Eric.ed.gov – A Toolbox for Supporting Early Number Learning in Play: Moving beyond “How Many”?

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper explores the ways preschool teachers orchestrate instructional environments to promote mathematical play related to early number and, how they intervene during play to promote children’s engagement with early number. We highlight these practices to identify resources for the growing numbers of early childhood teachers. This is important as many prospective and practicing teachers do not have access to the knowledge of teaching that supports young children’s math learning because of the constraints of mathematics methods courses and the dearth of research on early childhood mathematics in mathematic education journals — particularly in-depth attention to early number and teaching mathematics in play. [For the complete proceedings, see ED583989.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Teaching Learning Practices in Schools under Shiksha Vikash Samiti, Odisha: Perception of Major Stakeholders

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study has aimed to seek the perception of stakeholders (HMs, Teachers, and Parents) on quality of education in schools under Shiksha Vikash Samiti, Odisha with reference to the teaching learning practices. The Convergent-Parallel Design under Mixed Research Method has been followed for carrying out the study. The study is delimited to coastal Odisha, so the population of the study comprised all the stakeholders of such schools such as: HMs, Teachers, and Parents and Community Members. Tools used for data collection are interview schedule for Head Master/ Pradhan Acharyas; Questionnaire for teachers; and interview schedule for parents-cum-community members. The findings are: HMs reported globes, maps; charts, science kit, math kit, computers were used frequently in classroom teaching process. Majority of teachers (>60%) reported the same. Majority of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Culminating Experience Action Research Projects, Volume 19, Spring 2017, Part 1

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: As a part of the teacher licensure program at the graduate level at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC), the M.Ed. licensure candidate is required to complete an action research project during a 3-semester-hour course that coincides with the 9-semester-hour student teaching experience or with school employment. This course, Education 5900 Culminating Experience, requires the student to implement an action research plan designed through (a) the Education 5010 Methods of Educational Research course, (b) a required learning assessment required during student teaching, or (c) a newly-designed project. The course is, also, taken by elementary and secondary teachers who are, already, licensed to teach. The action research projects, from spring semester 2017, are presented. This Action Research Project includes: (1) Student Transition into Ninth Grade (Jennifer Clemmer);… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math in Art or Art in Math.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The concept of integrating mathematics and art course work broadens an appreciation of the connection between the two. Although calculations and getting the right answer have traditionally been the focus of mathematics at the secondary level, other topics have recently begun to be addressed, such as mathographics, or the relationship between art and mathematics, and creative constructions and shapes. Art instruction also includes considerable instruction in mathematics, as artists need to understand such concepts as parallel lines, visual distance, and perspective distortion. Moreover, many examples of mathematics in art works exist, such Albrecht Durer’s use of grids in woodcuts and Salvador Dali’s use of the hypercube, while there are also many examples of literature that support the mathematics/art connection. In interrelating mathematics and art at the college… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Uniquely Precise: Importance of Conceptual Knowledge and Mathematical Language

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The importance of mathematical concept development and language is recognized early in children’s schooling as they mature through shape and counting experiences. The reader may recall instances of a youngster referring to a “corner” of a shape before the reader has the language of vertex. This language precision needs to continue to grow as the learner moves through arithmetic into algebra, geometry, and further mathematics. This precision is essential and is reinforced in the common core standards for mathematics (2010). If the primary goal is to facilitate proficiency in math for all students (including students with disabilities), there needs to be an emphasis on the deeper conceptual development and the uniquely precise nature of mathematics language both at the pre-service and in-service levels. This is essential as… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Reducing Mathematics Anxiety: The Ways Implemented by Teachers at Primary Schools

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This research is an investigation of ‘reducing mathematics anxiety: the ways implemented by teachers at primary schools in Turkey’. This study is needed to understand the ways which teachers implement to reduce the level of anxiety that pupils face in mathematics. In order to get sufficient data a qualitative research methodology was preferred in this study. The sample which purposively selected was comprised of fifty teachers teaching 4th and 5th graders at primary schools in Turkey. The results revealed that to reduce pupils’ anxiety in mathematics, teachers chose such ways as motivating pupils, making math relevant, reviewing the given topic by examples and exercises, using games and also getting support from parents. It was also found that while using these given strategies, teachers did not evaluate whether… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Razonamiento digital: Representar, explorar y resolver problemas verbales con el uso de GeoGebra = Digital Reasoning: Representing, Exploring and Solving Word Problems through the Use of GeoGebra

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this study we analyze and contrast approaches that future high school math teachers show when solving word problems with the use of pencil and paper and later, with the use of a Dynamic Geometry System (DGS). The resources, representations, strategies and forms of mathematical reasoning that the participants exhibit when they use GeoGebra in the process of problem solving are analyzed. The results show that the use of the tool favors the dynamic exploration of the concepts involved, the formulation of conjectures and the search for different arguments to validate the solution. [This paper is provided in both Spanish and English. For the complete proceedings, see ED606531.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Perspectives on Algebra I Tutoring Experiences with Students with Learning Disabilities

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The researchers conducted a qualitative analysis of the perceptions of school personnel and pre-service teachers about an Algebra I tutoring program for students with learning disabilities. The researchers surveyed and interviewed the participants about the effectiveness of the program for the mathematics learning of the students with LD at the school and as a learning experience for the pre-service teachers. The school personnel indicated there was a mutually beneficial relationship between the tutors and the school. The perceptions of the tutors revealed considerations about the challenges they face as Algebra I tutors of students with learning disabilities including remembering Algebra I content, posing strategic questions to students, dealing with students’ math anxiety, and conveying Algebra I content accessibly. The tutors reported positive experiences in the program including… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Axioms of Excellence: Kumon and the Russian School of Mathematics. White Paper No. 188

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper looks at the popularity of after-school mathematics by focusing on the Kumon and Russian School of Mathematics models. In 1954, Toru Kumon, a high school math teacher in Japan, designed a series of math worksheets to help improve the test scores of his son Takeshi, a second grader. Toru’s goal was to teach Takeshi how to learn independently through the worksheets and improve his calculation skills prior to reaching high school. By working every day on the problems, Takeshi was able to reach the level of differential and integral calculus when he was just a few months into the sixth grade. The Kumon model is based on four elements: (1) Individualized instruction; (2) Self-learning; (3) Small-step worksheets; and (4) Kumon instructors. Parents who want to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Integration of Character Values in Teaching-Learning Process of Mathematics at Elementary School of Japan

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The state requires leaders who own intelligence and characters. Indonesia as a developing country is clearly very interested in finding out how to integrate the character values into the learning process in the classroom. Japan becomes a destination because it can provide character education to its students. Research Team of Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) held collaborative research with Professor Takuya Baba, Ph.D. from Hiroshima University, Japan as the Partner Lecturer. The purpose of this qualitative research was to get input on how elementary school teachers in Japan integrate the character values in learning, especially in math lessons. Its main activities, conducting class observations, interviews, Focus Group Discussion, and triangulation with guidance from the Partner Lecturer. The research site was Miyauchi Elementary School of Hiroshima and at IDEC… Continue Reading