tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract The complexity of society is producing more and more disciplines – yet the side effect of such proliferation is a lack of collaboration between these disciplines. Therefore, researchers are introducing transdisciplinary work to integrate them. Although guoxue is an old-fashioned research about China and things Chinese, it not only indicates that the idea of disciplines has existed in traditional Chinese academia, but it also has a transdisciplinary nature. In this article, in order to make transdisciplinarity and guoxue illustrate each other, I will explain how it is possible for guoxue to be transdisciplinary and use law and literature as an example to show how disciplines can work together and be transcended. In addition, I will use some Confucian classics,… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Education is seen as an important vehicle to foster relationships with countries in the Asia-Pacific region – particularly with Australia’s most important economic partner, China. There are many prior studies that have explored the impact of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) on users, through a variety of research designs. However, the diversity of research designs used means that the nuances and subtleties of the diverse approaches, particularly in the context of Australia and China are unknown. The purpose of this literature review is to compare the research designs employed by empirical studies of LMS usage in Australia and China. This review explores the similarities and differences in research methodologies (quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods), research approaches (confirmatory or exploratory)… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Because teacher-to-student ratios often make it difficult for teachers to work individually with students on skill-building activities, educators and researchers have developed and evaluated procedures in which audio-recordings are used to improve basic academic skills. In the current paper, we describe and analyze reading, math, and spelling interventions that use audio-recordings to prompt and pace rapid rates of accurate responding. In this review, we provide evidence of internal and external validity of easy-to-use, low-tech, recorded interventions across students (general education students and students with disabilities) and contexts (e.g., individually administered and class-wide). Discussion focuses on future theoretical research related to causal mechanisms and applied research on modifying recorded interventions to enhance learning rates. Link til kilde
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The concept of project-based learning (PBL) has garnered wide support among a number of K-12 education policy advocates and funders. This working paper builds on and updates a seminal literature review of PBL published in 2000. Focused primarily on articles and studies that have emerged in the 17 years since then, the working paper discusses the principles that underlie PBL, how PBL has been used in K-12 settings, the challenges teachers have confronted in implementing it, how school and district factors influence its adoption, and what is known about its effectiveness in improving students’ learning outcomes. PBL is grounded in cross-cutting “design principles” often related to what is taught, how it is taught, and how students should be evaluated in a PBL classroom. PBL design principles emphasize… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Charter schools are largely viewed as a major innovation in the public school landscape, as they receive more independence from state laws and regulations than do traditional public schools, and are therefore more able to experiment with alternative curricula, pedagogical methods, and different ways of hiring and training teachers. Unlike traditional public schools, charters may be shut down by their authorizers for poor performance. But how is charter school performance measured? What are the effects of charter schools on student achievement? Assessing literature that uses either experimental (lottery) or student-level growth-based methods, this analysis infers the causal impact of attending a charter school on student performance. Focusing on math and reading scores, the authors find compelling evidence that charters under-perform traditional public schools in some locations, grades,… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract This exploratory mixed-methods study set out to explore Maltese primary school teachers’ perceived barriers to, and enablers for, the integration of children’s literature in mathematics teaching. Data were collected by means of an online questionnaire and semi-structured interviews, and analysed thematically using Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour. The responses given by the participants showed that integration of mathematics and stories was not a common practice. The perceived barriers were categorised as Resource Constraint, Time Constraint, Lack of Pedagogical Knowledge and Confidence, Doubts about Outcome Expectancy, and Inhibiting Social Norms while the three perceived enablers identified were Pedagogical Benefits, Love of Stories, and Enabling Social Norms. Given that the majority of the participating teachers acknowledged the potential benefits of… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Reading is one of the disciplines that can be meaningful in integrating mathematics and science. One way to consider the connection between children’s literature and mathematics is to consider how fictional literature might influence a child’s thinking about the issues that are involved in the scientific enterprises. This document presents resources related to that issue in three sections. The first section answers the question of how to find information on children’s literature and lists some resources. The second section presents and explains teacher resource materials for using children’s literature in mathematics and science separately. Finally, the third section lists and summarizes children’s literature books for mathematics and science. (ASK) Link til kilde
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract This article examines the relationship between two fields of study, Italian Studies and Digital Humanities (DH), by documenting projects that employ digital or computational methods in the study of Italian language, literature, history, and the arts. In a complementary fashion, the author outlines the analytical questions of Italian scholars that have potential to advance inquiry in DH. A final section is devoted to contextualizing DH within the practice of Italian Studies at the institutional, program, and department levels by drawing on research of course offerings and a survey circulated in August 2017. The overall finding is that the area of overlap between DH and Italian Studies is intellectually rich, with increasing (yet still sparse) opportunities to develop specialization in… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Increased efforts to diversify science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education in the United States have increased the number of studies regarding the experiences of women in STEM programs in higher education. Using citation analysis and data visualization, this study aims to determine the major publishers and journals in this area. We reviewed 647 articles published between 2007 and 2018. Citations were concentrated on a small core set of journals and then scattered over other publications. Overall, just 3% percent of the publications accounted for 25% percent of the citations. The ramifications for STEM librarians and collection development are discussed. Link til kilde
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Link til kilde
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