Eric.ed.gov – Making Math Leaders: The San Francisco Math Leadership Project. 1984-1988.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The San Francisco Math Leadership Project is an attempt to re-educate elementary teachers, many of whom do not consider mathematics their favorite subject and have limited mathematics backgrounds. The task is to increase the mathematics knowledge of these teachers and build their confidence in their own ability to do mathematics and to teach it. Leadership development begins with a 4-week summer institute and continues with workshops presented by participants at their school sites. In this paper, discussions include background of former participants, goals of the project, and leadership activities of former participants. Three graphs and three tables are included, as well as survey forms and responses. (DC) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Who Repeats Algebra, and How Does Initial Performance Relate to Improvement When the Course Is Repeated?

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The information provided in this report shows how students perform when they repeat algebra I and how the level of improvement varies depending on initial course performance and the academic measure (course grades or CST scores). This information can help inform decisions and policies regarding whether and under what circumstances students should repeat the course. The study examined four research questions: (1) How many students repeat algebra I after taking it for the first time?; (2) How do student characteristics (such as race/ethnicity, gender, grade 7 math performance and initial algebra I performance) relate to the likelihood of repeating algebra I?; (3) How well do students perform when they repeat algebra I compared with the first time they took the course?; and (4) How does that difference… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Effectiveness of Interactive Satellite-Transmitted Instruction: Experimental Evidence from Ghanaian Primary Schools. CEPA Working Paper No. 17-08

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In lower- and middle-income countries, including Ghana, students in rural areas dramatically underperform their urban peers. Rural schools struggle to attract and retain professionally trained teachers (GES 2012; World Bank 2012). We explore one potential solution to the problem of teacher recruitment: distance instruction. Through a cluster randomized controlled trial, we estimate the impact of a program that broadcasts live instruction via satellite to rural primary school students. The program equipped classrooms in 70 randomly selected Ghanaian schools with the technology required to connect to a studio in Accra. An additional 77 schools served as the control. Instructors in Accra provided math and English lessons to classrooms in the treatment group. The model is interactive, and students in satellite classes could communicate in real time with their… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Effects of Computer Games on the Achievement of Basic Mathematical Skills

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study aims to analyze the relationship between playing computer games and learning basic mathematics skills. It shows the role computer games play in the learning and achievement of basic mathematical skills by students. Nowadays it is clear that individuals, especially young persons are very fond of computer and computer games. Since students are very interested in computers, they can be used to achieve education and instructional objectives. This study aims to search for evidences whether computer games can be used to obtain basic mathematical skills. The study was conducted in 2012, with grade 5 elementary school students (44 in number). 22 of the students made up the experimental group, and the other 22 students constituted the control group. The two groups studied basic mathematical skills in… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Impulsive-Analytic Disposition in Mathematical Problem Solving: A Survey and a Mathematics Test

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Likelihood-to-Act (LtA) survey and a mathematics test were used in this study to assess students’ impulsive-analytic disposition in the context of mathematical problem solving. The results obtained from these two instruments were compared to those obtained using two widely-used scales: Need for Cognition (NFC) and Barratt Impulsivity Scale (BIS). The exhibited correlations of the LtA scores with the NFC, BIS, and a math test provide evidence of the criterion validity of the analytic LtA items, and suggests further revision of the impulsive LtA items to improve the overall measurement validity of the LtA scale. Students LtA scores were found to be marginally correlated to their math scores and correlated to their confidence levels in the math items. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Using Learning Analytics to Improve Students’ Reading Skills: A Case Study in an American International School with English as an Additional Language (EAL) Students

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper shows how an American International School in Vietnam has been using data and Learning Analytics to find out about students’ learning from their assessments and how they use these findings to improve, among other areas, the reading skills of their mostly English as an Additional Language (EAL) student population. The source of data comes primarily from a Computer Adaptive Testing platform, commonly known as the MAP Growth test, which provides information about Math and Reading skills for each particular student. The data provided is transformed and presented to educational stakeholders through visualizations created in specialized software in order to dig into the data and answer the pedagogical questions emerged from teachers and administrators. This process involves a new field known as Learning Analytics and Visual… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – An Evaluation of the Usefulness of Prosodic and Lexical Cues for Understanding Synthesized Speech of Mathematics. Research Report No. RR-16-33

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The work described in this report is the second phase of a project to provide easy-to-use tools for authoring and rendering secondaryschool algebra-levelmath expressions insynthesized speech that is useful for studentswithblindnessor lowvision.This report describes the development and results of the second feedback study performed for our project, Expanding Audio Access toMathematics Expressions by StudentsWith Visual Impairments viaMathML. That study focused on the use of certain prosodic and lexical elements in the ClearSpeak speech style and served as a basis for further refinements in that style’s definition and implementation in the MathPlayer software. The primary parameters evaluated are students’ success in drawing conclusions about the content and structure of certain math expressions and their perceptions regarding the helpfulness of the pace and wording of different text-to-speech renditions of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Effectiveness of Applying Conceptual Change Approaches in Challenging Mathematics Tasks for Low-Performing Students

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article reports on the effectiveness of an intervention using conceptual change approaches within challenging tasks, on the mathematics gains for low-performing year 3-6 students in in six primary schools. Quantitative data from PAT-Maths testing for each year showed a consistently large effect size of 0.7 compared to expected gain data from DECD [South Australia’s Department for Education and Child Development]. All six experimental groups caught up with DECD expectations within one year. Over the two years, students from years 3-5 gained an additional 27 months of mathematics learning over the expectations and students from years 4-6 gained 29 months, indicating the potential of the approach for closing educational gaps for low-performing students. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Alabama’s Education Report Card, 2009-2010

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In a more consistent and viable manner than ever before, education in Alabama is moving toward its ultimate goal of providing every student with a quality education, thereby preparing them for work, college, and life after high school. Alabama’s graduation rates from 2002 to 2008 increased significantly, tripling the national average increase and ranking fourth in the country. Alabama’s progress in reading continues to prove the state’s reading initiative is effective. Educational assessments clearly show the historic gains Alabama made in reading in 2007 (greatest gains in Reading in America and in the history of the National Assessment of Educational Progress) continue to remain steady. Alabama’s trailblazing distance learning program, ACCESS, remains a spectacle of achievement recognized and reported on by national television programs and newspapers across… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – An Urban Family Math Collaborative.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This project measured the impact of a short series of Family Math programs in elementary grades on student and parent attitudes toward mathematics, student performance in mathematics, and teacher behavior using control (1993, n=89; 1994, n=234) and experimental (1993, n=101; 1994, n=211) student comparison groups and supplemented by parent and teacher interviews. Only two of the analyses showed statistical significance: (1) Students in the experimental group who had prior Family Math experience showed higher gains on standardized mathematics performance measures than other groups, and (2) Parents who attended Family Math reported increased involvement with their children’s schools. Parent interviews indicated strongly favorable attitudes toward Family Math and had high praise for the quality of the program, although parent attitude questionnaires showed no significant gains in either parents’… Continue Reading