helen Freidus, Mollie Welsh Kruger & Steven Goss. In the first set of essays, “Inside the Online Classroom,” the authors present the experiences of educators who have entered the square room but have refused to be limited by its constraints. These are teacher educators who have designed their courses for the online venue. Some enthusiastically chose to teach online; others were mandated to do so. Regardless of how their journey began, each author describes the work she or he is doing to bring constructivist practice online. To the surprise of each of these educators, they… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Partnerships for Reform: Changing Teacher Preparation through the Title II HEA Partnership Program. Final Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In 1998, Congress reauthorized and amended the “Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA)”, creating, under Title II, the Teacher Quality Enhancement Grants Program for States and Partnerships. One initiative under this amendment, the partnership grants program, funded partnerships among colleges of education, schools of arts and sciences, and local school districts. Congress designed the partnership initiative as one of several pre-“No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)” efforts to support accountability for teacher preparation and to improve the work of teacher-preparation programs. It was anticipated that the collaboration among the partners would result in the successful implementation of reforms holding teacher-training programs accountable for producing high-quality teachers and providing sustained and quality preservice field experiences and professional development opportunities. This evaluation report focuses on the 25 grantees of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Consolidated Grant. Title V, Part A: Innovative Programs. Annual Report (For Period of October 2008 to September 30, 2009)

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper presents the annual report of the Consolidated Grant Title V, Part A: Innovative Programs for the fiscal year 2008-2009. This report contains three sections. Section I, “Progress Report by Program”, contains the following programs: (1) Local Education Reform Plan To Improve Reading, Math, and Language Arts; (2) Reading and Math Reform Programs; (3) Improving Teacher Quality; (4) Expanded Learning Opportunities; (5) Alternative School Program; (6) Cooperative Education Services; (7) Technology Education; (8) Integrating Science and Allied Health; (9) Gifted and Talented Education; (10) Private, Non-Profit Schools Program Participation; and (11) Education Technology. Section II focuses on participating schools data. Section III focuses on financial expenditure data. Individual programs contain tables. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Promoting Gender Diversity in the Faculty: What Higher Education Unions Can Do

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In spring 2011, public higher education is under attack as never before. Public institutions have been targeted for drastic cuts in the past, but now the attacks are aimed at the very core of the educational enterprise and at the basic rights of college faculty and staff. This, in turn, has the potential of placing at risk the practices and policies that have arisen on campuses around the country to diversify the racial, ethnic and gender composition of the faculty corps. Diversity-related efforts do cost money, of course, and periodic budget crises can create situations in which institutions may sacrifice faculty diversity efforts on the altar of financial exigency. By undertaking a series of publications on diversity issues, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is saying that… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – STEM Education and Leadership: A Mathematics and Science Partnership Approach

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The issue of attracting more young people to choose careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) has become critical for the United States. Recent studies by businesses, associations, and education have all agreed that the United States’ performance in the STEM disciplines have placed the nation in grave risk of relinquishing its competitive edge in the marketplace. A Congressional Research Service (2006) report stated that, a “large majority of secondary students fail to reach proficiency in math and science, and many are taught by teachers lacking adequate subject matter knowledge.” Students lacking in STEM skills will not have the ability or skills to enter in the professions of science and engineering or areas requiring mathematics, science, and technology literacy. To counteract these circumstances, multiple STEM-based initiatives… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Standards-Based Technology Integration for Emergent Bilinguals

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Today’s educators serve the United States public-school system at a time of considerable curricular, technological, and demographic change. In 2010, the Common Core State Standards in Math and English Language Arts significantly altered the curricular landscape of K-12 classrooms. On the heels of this reform came the adoptions of English Development/Proficiency Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. These new standards are not only more academically rigorous, but they also call for teachers to prepare students for successful learning with 21st century tools. Increased expectations for technology integration have resulted in school districts seeking ways to improve their Internet infrastructure and provide 1:1 computing devices for all students. Such standards reform and technology demands have also come at a time of significant demographic change in the U.S., particularly… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Reaching Further and Learning More? Evaluating Public Impact’s “Opportunity Culture” Initiative. Working Paper 181

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Public Impact’s “Opportunity Culture” (OC) initiative provides a suite of models aimed at extending the reach of highly effective teachers and has partnered with school districts to implement these interventions in schools. Using administrative data from three partner school districts that collectively include 44 OC schools, we estimate the relationship between OC staffing models and student achievement in math and reading. We find that the bulk of exposed students received treatment under OC’s multiclassroom leadership model, in which a master teacher with demonstrated effectiveness intensively leads and coaches a team of teachers, and that these students scored higher in math in all specifications. In reading, while most specifications find positive and significant learning gains for students taught by team teachers, the specification that performs best in our… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Components of High-Quality Mathematics Classrooms: Attending to Learning Opportunities for English Language Learners

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In response to the call for research on integrating best general practices in teaching with those that promote equity and access, we present a two-part study focused on instructional strategies that may remove learning barriers for English Language Learners. We theoretical developed and empirically explored supplemental components for traditional quality of instruction measures (MQI, Hill, 2014, Math Habits Tool, Melhuish & Thanheiser, 2017). We share results from a quantitative study empirically verifying the effect of suggested ELL-focused instructional strategies (Chval & Chávez, 2011) on ELL learning via the creation of an additional MQI dimension. Based on these results, we then provide theoretical operationalizations of these strategies to integrate into the student-and-teacher interaction tool: the Math Habits Tool (Melhuish & Thanheiser, 2017) as means to concretize these strategies… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Using Technology and Mentorship to Improve Teacher Pedagogy and Educational Opportunities in Rural Nicaragua

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study used ethnographic methods to understand factors influencing the implementation of an educational intervention combining short math content videos with teacher trainings and mentorship in high-poverty primary schools in Nicaragua with implications for rural school reform. Educators in rural schools in Latin American face serious obstacles to improve classroom instruction and pedagogy, including lack of resources and overcrowding. Research suggests an over-reliance on input-output models in which inputs (e.g. teacher salaries, textbooks, technology, computer labs, numbers of classrooms, etc.) are expected to produce particular outputs (student retention, lowering drop-out rates, increasing graduation rates, etc.); however, studies show that regardless of the resources, much depends on effective use of resources for successful teaching and learning (O’Sullivan, 2006; L. S. Shulman, 1987). While input/output models provide insights into… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Changing the Equation: Ensuring the Common Core Math Standards Enable All Students to Excel in California Schools. K-12 Practice

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Schools around California are implementing the new Common Core State Standards. In math specifically, where significant disparities in proficiency exist for African American, Latino, and low-income students as compared to their white, Asian and higher-income peers, these new standards provide an opportunity to close achievement and opportunity gaps. Our new report, “Changing the Equation Ensuring the Common Core Math Standards Enable All Students to Excel in California Schools”, describes both the challenges districts face in implementing the new math standards and best practices for addressing these challenges. Specific examples include ways to create a culture of high expectations for all students, models for supporting teachers as they design and implement rigorous curriculum, and strategies for meaningfully engaging students and parents with the standards. In highlighting practices from… Continue Reading