Eric.ed.gov – Teachers’ Influence on the Quality of Pupils’ Written Explanations — Third-Graders Solving a Simplified Arithmagon Task during a Mathematics Lesson

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The aim of this study is to find out whether there is a connection between teacher’s request and guidance for written explanation and third-graders’ achievements in solving a non-standard problem. Pupils’ task was to solve a simplified arithmagon and to explain their solution. The lessons of seven teachers were recorded and their actions were examined and categorized during a problem-solving lesson. Also pupils’ solutions were checked and classified. The teacher’s behavior seems to have a crucial role in the quality of pupils’ written explanations. The third-graders had difficulties in writing their reasoning for solving the problem. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Development of Metacognitive and Discursive Activities in Indonesian Maths Teaching: A Theory Based Design and Test of a Learning Environment

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: We report on a German-Indonesian design research project, which aims to significantly increase the mathematical skills of secondary school students. Since results of international comparative studies have shown that there exists a relationship between metacognition and learning success, a learning environment for the beginning with secondary school mathematics in class seven has been developed, in order to significantly enhance metacognitive and discursive activities of students and teachers. The effectiveness of the approach has been tested in a secondary school several times. In this paper the theoretical background for the design of the learning environment is described, some sample exercises are presented and student productions from the project lessons analysed. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Analysis of the Problems Posed by Pre-Service Primary School Teachers with the Context of Environment

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The current study is an inter-disciplinary study in which the problems posed by pre-service primary school teachers were analyzed within the context of both environment and mathematical processes. A total of 75 pre-service primary school teachers participated in the current study designed according to the case study design, one of the qualitative research methods. The data were collected through the math problems posed by the pre-service teachers with the context of the environment. The environmental contexts were analyzed by using the content analysis method while the problem posing processes were analyzed through the descriptive analysis approach. The results of the analyses have revealed that the pre-service teachers generally preferred to include more than one environmental context in the problems they posed and from among these contexts, the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Games for Enhancing Sustainability of Year 7 Maths Classes in Indonesia: Theory-Driven Development, Testing and Analyses of Lessons, and of Students’ Outcomes

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The results of international comparative studies have shown that relationships exist between metacognition and cognitive activation and learning success. Since 2007 we have been carrying out projects in Indonesia to improve cognitive and metacognitive activities of pupils of year 7 and their teachers. These activities are to contribute to the construction and sensible use of sustainable mental models for mathematical concepts and methods by learners. This paper shows how games are used for the enhancement of metacognitive and discursive activities in class. Their effectiveness is documented exemplary by means of students’ outcomes and transcripts of lessons from project classes. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative (AMSTI). Final Report. NCEE 2012-4008

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report presents the results of an experiment conducted in Alabama beginning in the 2006/07 school year, to determine the effectiveness of the Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative (AMSTI), which aims to improve mathematics and science achievement in the state’s K-12 schools. This study is the first randomized controlled trial testing the effectiveness of AMSTI in improving mathematics problem solving and science achievement in upper-elementary and middle schools. AMSTI is an initiative specific to Alabama and was developed and supported through state resources. An important finding is the positive and statistically significant effect of AMSTI on mathematics achievement as measured by the SAT 10 mathematics problem solving assessment administered by the state to students in grades 4-8. After one year in the program, student mathematics scores… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – How Did You Solve It? — Teachers’ Approaches to Guiding Mathematics Problem Solving

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This case study focuses on teachers’ actions during problem-solving lessons. The aim of this study was to find out how teachers guide students during mathematics problem-solving lessons: What kinds of questions do teachers ask? How do students arrive at solutions to problems? The dataset contained videotaped fourthgrade math lessons in which students solved a mathematical problem. The research reveals that teachers can guide students in numerous ways and possibly in ways that prevent students from searching for their own solution strategies. For this reason, problem-solving exercises alone are not sufficient for teaching problem solving for students, teachers must also be instructed in how to properly guide students. In the conclusion section, we discuss the types of questions that enable teachers to promote active learning in students, which… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher-Student Eye Contact during Scaffolding Collaborative Mathematical Problem-Solving

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Teacher’s gaze communicates consciously and unconsciously her pedagogical priorities to the students. By creating and responding to eye contact initiatives, people can communicate both status and affection. This research explores the frequency of teacher-student eye contacts and their connection to teachers’ scaffolding intentions. The data consisted of mobile gaze tracking recordings of two teachers and stationary classroom videos during three collaborative mathematical problem-solving lessons. The quantitative analysis showed that most of the teacher gazes on student faces did not lead to dyadic eye contacts and those gazes that did, occurred often during affective and cognitive scaffolding. These results offer us novel and important insight in the nonverbal part of scaffolding interaction. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – The Demise of Creativity in Tomorrow’s Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In the last several years a good deal of public discourse was devoted to describing the effects that more than two decades of education reforms, the last iteration of which was known as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), has had on teaching and learning. It is widely argued that coupling teacher evaluations with students’ test scores, enforced standardization, and over-reliance on testing for measuring achievement results in a deadened curriculum hyper-focused on math and ELA achievement, divorced from lived experience, the arts, sciences, and history (Ravitch, 2013). The specific focus of this study was to examine the consequences of schooling under the reform mandates of the last two decades on the next generation of teachers. The authors investigated anecdotal evidence shared by teacher educators regarding teacher… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Examining the Impact of a Framework to Support Prospective Secondary Teachers’ Transition from ‘Doer’ to ‘Teacher’ of Mathematics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A transition from “doer” to “teacher” for prospective teachers requires them to reorient from thinking about how they do mathematics to engaging with students and their work, understanding student representations, and planning instruction accordingly. To scaffold a transition, we developed a five-step mathematics as teacher heuristic (MATH) model. The study investigated the impact of MATH on the development of teacher candidates’ mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) and their pedagogical knowledge. Twenty-two preservice secondary mathematics teachers enrolled in a methods course participated in the study. Findings of the study showed that teacher candidates’ MKT was engaged as a result of analysis of the student work. While some teacher candidates based subsequent instructional planning work on what they noticed in the student work, others had gaps between what they… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher’s Guide to the Math Forum’s Problems of the Week

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Problems of the Week (PoWs) are creative, non-routine math challenges for elementary-, middle-, and high-school-level students. They are designed to stimulate student interest in problem solving and to encourage them to communicate their mathematical thinking. This Teacher’s Guide describes program features and provides strategies for beginning the program with students, creating a problem-solving classroom culture fitted around the existing classroom schedule. The Guide also introduces the Math Forum’s scoring rubric and feedback process. The appendices offer step-by-step instructions and additional detailed information about the Math Forum. They include: (1) details on how to search by by level/topic, standard, or textbook and perform Write Math searches; illustrated page how-tos; details about the registration process, how to start students using their subscriptions, and monitoring students’ work; (2) How… Continue Reading