har udgivet: This survey of 316 Precalculus, Calculus AB, and Calculus BC students from markedly different socioeconomic levels in four district high schools in San Antonio, Texas, looked at factors that have traditionally caused women to avoid mathematics, and attempted to discover which of them continue to influence women’s decisions to reject the discipline. The questionnaire contained 25 questions based on assumptions drawn from literature on the subject. Reported and discussed are all differences in gender opinion above 9 percentage points, even though a difference of 11.4 percentage points would begin to indicate a statistically significant result. Findings where such differences occur showed that: (1) mathematics enrollment favored men, especially in BC Calculus; (2) female respondents more frequently perceived no bias in teacher expectations; (3) female students less frequently… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The purpose of this study is to compare the results achieved when a computer-managed learning program is used in high school mathematics classes with the results achieved when traditional teaching strategies are utilized. The control groups for Pre-algebra, Algebra 1, and Geometry received traditional classroom instruction. The intervention groups received individualized instruction as their progress through the predetermined objectives were assessed and managed using a computer software package. Following the pre-tests, 3 and a half months of treatment and post-tests, major differences were found. The intervention group showed significantly larger gains in achievement than the control group. Changes in student attitudes were also observed. Computer-managed learning systems appeared to be an effective method for teaching mathematics to high school students. Appended are: Student Surveys; Parent Surveys; Accelerated… Continue Reading → har udgivet: As the use of online courses in high schools increases rapidly across the United States, schools are using courses from a multitude of sources to achieve a variety of educational goals. Policies and practices for monitoring student progress and success in online courses are also diverse. Yet few states formally track or report student participation in online learning. Iowa and Wisconsin are among the states that do not track such information. This study analyzed data from a survey developed to describe how and why brick-and-mortar public high schools in Iowa and Wisconsin use online learning for their students. The survey, developed by Regional Educational Laboratory Midwest in collaboration with members of its Virtual Education Research Alliance, reflects the need for better information about the basic characteristics of… Continue Reading → har udgivet: This study compared the effects of two different special educator roles within high school algebra classes containing special needs students. The special educator served as either in-room assistant or as co-teacher. The study was conducted for one chapter of algebra study over a 3-week period. No significant differences between groups were found prior to the treatment. Following the two treatments, students in the co-teaching condition scored significantly higher in achievement than did students in the in-room assistance group or the control group. Females in the co-teaching condition achieved significantly higher scores than did females in the control group. Females receiving in-room assistance also scored significantly higher than control group females. No significant findings in achievement were found for males or for students receiving special education services. Appended… Continue Reading → har udgivet: Two topics are currently being greatly discussed in educational literature: (a) summer programs and (b) minority in mathematics and science. The Lincoln Foundation summer program provided participants with 4 weeks of instruction in math and science. The goal of the program was to enhance students’ ability to succeed in high-school level mathematics and science courses. The evaluation design called for the use of a pre- and post-test and parent and teacher surveys. The data indicated that the program is achieving its objective of increasing students’ content knowledge in the various subject areas. The results of the parent survey indicated the high levels of satisfaction with the program. Results from the teacher survey showed overall agreement with the professional development model and instructional support. Highlighted curricular methods include:… Continue Reading → har udgivet: “Teach For America” (“TFA”) is a highly selective route to teacher certification that aims to place non-traditionally trained teachers in high-need public schools. The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) identified seven studies of teachers trained through “TFA” that both fall within the scope of the Teacher Training, Evaluation, and Compensation topic area and meet WWC group design standards. The WWC considers the extent of evidence for teachers trained through “TFA” on the academic achievement of students in grades pre-K-12 to be medium to large for two student outcome domains–mathematics achievement and English language arts achievement–and small for two student outcome domains–science achievement and social studies achievement. “TFA” teachers were found to have positive effects on mathematics achievement, potentially positive effects on science achievement, and no discernible effects on… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The Cornell University (New York) Cornell Theory Center (CTC), a national center for high performance computing, has created the award-winning Math and Science Gateway for grades 9-12 resources from the World Wide Web, organized in a fashion familiar to both educators and students, with links to resources in the areas of mathematics, computing, biology, chemistry, the earth, the ocean, the environment, meteorology, health, medicine, engineering, astronomy, and physics. The section for secondary school teachers contains information on curriculum, software for the classroom, and Internet access in the schools. The Gateway is updated frequently, with new materials being added and outdated information removed. From this successful initiative, other gateways are being designed by high school teachers. Topics discussed include K-12 education at CTC; a description of the Gateway;… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The Urban Mathematics Collaborative (UMC) project has the goal of contributing to the improvement of mathematics education in the inner-city schools by identifying models to enhance the professional lives of teachers and encouraging the entry of high school mathematics teachers into a larger mathematics community including mathematicians from higher education and industry. This document is a 5-year site report on the Philadelphia Math Science Collaborative from its inception in 1985 through June 1990. The intent is to reflect on the development of the collaborative, noting the changes that have taken place in regard to the context in the collaborative operated, the collaborative’s management structure, and the focus of its activities. This final site report addresses the major influences exerted on the collaborative and the directions the collaborative… Continue Reading → har udgivet: This research investigates the relative effectiveness (in terms of student tested achievement) of Teach for America (TFA) teachers, and examines the validity of the criticisms of TFA. Specifically, the authors look at TFA teachers in secondary schools, and especially in math and science, where considerable program growth is planned over the next few years. Using individual level student data linked to teacher data in North Carolina, the authors estimate the effects of having a TFA teacher compared to a traditional teacher on student performance. The North Carolina data they employ are uniquely suited for this type of analysis because it includes end of course (EOC) testing for students across multiple subjects. This allows them to employ statistical methods that attempt to account for the nonrandom nature of… Continue Reading → har udgivet: This final report and appended conference proceedings describe activities of the Earth Math project, a 3-year effort at Kennesaw State University (Georgia) to broaden and disseminate the concept of Earth Algebra to precalculus and mathematics education courses. Major outcomes of the project were the draft of a precalculus textbook now being reviewed prior to field testing, and a series of independent study modules appropriate for use in mathematics education courses or as supplementary material in algebra and trigonometry courses. Earth Math materials focus on application of mathematics to real world problems and are intended to improve students’ problem-solving and decision-making abilities. The materials are also intended to demonstrate how to implement the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics standards in school mathematics courses. Separate sections of the… Continue Reading →