Eric.ed.gov – Quincy Market. [A Product of] the Regional Math Network: A Teacher Invigoration and Curriculum Development Project.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this middle school mathematics unit two imaginary characters, Horatio and Portia, decide to make their fortune in Quincy Market (Boston, Massachusetts) running a Bull Market cart. In order to solve the problems that they encounter, they need to learn ratio and proportion, map reading, estimation, area and perimeter, population sampling, problem solving, and the collecting and processing of data. Teacher notes at the beginning of each section indicate the math objectives, materials, and whether the activity is a reinforcement or an extension of a math skill. The unit is divided into seven modules that can be used either independently or sequentially. These are: (1) an introduction to Quincy Market; (2) the use of the ruler; (3) map exploration; (4) ratio and proportion; (5) scale drawing; (6)… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Infusing Evidence-Based Practices into the Special Education Preparation Curriculum

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article describes how a math intervention was developed based on five standards needed to be an effective math teacher of students with disabilities and four validated practices shown to be effective with students with disabilities. Emphasis was placed on the importance of explicitly teaching these strategies in teacher education methods courses. Preliminary data indicated that when these standards and validated practices were used to teach first grade students at risk for math failure, achievement gains were seen and preservice teachers felt they gained knowledge about teaching students mathematics. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Ambitious Leadership: A Case Study of Aligning English Curriculum to College- and Career-Ready Standards at Cardenas

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The shift to the Common Core at the Lazaro Cardenas Elementary School, a pre-K to third grade school in a predominantly Latino area in southwest Chicago, rested on instructional improvement efforts Jeremy Feiwell initiated five years earlier in 2006, when he became Cardenas’s principal. Feiwell knew from his years as a teacher at Cardenas that curriculum and instruction at the school varied widely–every teacher was doing something different in his or her classroom. Meanwhile, the school–where 52 percent of students are English language learners and 97 percent come from low-income households–was the lowest performing of the 23 schools in the community. By 2016, the school was the highest performing in math in the south side of Chicago, and one of the top schools for reading. Cardenas’s staff… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Religious literacy in the curriculum in compulsory education in Austria, Scotland and Sweden – a three-country policy comparison

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article presents analyses of curricula in religious education (RE) for public schools in Austria, Scotland, and Sweden. A curricula is the plan that outlines the goals, content and outcomes in education. A critical discourse analysis approach (CDA) is used to explore how each national RE curricula constructs (a) the aims, status and purpose of state-maintained RE (b) the teaching and learning objectives, and contents, and (c) what skills and attitudes the processes of learning aim to develop; together, these can be considered to construct students’ religious literacy in the curricula. Theoretical frameworks are from curriculum studies, as well as from literacy studies, with the aim of deepening the knowledge on RE, as well as the discussion on… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Preparing Elementary Preservice Teachers to Use Mathematics Curriculum Materials

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Learning how to use mathematics curriculum materials to create learning opportunities is an important part of the work of teaching. This paper presents findings from a study involving 15 elementary preservice teachers enrolled in, first, a content and, then, a methods course, and discusses the extent to which three curriculum interventions influenced their conceptions of how math curriculum materials are used. Additionally, this paper discusses the implications of this research for mathematics teacher education programs and proposes a framework for integrating work around curriculum materials into mathematics content and methods courses in order to prepare preservice teachers for using these materials effectively. (Contains 11 footnotes and 4 tables.) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – A Curriculum Redesign in Response to Students’ Anxiety to Math Competencies at the Secondary Level.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This action research project was designed to increase students’ math competencies and reduce math anxiety in targeted high school classes in a Midwestern suburb. The study included 37 students and took place from September through December in 2002. Factors influencing students’ math achievement included self-perceptions of math competence, teachers’ perceptions of students’ abilities, and an overemphasis on remediation which left students unchallenged and behind their peers (Fiore, 1999). Curriculum redesign is one way of improving students’ confidence and competence in their math abilities (Allexsaht-Snider and Hart, 2001). Given this, a curriculum redesign was selected as an intervention for this study. To document student progress in mathematical achievement and improve self-perception, methods of assessment used included surveys, document analysis, and observations. Post-intervention data indicated an increase in students’… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Agricultural education and extension curriculum innovation: the nexus of climate change, food security, and community resilience

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Math Space Mission. [A Product of] the Regional Math Network: A Teacher Invigoration and Curriculum Development Project.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This unit is intended to teach estimation skills in such a way as to be relevant and useful to students as they apply them in various problem-solving activities. The teaching activities feature the earth, exploration into space, and the other worlds in the solar system. The teacher’s guide contains four modules. Module I suggests the use of several multi-media experiences to set the stage for the activities that follow. Module II, “The Solar System,” incorporates teaching activities dealing with rounding numbers, estimation of sums, differences, products and quotients, graphing, and the application of these skills in problem solving. Module III, “The Space Shuttle,” addresses the use of the space shuttle and stresses the mathematical concepts of ratio and proportion. Module IV,”The Space Colony,” uses geometric concepts as… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Development and validation of a null curriculum questionnaire focusing on 21st century skills using the Rasch model

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Curriculum development has always been dealt as one of the most important areas of language learning and teaching by educational institutions. Null curriculum has been viewed as one of the significant kinds of curriculum types which is important due to its absence, being left out or overlooked but should not be disregarded. For this reason, a 48-item questionnaire for null curriculum in ELT with a special focus on twenty-first century skills was developed and validated by the application of the Rasch model. The Rasch model was employed to decide whether the scores of an instrument are purposive, meaningful and significant. Rasch analysis using Winsteps software version 3.73 was used to determine the dimensionality, use of response category, sample… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Impact of language and curriculum on student international exam performances in the United Arab Emirates

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract International student assessments are used to measure the education system quality in many countries including the United Arab Emirates (UAE). However, student performances in these exams are influenced by a complex array of factors. This study collected interview data from six central officials, three school principals and vice principals, and 12 teachers and subject coordinators in the UAE and found that language and curriculum-related issues were adversely affecting student performances in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) exams. The student understanding of the content in the exams was connected to their language abilities, and the lack of student ability to apply mathematics and science knowledge was owing to… Continue Reading