har udgivet: There are fierce debates over the best way to prepare teachers. Some argue that easing entry into teaching is necessary to attract strong candidates, while others argue that investing in high quality teacher preparation is the most promising approach. Most agree, however, that we lack a strong research basis for understanding how to prepare teachers. This paper is one of the first to estimate the effects of features of teachers’ preparation on teachers’ value-added to student test score performance in Math and English Language Arts. Our results indicate variation across preparation programs in the average effectiveness of the teachers they are supplying to New York City schools. In particular, preparation directly linked to practice appears to benefit teachers in their first year. Sample Results for Math with… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Traditionally, states have required individuals complete a program of study in a university-based teacher preparation program in order to be licensed to teach. In recent years, however, various “alternative certification” programs have been developed and the number of teachers obtaining teaching certificates through routes other than completing a traditional teacher preparation program has skyrocketed. In this paper I use a rich longitudinal data base from Florida to compare the characteristics of alternatively certified teachers with their traditionally prepared colleagues. I then analyze the relative effectiveness of teachers who enter the profession through different pathways by estimating “value-added” models of student achievement. In general, alternatively certified teachers have stronger pre-service qualifications than do traditionally prepared teachers, with the least restrictive alternative attracting the most qualified perspective teachers. These… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: With teacher quality repeatedly cited as the most important “schooling” factor influencing student achievement, there has been increased interest in examining the efficacy of teacher training programs. This paper presents research examining the variation between and impact that individual teacher training institutions in Washington state have on the effectiveness of teachers they train. Using administrative data linking teachers’ initial endorsements to student achievement on state reading and math tests, we find the majority of teacher training programs produce teachers who are no more or less effective than teachers who trained out-of-state. However, we do find a number of cases where there are statistically significant differences between estimates of training program effects for teachers who were credentialed at various in-state programs. These findings are robust to a variety… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The rural area’s student difficulties in learning the concept of number operation had been documented by several studies, especially for the case of multiplication. The teacher typically introduces the multiplication concepts using the formula without involving the concept itself. Furthermore, this study aims to design learning trajectory on multiplication operations in the Mathematics of GASING (Math GASING) by focusing more on the concept itself than the formula and by starting from the informal to a formal level of teaching. Design research used as the research method to solve this problem consisting of three phases, namely preliminary design, teaching experiment, and retrospective analysis. The research results show that the Math GASING has a real contribution for students to understanding and mastering in the concept of the multiplication operations.… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) has greatly affected the current status of career and technical education (CTE). Since the implementation of NCLB, there has been increased course-taking in science, math, and the other traditional academic subjects by high school students in this country. Research shows that the consequence has been a loss of opportunity for many students to enroll in CTE–resulting in declines in CTE enrollments at the secondary level. A 2002 study found that over the coming decade, the country will be facing increases in public secondary school CTE enrollments, which will mean an increase in demand for new CTE teachers. Due to declines in secondary CTE enrollment, CTE teacher education programs rapidly withered across the country. Now, the CTE community faces a huge problem.… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The New York State Early Childhood Advisory Council (ECAC) serves the Governor and is charged with ensuring that all of New York’s young children are healthy, learning, and thriving in families that are supported by a full complement of services and resources essential for successful development. The council’s Workforce Work Group is dedicated to the development of those adults who work in a range of programs to realize this vision. Teacher preparation, the Birth to Grade 2 Certification, and leadership development are strong components of the Workforce Work Group’s charge. To gain a clearer picture of early childhood-related offerings throughout the state’s higher education system, and to explore some specific issues related to the state’s teacher preparation system, the ECAC with its partner members, New York Early… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This study was designed to initiate the process of building professional development learning communities for pre-service math teachers through revealing those teachers’ conceptions/beliefs of students’ learning and their own learning in China. It examines Chinese pre-service math teachers’ conceptions of student learning and their related pedagogical beliefs with respect to the following four aspects: self-regulation, construction of knowledge, the social nature of learning, and a dynamic view of ability. A total of 129 middle-school and secondary pre-service math teachers from China participated in this study. The results indicated that the Chinese pre-service teachers’ conceptions of student learning and their pedagogical beliefs are constructive, process-oriented, and progressive. In addition, the traditional Chinese socio-cultural values still have an impact on the pre-service teachers’ conceptions of student learning. Implications and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Flipped learning is a popular pedagogical approach in K-12 and in higher education (Graziano, 2017), however minimal research exists on the effectiveness of flipped learning in special education teacher preparation courses. Special education teacher candidates enrolled in five sections of a special education math methods course engaged with interactive, flipped “learning lessons” prior to class. During class, they participated in extension activities and lesson planning. The researchers utilized mixed methods to evaluate the impact of performance on and engagement with these learning lessons and found positive predictive relationships with student achievement on all individual summative assignments. Nearly all students agreed flipped learning was useful in helping them meet the course outcomes. Most students specifically credited the flipped lessons as a facilitator of their learning because they allowed… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The 2010 report from the National Research Council on teacher education programs in the United States, “Preparing Teachers: Building Evidence for Sound Policy,” reported that “the empirical evidence on effective teacher preparation [is] nearly nonexistent” (p. 99). The publication later that year of two major studies, one on the preparation of mathematics teachers and the other on teacher preparation in early literacy, marked the first use of nationally representative data to begin to answer important questions concerning teacher preparation in the U.S. In June 2011, the Education Policy Center (EPC) at Michigan State University convened an audience of scholars and policymakers from across the country to discuss the results of the two studies, “Breaking the Cycle: An International Comparison of U.S. Mathematics Teacher Preparation, Initial Findings from… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This brief quantifies the fundamentally chaotic nature of elementary teacher preparation for initial certification, which is by far the most popular choice of individuals who consider teaching. In order to understand the different approaches taken by programs housed on the same university campus, researchers examined 13 institutions that offer both a graduate and undergraduate program preparing new elementary and/or secondary teachers. While there is overlap in the topics each undergraduate/graduate program pair covers, what’s more striking are the different course requirements–even though both programs are offered by the same education school at the same institution. Ideally, teacher candidates in each program pair should receive preparation that is not only consistent, but also high quality in its design. Teacher candidates in elementary programs should begin teacher preparation having… Continue Reading →
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