tandfonline.com – How to Approach Salons? A Fin-de-siècle Italian Case Study

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Many scholars have problematised the meaning that is nowadays attributed to the word salon, even if most of them still use it as a concept to study a specific female type of sociability. The regularity of the meetings, and the mixtures of gender, social groups and nationalities are mostly mentioned as the defining characteristics of a salon. Since these have a quantitative fundament it is surprising that most scholars only use qualitative methods. Analysing the receptions of the Italian countess Ersilia Caetani-Lovatelli, this article shows the value of quantitative research. It helps disproving old historiographical assumptions that are mostly related to the social composition and functioning of the gatherings. It also leads to a plea for using of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Mathematics and Outdoor Photography Experience — Exploration of an Approach to Mathematical Education, Based on the Theory of Dewey’s Aesthetics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Based on Dewey’s theory of art, aesthetics, and experiences and photographer Barnbaums’ writing about expanded perception through photography, we conducted a one-day experimental mathematics education unit. Using photography in outdoor conditions had a positive impact on teacher students’ perception of the use of photography for teaching mathematics. To study the changes in students’ visual attention deeper, we used gaze-tracking to analyse one student’s visual attention when walking outdoors after the activity. The gaze data indicated that more visual attention was given to objects he had photographed or discussed during the group activity in comparison to other objects. Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – A machine learning approach to investigating the effects of mathematics dispositions on mathematical literacy

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Mathematics competency is fast becoming an essential requirement in ever greater parts of day-to-day work and life. Thus, creating strategies for improving mathematics learning in students is a major goal of education research. However, doing so requires an ability to look at many aspects of mathematics learning, such as demographics and psychological dispositions, in an integrated way as part of the same system. Large-scale assessments such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) provide an accessible and large volume of coherent data, and this gives researchers the opportunity to employ data-driven approaches to gain an overview of the system. For these reasons, we have used machine learning to explore the relationships between psychological dispositions and mathematical literacy… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Defining business analytics: an empirical approach

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Searches of the Web using Google, and database searches of the academic and practitioner literature, return a large number of differing and varied definitions of the concept of business analytics. This article reviews the growing literature on Business Analytics (BA) using traditional and qualitative research tools. Our searches included using Google Search to identify examples of business analytics applications, and a focused keyword search of the available practitioner and academic literatures. Text analytics techniques identified frequently used terms in prior definitions of business analytics. Our empirical, inductive approach provides a basis for proposing and explaining a formal sentence definition for Business Analytics. The analysis provides a starting point for operationalising a measure for the business analytics construct. Additionally,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Towards Student-Centred Solutions and Pedagogical Innovations in Science Education through Co-Design Approach within Design-Based Research

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The aim of this case study is to demonstrate how a co-design approach could be used within design-based research (DBR) with diverse multi-stakeholders in the LUMA1 ecosystem to promote social creativity towards novel student-based solutions and pedagogical innovations. As a case, a national LUMA2020 development program (2019-2020), organized by the national LUMA Centre Finland and funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, was studied in detail. The different data sources (e.g. an action plan, written observations) were analysed through qualitative content analysis. The Edelson’s design-based research model used in the program offered a systematic framework or a map for codesigning both the action plan and its implementation. The co-design approach within the model was organised through three stages to engage all multistakeholders (altogether about three… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Teaching social studies in Spanish in dual immersion middle schools: A biliterate approach to history

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract As many K-6 students enrolled in dual language and bilingual programs enter middle and subsequently high schools that implement similar programs, content area teachers in Spanish face a twofold challenge: to remain aligned with the classroom discourse utilized in Spanish Language Arts (SLAs) and to implement effective strategies while teaching content in the target language. A cohesive language and content program provides students with the opportunity to obtain deep and critical understanding of the content area and to acquire and maintain high levels of biliteracy. To accomplish both, teachers must have the adequate language skills to create, scaffold, and assess the students’ language development in Spanish. Here, we propose a collaborative model where teachers across subject areas—Social Studies… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Achieving Elusive Teacher Change through Challenging Myths about Learning: A Blended Approach

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The idea that success in mathematics is only available to those born as “mathematics people” has been challenged in recent years by neuroscience, showing that mathematics pathways develop in the brain through learning and practice. This paper reports on a blended professional learning model of online and in-person meetings during which 40 teachers in 8 school districts in the US learned about the new brain science, challenging the “math person” myth, as well as effective mathematics teaching methods. We refer to the combination as a Mathematical Mindset Approach. Using mixed methods, we conducted a one-year study to investigate teacher and student learning in a Mathematical Mindset network. We collected data on teacher and student beliefs, teacher instructional practice, and student learning gains on state achievement tests. The… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Computer-Automated Approach for Scoring Short Essays in an Introductory Statistics Course

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Over two semesters short essay prompts were developed for use with the Graphical Interface for Knowledge Structure (GIKS), an automated essay scoring system. Participants were students in an undergraduate-level online introductory statistics course. The GIKS compares students’ writing samples with an expert’s to produce keyword occurrence and links in common scores which can be used to construct a visual representation of an individual’s knowledge structure. Each semester, students responded to the same two essay prompts during the first and last week of the course. All responses were scored by the GIKS and two instructors. Evidence for the validity of scores obtained using the GIKS was provided through the use of correlations with instructors’ scores and final exam scores.… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Epistemological aspects of multilingualism in mathematics education: an inferentialist approach

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Recently the prevailing language-as-resource metaphor has been problematised and theorised. Using the philosophical theory of inferentialism, we trace an epistemological dimension of multilingualism in mathematics education and add it to the current language-as-resource discussions. With data from two different settings—a mathematics classroom in Sweden and a workshop in an indigenous settlement in Colombia—we show that in encounters between language practices and plural mathematics, the semantic and the epistemological are two sides of the same coin. Inferentialism captures such encounters without dichotomising either languages or mathematics. We contend that epistemological issues move beyond the scope of language-as-resource approaches, but they are not paths to improving school achievement. Neither are they matters of distinguishing between formal and informal language use.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Incentive Fund STEM Grant in Houston ISD: A Human Capital Approach to Improving STEM Education. Research Educational Program Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The fourth cohort of the Teacher Incentive Fund federal grant competition (“TIF4”) included special consideration for projects that would identify, develop, and utilize master teachers as leaders of STEM education. In September 2012, the Houston Independent School District (HISD) was awarded a TIF4 grant for $15.9 million to implement a human capital approach to improving STEM education. The TIF4 project schools were among the HISD schools serving grades K-8 with the highest student economic disadvantage and the most risk factors for chronic absenteeism. A human capital approach to strengthening STEM education addressed the TIF4 project schools’ need for high-quality supports for student learning, and the systemic challenges to teacher retention, development, and recruitment in hard-to-staff subjects. This report overviews the performance-based compensation strategies implemented through the TIF4… Continue Reading