har udgivet: Alaska’s sex equity law requires school districts to establish written procedures for: (1) the biennial training of certificated personnel in the recognition of sex bias in instructional materials and in instructional techniques which may be used to overcome the effects of sex bias; (2) the biennial training of guidance and counseling staff in the recognition of bias in counseling materials and in techniques which may be used to overcome the effects of sex bias; (3) the review of textbooks and instructional materials for evidence of sex bias; and (4) the replacement of materials found to exhibit bias. The Alaska Department of Education developed this module for use by local school districts with the intention that district personnel with a minimal amount of experience could conduct an equity… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The concept of a collaborative math and science project grew out of the need expressed by Cleveland State University (Ohio) engineering faculty and junior and senior high school teachers. These groups sought to provide students with connections to “real world” situations that they will face as they transition into the workplace of the future. The underlying assumptions of the collaboration are that secondary teachers’ understanding of engineering concepts will be enhanced by engaging in engineering problem solving and that the teachers will then incorporate lessons learned from the experiences into their classroom teaching. The goals for the project were to: (1) improve the quality of instruction provided to students; (2) better prepare in-service teachers; (3) increase understanding of educational barriers to curricular change; (4) facilitate the exchange… Continue Reading → har udgivet: This report describes a project that developed a “Train the Trainer” program that would enable individuals to learn and teach the alternative instructional technique, Tic Tac Toe Math, developed by Richard Cooper for adult basic education students. The pilot workshop conducted as part of the project identified problems that traditional teachers have in learning Tic Tac Toe Math. Solutions to the problems were incorporated into a “Train the Trainer” packet. This packet allowed trainers either to teach Tic Tac Toe Math to other teachers or conduct a workshop using the videotape of Cooper teaching the system. (YLB) Link til kilde har udgivet: The “MTP-Math/Science” curricula specifically target the teaching and learning of children at risk of early school failure, a population for whom achievement gaps in mathematics and science are visible even in Pre-K years. “MTP-Math” is based on Focal Areas defined by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) (2006) for Pre-K through the 8th grade and developmental trajectories for Mathematics from Pre-K to grade two advanced by Clements (2004), and further focused through a review of state Pre-Kindergarten standards. In the authors’ earlier research with the “MTP” model to support language and literacy (Pianta, Mashburn, Luckner, Myers, & Kilday, 2008), the “MTP” teacher professional development program improved the quality of classroom interactions that Pre-K students experience, which in turn, promoted children’s development of language and literacy… Continue Reading → har udgivet: In a time of evolving Algebraic standards and expectations for Minnesota teachers and students, the establishment of quality professional development and technical assistance can help educators move more confidently toward greater mathematics understanding and, subsequently, successful teaching and learning. To this end, the Minnesota Department of Education has developed the Math and Science Teacher Academy (MSTA), a statewide infrastructure focused on the improvement of mathematics and science instruction. As external evaluators, Hezel Associates has supported Minnesota’s initiative through formative and summative research since the program’s inception during the summer of 2008. In this report of the MSTA evaluation’s activities, findings, commendations and recommendations, the evaluators focus on presenting new information that has not been presented elsewhere. They combine this new information with key points that were described… Continue Reading → har udgivet: This theme issue contains six articles on improving math and science education for minority group students, particularly language-minority students. “Accelerating Content Area Gains for English Language Learners” (Laura Chris Green) describes the Young Scientists Acquiring English project, which seeks to improve the content-area achievement of inner-city middle school students who are acquiring English by providing inservice teacher training and technical assistance. “Teaching Content Subjects to LEP Students: 20 Tips for Teachers” (Frank Gonzales) focuses on simplification of language rather than content, experiential learning, use of manipulatives and all senses, cooperative learning, higher order thinking skills, explicit review of goals and instructions, and adaptations to classroom communication practices. “MIJA Girls Getting Excited about Math: Assessing the Outcomes of the MIJA Program” (Anna De Luna, Felix Montes) describes the… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has invested in the development and dissemination of instructional tools to support teachers’ incorporation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) into their classroom instruction. Math experts have developed formative assessment lessons (FALs) that teachers can incorporate throughout the year’s curriculum. The Foundation has asked RFA to study teachers’ early adoption of the FALs, focusing particularly on their response to and use of the lessons. The lessons were piloted in urban, rural, and suburban school districts in four states and two national networks of schools during the 2010-11 school year, which is referred to as Year 1 in this booklet. This booklet is a synthesis of what the authors learned from practitioners over the course of the pilot year, 2010-11. It… Continue Reading → har udgivet: We study the effects of various types of education and training on the ability of teachers to promote student achievement. Previous studies on the subject have been hampered by inadequate measures of teacher training and difficulties addressing the non-random selection of teachers to students and of teachers to training. We address these issues by estimating models that include detailed measures of pre-service and in-service training, a rich set of time-varying covariates, and student, teacher, and school fixed effects. Our results suggest that only two of the forms of teacher training we study influence productivity. First, content-focused teacher professional development is positively associated with productivity in middle and high school math. Second, more experienced teachers appear more effective in teaching elementary math and reading and middle school math.… Continue Reading → har udgivet: STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) education has received growing attention over the past decade, primarily within the middle and high school levels. This article focuses on the need for STEAM education at the early childhood level. Preschool children have a natural disposition toward science with their sense of curiosity and creativity. This ethnographic research involved professional development for 50 in-service preschool teachers in an urban high-needs area of the northeastern United States. The researcher explored how providing hands-on professional development, consistent support, and rich resources for STEAM lesson implementation into the early childhood curriculum would impact the dispositions, self-efficacy, and rate of implementation for teachers. The study also involved observation of the reception of STEAM instruction by preschool children. Data was collected through pre and… Continue Reading → har udgivet: Games have been used for a long time in teaching and learning. The increasing use of mobile phones makes it possible to link learning outside the classroom with augmented reality (AR). We tested how well the learning of conceptual models can be facilitated by AR games. We present a game designed for the in-service teacher-training workshop to model evolutionary and ecological relationships explicitly. The game, Parasite Race, models the life cycles of three different parasites and allows player to choose between two evolutionary strategies. We tested the game with experienced teachers and revealed a wide range of different gaming strategies: some of the teachers were able to reflect their game strategy and choose appropriate actions right away whereas some of the teachers did not and lost their… Continue Reading →