har udgivet: A national survey examined the following: the extent of math-related activities in adult literacy programs, staff training in math, assessment frameworks being used, and the use of computers for teaching math. Of the 605 programs that received the questionnaire, 350 (57.9%) completed questionnaires. The 350 programs served more than 750,000 adult students in 1992-1993. Among the key findings of the study were the following: (1) although more than 80% of adult literacy students receive math-related instruction, less than 5% of their teachers are certified to teach math; (2) the math skills of adult literacy students are usually assessed by standardized tests that do not adequately cover many of the math skills required in new curricular frameworks or high-performance workplaces; and (3) although more than 75% of adult… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This packet includes reprints of journal articles and other resources concerning the assessment of science and math in small, rural elementary schools. Articles include: (1) “Standards, Assessment, and Educational Quality” (Lauren B. Resnick); (2) “A True Test: Toward More Authentic and Equitable Assessment” (Grant Wiggins); (3) “How World-Class Standards Will Change Us” (Arthur L. Costa); (4) “Smart Tests” (Deborah L. Cohen); (5) “Laser Disk Portfolios: Total Child Assessment” (Jo Campbell); (6) “Portfolios Invite Reflection–from Students and Staff” (Elizabeth A. Hebert); (7) “Portfolio Assessment in the Hands of Teachers” (Clare Forseth); (8) “Portfolio Assessment” (Susan Black); (9) “Assessing the Outcomes of Computer-Based Instruction: The Experience of Maryland” (Gita Z. Wilder, Mary Fowles); (10) “Why Standards May Not Improve Schools” (Elliot W. Eisner); (11) “Assessing Alternative Assessment” (Gene I.… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Twenty secondary math and science teachers from a large urban school district in Texas were recently asked: Why don’t English language learners succeed in school? Their answers included: students feel isolated because of language, students get mixed up with gangs, and students do not value education. This article compares student-attributed and school attributed explanations for the persistent failure of many students to develop mathematical thinking and offers alternatives for success. Educational practices, ingredients for success, and natural math are described. A list of math resources is included. [This document originally appeared in the “IDRA Newsletter”, however some accompanying charts and graphs may not be provided here.] Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In this article, the author shares his experiences on a journey with 10-12-year-old students from Chicago’s Cabrini Green neighborhood. The quintessential point he wants to make is that curriculum is not all about what state boards of education decide is important for teachers to do with children, or what a teacher decides to construct alone. It also is certainly not fixed or finite. Rather, it is a journey of co-creation and looking to the students for what is worthwhile–what is worth knowing, doing, being, becoming, thinking about, pondering, and wondering. The author became fascinated by the idea of an integrated curriculum–not one that merely connected math and science and threw in a little bit of music, but one that takes into consideration the subjects and ideas that… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This report summarizes the thirteenth survey of states by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) at the University of Minnesota. Results are presented for 49 states and 6 of the 11 unique states. The purpose of this report is to provide a snapshot of the new initiatives, trends, accomplishments, and emerging issues during this important period of education reform as states documented the academic achievement of students with disabilities. Key findings include: (1) Fewer than half of the states have defined what college-and-career-readiness means for students with disabilities participating in the alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards (AA-AAS); (2) Fewer than half of the states offered their current general state assessments on computer-based platforms for math, reading, or science; (3) State technology staff contributed to… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The “American Dream” is under duress as the economy slows, incomes stagnate, and upward mobility is more limited than at any time in recent history. Despite a steady increase in per-pupil spending on public schooling over the last decades, not enough students graduate with proficiency in reading and math. And despite some progress over the past decade, students living in poverty and who are African American or Hispanic, still lag far behind white students with more means. Yet not all schools are failing. There are many exemplary schools including urban schools that are succeeding despite high poverty rates, and growing numbers of district leaders taking courageous steps toward real and lasting improvement. To achieve the nation’s ambitious performance goals for all students, school-level change alone is not… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In response to the recession that began in 2007, the U.S. Congress passed, and President Barack Obama signed into law, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Pub. Law 111-5). At an estimated cost of $831 billion, this economic stimulus package sought to save and create jobs, provide temporary relief to those adversely affected by the recession, and invest in education, health, infrastructure, and renewable energy. States and school districts received $100 billion to secure teachers’ jobs and promote innovation in schools. This funding included $3 billion for School Improvement Grants (SIG), one of the Obama administration’s signature programs and one of the largest federal government investments in an education grant program. The SIG program awarded grants to states that agreed to implement one of four… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Personalized learning places the interests and abilities of learners at the center of their education experience. Educators develop environments in which students and teachers together build plans for learners to achieve both interest-based and standards-based goals. Researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Education worked with leaders at the Institute for Personalized Learning (IPL) to identify five K-12 schools for a 6-month research project documenting what personalized learning looks like in these schools. This research report presents the initial findings. The central questions and findings that guide this report are: How do IPL schools encourage students to be active participants in their learning? Educators in the IPL schools attempt to create a culture of agency by designing opportunities for students (and educators) to collaboratively control the… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper presents an exploratory analysis of treatment-control differences in the quality of classroom interactions in 4th through 7th grade urban classrooms. Word Generation (WG) is a research-based academic language program for middle school students designed to teach novel vocabulary and literacy through language arts, math, science, and social studies classes. Previous research found significant positive effects of WG on classroom discussion quality, and this study extends that work by examining whether specific classroom interactions that are integral to the WG program, such as those promoting analysis and inquiry or engaging adolescent perspectives, are higher quality in WG classrooms as compared to control classrooms. As part of the Institute of Education Sciences funded project “Catalyzing Comprehension through Discussion and Debate” (CCDD), the data for this study were… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Eleven experts in mathematics education, special education, and assessment completed an open-ended survey on current math instruction in relation to the “Curriculum and Evaluation Standards” of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the perceived appropriateness and feasibility of the standards for students with disabilities. In general, the experts agreed that adoption of the Standards has been minimal and that math education in practice continues to emphasize basic skills. Two opposing viewpoints were evident in the experts’ responses. One viewpoint was that the Standards did not recognize the importance of individual differences and were not better than current practice in math education. The opposing viewpoint was that the Standards reflected a vision of what mathematics should be and that minimal, nonsubstantial modifications were needed for students… Continue Reading →
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