Eric.ed.gov – Solving Math and Science Problems in the Real World with a Computational Mind

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article presents a new paradigm for the study of Math and Sciences curriculum during primary and secondary education. A workshop for Education undergraduates at four different campuses (n = 242) was designed to introduce participants to the new paradigm. In order to make a qualitative analysis of the current school methodologies in mathematics, participants were introduced to a taxonomic tool for the description of K-12 Math problems. The tool allows the identification, decomposition and description of Type-A problems, the characteristic ones in the traditional curriculum, and of Type-B problems in the new paradigm. The workshops culminated with a set of surveys where participants were asked to assess both the current and the new proposed paradigms. The surveys in this study revealed that according to the majority… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teaching Common Core Math Practices to Students with Disabilities

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The widespread adoption of the Common Core State Standards (2010) has caused mathematics and special educators to reconsider instructional methods. The Common Core introduces eight Standards for Mathematical Practice that outlines the dispositions that should be fostered in students. Most notable are those that push students to analyze problems, create a solution, explain/prove their reasoning to others and critique other students’ methods. Although direct instruction has been the primary approach advocated in working with students who have disabilities, this approach tends to teach basic skill proficiency with less emphasis on the problem solving advocated in the Common Core. In this paper, we use examples from our own teaching to offer an alternative to direct instruction for special education teachers who are moving into mathematics or co-teaching, an… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Riding an Emotional Roller-Coaster: A Multimodal Study of Young Child’s Math Problem Solving Activities

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Solving challenging math problems often invites a child to ride an “emotional roller-coaster” and experience a complex mixture of emotions including confusion, frustration, joy, and surprise. Early exposure to this type of “hard fun” may stimulate child’s interest and curiosity of mathematics and nurture life long skills such as resilience and perseverance. However, without optimal support, it may also turn off child prematurely due to unresolved frustration. An ideal teacher is able to pick up child’s subtle emotional signals in real time and respond optimally to offer cognitive and emotional support. In order to design an intelligent tutor specifically designed for this purpose, it is necessary to understand at fine-grained level the child’s emotion experience and its interplay with the inter-personal communication dynamics between child and his/her… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Development of a Math-Learning App for Students with Visual Impairments

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The project was conducted to make an online tutoring program for math word problem solving accessible to students with visual impairments (VI). An online survey of teachers of students with VI (TVIs) guided the decision to provide the math content in the form of an iPad app, accompanied by print and braille materials. The app includes audio descriptions of images that illustrate the math problems, an integrated Scratch Pad, options to adjust color and contrast, hints, and videos showing how to solve sample problems. In order to provide access to those needing screen reading technology or screen enlargement, the app utilizes the Apple built-in accessibility features of VoiceOver and Zoom. A study with 19 TVIs and 29 students with VI was conducted to obtain feedback about the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teachers’ Mathematics Education and Readiness Beliefs, and Kindergarteners’ Mathematics Learning

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study investigates kindergarten children’s mathematics learning with a focus on the role of teachers’ mathematics education and readiness beliefs, and home learning environment. Using structural equation modeling to estimate the individual differences in early mathematics learning, data from 5,845 kindergarteners was evaluated. Findings show that teachers’ beliefs regarding what is important for children’s preparation in mathematics selectively influenced what they taught in the classrooms for mathematics education and what children experienced in kindergarten. The results also reveal that children who were provided ample experiences in reading and singing activities at home, and more frequent math learning practices, problem-solving activities, and arts or life-related materials within the classroom showed greater math thinking skills and higher math achievement scores than those who were not provided such experiences. More… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Helping Your Child Learn Math: Math Tips for Parents

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper presents tips, activities, resources, and games that parents can use to help their children become more proficient in math. Some helpful tips offered are: (1) Be positive; (2) Play family games; (3) Avoid stereotypes; (4) Choose gifts that develop problem solving skills; (5) Expand your children’s horizons; (6) Buy or borrow library books; (7) Connect math learning to the real world; (8) Visit museums, libraries and community centers; (9) Talk with teachers and other school staff; and (10) Encourage your children to solve problems. Puzzles and Games to Solve Problems, Graph Complex Information, Math Resources from the U.S. Department of Education, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), and Activities for Elementary School Students are also included. (Contains 5 resources.) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Argumentation in Undergraduate Math Courses: A Study on Problem Solving

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this study is to analyze the complex argumentative structure in undergraduate mathematics classroom conversations during problem solving by taking into consideration students’ and teacher’ utterances in the classroom using field-independent Toulmin’s theory of argumentation. Analyzing students’ and teacher’ utterances in the class allowed us to reconstruct argumentations evolving in the classroom talk as argumentations in classrooms are generally teacher guided. The analyses contributed to an emerging body of research on classroom conversations. [For the complete proceedings, see ED597799.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Investigation of Math Teachers’ Circle through a Zone Theory Lens

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Math Teachers’ Circles (MTCs) are an innovative, problem-solving focused approach to professional development. This model provides teachers opportunities to develop their problem solving skills as well as help them to communicate with others on classroom implementation of problem-solving activities. As with any professional development with teachers, it is important to explore the impact of this model in terms of teachers’ learning and development. In this report we provide our implementation of a zone theory lens provided by Goos as a way to investigate the MTC model. Initial analysis implementing this particular theoretical lens helps us gain insights in ways to improve this new model of professional development activities for future participants. [For the complete proceedings, see ED583989.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Mathematics Teachers’ Take-Aways from Morning Math Problems in a Long-Term Professional Development Project

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Considering the role of mathematics-focused professional development programs in improving teachers’ content knowledge and quality of teaching, we provided teachers opportunities for dealing with mathematics problems and positioning themselves as students in a large-scale long-term professional development (PD) project. In this proposal, we aimed to understand the impact of engaging in morning math problems on teachers in terms of their mathematical understanding and teaching practices. Both written work and interviews showed that solving open-ended problems helped teachers better understand the mathematics content and students’ challenges as they solve problems; thus, suggested an effective means of PD for teachers. [For complete proceedings, see ED581294.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – The Tail of a Whale: A Real-World Problem for the Maths Classroom

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Southern Cross University (SCU) educators and local teachers have developed a five-lesson instructional sequence built around fluke identification as a way of resolving the question: How fast do humpback whales travel up the east coast of Australia? Link til kilde