Eric.ed.gov – Michigan No Child Left Behind Waiver Analysis

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The U.S. Department of Education has given Michigan a rare opportunity to devise new educational systems that better serve our state’s students, families and educators. In return, Washington has agreed to waive some provisions of No Child Left Behind. For instance, states will no longer have to ensure that all students are proficient in reading and math by 2014, so long as they adopt more rigorous academic standards and a meaningful system to support schools while holding them accountable. The consequences of the waiver are high. Michigan’s approved waiver request will impact: (1) How well Michigan’s teachers are able to prepare students to meet new academic standards; (2) The helpfulness and reliability of information the state will provide to parents, students and educators on how well their… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Calculating the Ability of Within-School Teacher Supply to Meet the Demands of New Requirements: The Example of the Michigan Merit Curriculum. REL Technical Brief. REL 2008-No. 005

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Representatives from the Michigan Department of Education and the Center for Educational Performance and Information requested assistance in estimating Michigan’s capacity to adequately staff its high schools to meet the course requirements of the new Michigan Merit Curriculum. The study team devised a formula to estimate the number of additional full-time equivalent (FTE) teachers needed for each subject at each Michigan high school. The formula was calculated using Michigan-specific values for key variables. Such an analysis may be particularly useful when new graduation or course requirements are being planned. Schools can adjust the variables in the formula (such as class size and number of periods taught by each FTE teacher) to fit their own needs. Analysis of data for Michigan high schools identified a number of schools… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Teacher Quality Primer. For Michigan School Officials, State Policymakers, Media and Residents

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: While Michigan students learn a variety of skills in their time at school, perhaps the most important charge of public schools, beyond providing a safe and healthy environment, is to ensure that students are learning their three fundamental skills: reading, writing and arithmetic. Unfortunately, the achievement levels of Michigan public school students raise doubts about the quality of public education in the state. This volume has been written to assist policymakers at the state and local levels who want to initiate and support teacher quality reforms to improve K-12 public education in the state. The author describes shortcomings in public education in the state and discusses the research consensus that good teachers matter, investigating whether certification, experience, graduate degrees, academic ability and high licensure exam scores make… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Innovative Schools in Michigan. Connect: Making Learning Personal

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This second issue of “Connect” highlights innovative teaching as practiced by teachers and administrators in Michigan schools as they seek to provide greater personalization for every student’s learning. Nicholas Provenzano and Ben Gilpin give field reports from their schools, which have implemented a version of 20-Time–a concept borrowed from business where it has been used to encourage creativity in product development. 20-Time seeks to promote students’ motivation, autonomy, and communication and interpersonal skills in collaborative endeavors–all characteristics deemed essential for their working careers. Tara Maynard and Delia Bush provide field reports on their flipped math classes. Flipped classrooms take advantage of technology by reversing the traditional schoolwork-homework activities. This arrangement allows greater personalization, and creates extra class time for teachers to help individual students or small groups… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Vital Signs: Michigan

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Business leaders in Michigan cannot find the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) talent they need to stay competitive. Students’ lagging performance in K-12 is a critical reason why. The good news is that the nation’s most effective STEM education programs can help turn the tide. Yet there is much work to do. Students have made little progress in math since 2003, and racial achievement gaps loom large. As it stands, not enough students–least of all minorities–have the chance to learn rich and challenging content that prepares them for college and careers, and math and science teachers say they lack the resources to succeed. Link til kilde